Popular Birthday Wishes

I must be the luckiest grandparent
in the world, for I have the most
wonderful grandson!

You make me proud in every way
imaginable; I couldn’t wish for a
more perfect grandchild!

I hope that your birthday is a day
filled with joyous moments and lots
of laughter, leaving you with some
beautiful memories to look back on.

Sending you all my love on your
special day, my dear!
Happy first birthday, tiny baby!

I hope that this first birthday of
yours is a happy one and that
all of those that follow just keep
getting better!
Happy birthday, roomie! I hope you enjoy a very special birthday breakfast in bed! You deserve it, my dear!
Happy birthday to an epic seven-year-old!

I’m wishing you a birthday full of fun and adventure, which is nothing less than a little hero like you deserves!

I only want to see you happy today, so go and have the absolute best day, kiddo!
Happy 4th birthday!

I’m sending four very special wishes
to you on your big birthday today!

Just remember to use them wisely
and I hope each one of them comes
true for you, sweetie!

Big hugs and kisses to you today!
Today, my dear, you turn just 4-years-old, but anyone meeting you for the very first time would think you are so much older!

You are already so grown up and you are so smart, you are definitely beyond your years already, little one!

I’m wishing you all the happiness possible for a bright future and a wonderful 4th birthday today!
I am sending a big hug your way on your birthday, bro!

You are so important to me and such a big part of my life. I want you to know that you’re more like family to me and I don’t know where I’d be without you. You mean the world to me, man!

Enjoy your special day today and I can’t wait to celebrate with you!
Wishing you an incredible day on your birthday this year, my friend!

Many happy returns to you!
Today we are honouring someone truly spectacular as they turn another year older! Cheers to you and many happy returns, my dear!
Your eternal, radiant beauty shines down from heaven in the form of a beautiful sunbeam shining through the clouds. Happy birthday today, my lovely.
Happy birthday to someone who does a really great job of taking care of me and clearing up after me!

I don’t know what I’d do without you around here, I just really hope you’ll always be my roommate!

Big hugs to you today!
Don’t count your life by the number of
years you’ve been on this earth, rather
measure it by the friendships and
unforgettable experiences you’ve
accumulated so far!

Have a very happy birthday and here’s
to many more wonders still to come!
You’re the sunshine in my life and the fire in my heart, and each day I find new reasons to love you that little bit more!

Happy anniversary, my sweetheart!
Our everlasting friendship means everything to me and I’d never change it for the world! 

Wishing you an absolutely amazing birthday today!
Happy birthday! I’m hoping that this is the last one that we’ll spend apart, my dear!

Sending you a big hug today!
Happy birthday, my man!

I love you like a brother, even if we did come from different mothers!
Big brothers are meant to look out for their younger siblings and protect them, provide support when things get tough and give unconditional love.

I can tell you that you are all of those things and more, my dear big bro!

Thank you for all that you’ve done for me and I’m wishing you a super happy birthday today!
To say that my life is infinitely better because of you wouldn’t even suffice in telling you just how much you mean to me.

You’ve truly touched my heart, and for that, I will be eternally grateful to you.

Happy birthday, my dear!
My main goal in life is to make you happy, at least as happy as you’ve made me. Happy birthday to you today, my love!
Birthday gifts are overrated I think, sis, so starting from now I think we should just exchange sweet birthday wishes instead! Happy birthday, my dear!
A great big happy birthday to you today from your adoring team!

You are more than just a boss to us; you are a friend, our inspiration, and just a really lovely lady in general! We’re all wishing you a very successful year ahead!
Happy birthday to a man who deserves the world! You’ve always been like a second father to me, and I’m forever grateful for everything you’ve ever done for me!
Today's your special day, and it’s high time you’re recognized for all the life-changing work that you do!

You have many amazing qualities, all of which make people feel safe in your care. The compassion you show for your patients surrounds them with comfort and fills them with reassurance.

I’m wishing you many more years of doing what you do best! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to my sister from the same mister! I’m wishing you all the happiness in the world as you celebrate your special day today, sis!
What could a guy like you who
already has it all possibly need
on his birthday?

Absolutely nothing, that’s what!

That would be why I didn’t get you
anything this year, my friend, and
definitely not because I just forgot!
Your birthday is 
A truly special day
As I get to show 
My love and
Appreciation for you.

I’m truly blessed 
For having someone
Like you in my life 
And I shall never ever 
Take it for granted.

Happy birthday, my dear!
Today, I’m sending you the best birthday wishes possible, my man!

From the bottom of my heart, I hope you have a super cool day, bro, and may this new year in your life be the best one yet!

Happy birthday!
You are my love and my life
You are my whole heart. 
You are my lover and my friend, 
And you fill me with emotion.
You are the most beautiful person
With the most beautiful soul.

Happy birthday to you, 
My sweetheart.
I couldn’t let your 
Birthday pass me by
For you are my world,
The apple of my eye!

I’m sending lots of 
Love your way today,
My darling!
My happy, giggly, adorable little girl is celebrating her very first birthday today! There are simply no words to describe the feeling of love and joy in my heart!
Happy birthday to an adorable little girl who brings happiness to all those around her: my dear niece!

You truly are a blessing from above, a sweet little angel! May your very special day today be a wonderful one!
Happy birthday to my childhood bestie!

Do you know how I know that you’re a
true friend? Well, it’s because you’ve
stuck around and tolerated me for all
these years!

You must have the patience of a saint!

I hope you enjoy your special day today!
I’m wishing you all the happiness in the world as you celebrate this momentous age, son! Many happy returns to you!
Every superhero deserves a birthday
full of celebration and today is yours
as you are the hero of our hearts!

Happy birthday, little man!
Happy birthday to my 7-year-old
granddaughter today!

You are the light of my life, providing
me with endless happiness. I am so
grateful for you, my sweetheart!
I hear that congratulations are in order
for you today, my dear work buddy!
Happy birthday!

When better to tell you than on your
special day how much of a privilege it is
to work with someone as wonderful as
you! You're an inspiration my friend, truly!
You’re less of a coworker and more of a friend, you’re one of the few people here who doesn’t drive me around the bend!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you today, my dear!

As you begin a brand new year of your life, may God bless you with all things wonderful in this world and much more!

Enjoy your special day and I hope your happiness continues to grow!
To the best mom and dad in the world on your anniversary today, I’m wishing you many more beautiful years full of happiness together!
A friend, a daughter, and a cherished family member; you are so much more to me than merely just a daughter-in-law! Happy birthday, my dear!
Everyone knows that forty is the new thirty, so enjoy reliving the best decade of your life all over again!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!

The arrival of your 27th birthday couldn’t be a more suitable time to start panicking about how close to 30 you are now!

Just make sure you enjoy these last few years of your twenties to the max!
Happy birthday to a friend of mine
who has always been there for me
no matter what!

I am so fortunate to have grown up
alongside you and shared so many
great moments, and even luckier
that we’re still creating memories
to this very day!
Happy birthday to the most
beautiful girl in our grade!

May you continue to blossom
and I’m wishing you many
years of happiness ahead.
Happy birthday to the best sibling out there!

I would love nothing more than to see in a new year of your life with you today, but as this distance prevents us from doing that I’m wishing you well from here.
Happy birthday to you. You’re one year
older and wiser than ever, pal.

I can’t begin to tell you what a great help
and wonderful inspiration you’ve been to
me. I don’t know how I would’ve gotten
through these college years without you.
Happy birthday, mam.

As a new year of yours blooms, I’m wishing you all the happiness in the world and hoping that your special day is an enjoyable one.
Ever since you came to be in your position of leadership things have improved tenfold. I have total faith in you and I would vote for you every time.

Happy birthday to you. I’m wishing you a truly remarkable day today.
Happy birthday to my dear mom, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do.

You’re always there for me and it doesn’t matter how old I become, a boy will always need his mom.
Happy birthday, pappy! I’m sending all the love in my heart your way today on your very special day!