Popular Birthday Wishes

After all these years, it’s safe to say that you have a friend in me and I have a friend in you. You are such a blessing in my life. Whenever I needed you, you were there for me.

I wish you but the best on this very special day!
Happy birthday, dear nana!

I might not be with you as much as I would like to be, but I am always thinking about you. You are always with me, either on my mind or in my heart. So I never really feel lonely.

I pray that you always have the strength and courage to face life with a smile regardless of the situation you find yourself in. In my mind, you are always smiling.

May God bless every day of your life and bring you joy and strength! May your special day be the best that you've had all year and may life continue to smile on you!
I hope your academic journey continues to be one of integrity and search for knowledge. Have a great birthday!
Dear student, having you in my classroom has really brightened up my days. You are so inquisitive and challenging, you stop at nothing to find a solution and you second guess every new piece of information. You have a thirst for knowledge and a drive for learning that I have never seen before.

The enthusiasm you display in class is contagious and inspirational. You are regarded by your classmates as an example and you make all of your teachers proud.

To the most enthusiastic of students, I wish but the most enthusiastic celebration in the world on your very special day!
I wish you a birthday as amazing as you are, dear student! You are always ready to learn more and to know more.

All your good grades are the result of practice and hard work. It just goes to show you that anything is possible with a little hard work.

May all your dreams and your goals in life come true!
Happy first birthday to our precious baby! You have filled our lives with so much joy and happiness over the past year.
I purposely saved your birthday wishes until today, so that it would make your celebrations last a little longer!

I hope you had a fantastic birthday!
Out of all my boyfriends currently,
you’re definitely my favourite!

Happy birthday, my love!
Happy birthday to an
independent teen!

You’re maturing into a wonderful
and sensible human being, and
it won’t be long now before you’re
moving out of your parent’s house
for good!

I wish you the very best on your
special day!
The older teachers are always the wisest,
and you’re the wisest of them all, teacher!

Wishing you a very happy birthday!
Wishing you all the very best on your 30th birthday, my dear friend! 

I hope that this very special birthday of yours brings you all the love and joy that you deserve, and I hope that everything you have been wishing for comes true! 

Happy birthday!
Happy 17th birthday, my dear!

You’re growing up to be such an
incredible human being, one that
I am proud to know!

You have always been well beyond
your years, and I’ve already regarded
you as an adult for quite some time now!

Never change, always be true to yourself
and just keep growing up the wonderful
way that you are, dear!
Wishing you all the happiness possible on your 25th birthday!

I hope you have a very special and memorable day!
Happy birthday, my dear elder brother!

You may have a few years on me, but
you will never be wiser than me!

I have the benefit of watching you
make mistakes first, so I then know
what not to do!

Thanks for showing me the way, bro!
Happy birthday to a friend for life!

Although our friendship may still be relatively fresh, I am confident that you will be a friend of mine who will be there until the end of days.

Ever dependable, I know that I can trust you completely and rely on you for absolutely anything.

Here’s to your birthday and to a friendship that will last a lifetime! Cheers!
It honestly is a privilege to be your father. I am so proud of the man you are becoming! Happy birthday, my dear boy!
Happy birthday to my crazy little kitty!

I wish I could tell you just how much joy you bring to my heart, with your big round eyes and cute pointy ears.

You are simply adorable, my lovely! Wishing you a restful and tranquil day!
Happy birthday to you!

Thank you for never giving up on your goals and always fighting for what you believe in! We’re all behind you!

I hope you have many more years in this position and continue making great, positive changes!
Yesterday you were 4, today you are 5! You’re a big kid now!

I hope you have a day filled with happiness, my dear, as you are the sweetest and most adorable child ever!

Sending you lots of love today!
Here’s hoping that the year ahead is
the best one yet for you!

You deserve these next twelve months
to be full of delightful surprises, great
moments and time spent with your
loved ones.

A very happy birthday to you today!
Today we celebrate our second anniversary, my love!

Thank you for another incredible year together, full of flawless moments and memories to last a lifetime.

My whole heart is yours and it will forever be. I love you millions, my gorgeous girl!
As the number of candles on your cake increases with each year, it signifies yet another wonderful year of friendship!

Happy birthday to you today, bestie!
I wanted to get you the most special gift I could imagine for your birthday today, but nothing can compare to the gift you gave me when you entered my life and became my daughter.

You mean so very much to me, my dear, and I hope your special day is filled with immense happiness!

All my love to you today! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to a uniquely remarkable human: my stepdad! Sending lots of love your way on your special day today!
We’re very obviously brothers from other mothers, but brothers nonetheless!

Happy birthday to you today, bro!
Happy birthday, my dude!

I honestly wonder sometimes if we were brothers separated at birth as we’re so similar to each other!

I wish you the absolute best on your special day today because you’re my best bud in the whole world and you deserve it!
Happy birthday to my favourite human!

I have admired you for such a long time now that I just can’t hide the way I feel about you for a moment longer!

I care a great deal about you and I will always be here for you! All my love and big kisses to you on your special day today!
Happy birthday to you!

Having a big bro like you to protect and guide me growing up was one of the things I’ll cherish most through life. 
I am praying that the warmth of God encases your heart and provides you with nothing but joy throughout this year ahead, my friend. Happy birthday to you! 
Today is a celebration of you, baby boy!

Happy first birthday! Let this be the start
of many happy years ahead!
You might be older than me, but I’ll always look out and care for you as if you were my younger sister!

Happy birthday to you today!
Happy birthday to a super supportive lady!

Thank you for always being there to guide me in the right direction!
Happy birthday to you today, my dear!

Guys like you don’t come around every day, and I just want you to know how grateful I am to have you in my life and how very blessed I feel for having a friendship like ours!
A friendship as true as ours will last a
lifetime, my friend! I’m really pleased
that I have you in my life.

I’m wishing you a fantastic day and I hope
you enjoy all of the attention that comes
with being the birthday boy today!
Happy birthday to the only person I can
consistently rely on to give me strength
and confidence! Love you, girl! 
Happy birthday to a truly magnificent spiritual leader!

Thank you for all your teachings and guidance; you've shown me the path and which direction to take.
Had I known forgetting your birthday would’ve caused so much trouble I’d have tried harder to remember it! I definitely won’t miss another one, that’s for sure!

Happy belated birthday!
A mentor, man of God, and a spiritual
guide. You serve the Lord with such grace
and I’m very grateful to you for that.

A very happy birthday to you!
Today you turn 29 and you continue
to become more divine!

I’m wishing you a birthday that’s as
marvellous as you are, my dear!
You deserve an award for everything
that you’ve done in your career!

You have imparted so much to me,
teacher. Knowledge, focus, and
discipline just to name a few. I will
always be grateful for the tremendous
impact you’ve had on me!

Happy birthday!
A truly epic guy deserves to have an
equally epic birthday! I hope your special
day this year is just that, brother!
Many congratulations to you as you turn 25 years of age today, my son!

It’s true that most people think their son is special, but I know for a fact that mine is!

A very happy birthday to you!
My dear niece, you are the sweetest little girl and a beautiful human being who has made me the proudest uncle on the face of the earth!

Happy birthday to you today and may you have a truly delightful year ahead!
Happy birthday to you today,
my darling child!

The amount of light generated
from the nine candles that’ll sit
atop of your birthday cake today
is nothing compared to the
brightness you have brought into
my life over the past nine years!
Happy birthday to the loveliest lady I know, who I’ve also been lucky enough to share many adventures in life with from such a young age!
To my beautiful darling,

Beauty may be in the eye of the
beholder, but it’s clear for anyone to
see that you continue to defy mother
nature as you only get more beautiful
with each passing year.

I’m sending you the biggest kiss and
the tightest hug on your special day
today! Happy birthday to you with all
my love, forever and always!
Happy birthday!

Some friends are worth holding on to and you are one of those friends, my dear!

We’ve been gal pals for as long as I can remember and I hope we will be until we’re old and gray!
Happy birthday to you today, my friend!

Your special day is the perfect opportunity to reminisce about all of those wonderful times that we shared back when we were kids!

I’ll always cherish those memories as they truly are very special and important to me!
Happy birthday to my kid who turns 20 today!

It seems surreal that you’re a little adult now and even though you’re growing up, in my heart you will always be that same sweet kid that I raised!

Enjoy your day and lots of love from mom!
You’re finally out of your teens and into your twenties! Congratulations to you!

I hope that this new chapter of your life brings you everything you’ve been wishing for and more!

I’m sending you the biggest and best happy birthday wishes today!