Popular Birthday Wishes

I’m sending the very best birthday
wishes to my very best bud today as
he celebrates another awesome year!

Enjoy your special day, my brother! 🎂
I truly hit the jackpot with a great girlfriend like you, as in the whole world there must be so few!

Happy birthday, love!
Happy 2nd birthday, nephew! 

You’re the cutest and most awesome little boy and I couldn’t be prouder to be your uncle!
I’m wishing you a heartfelt happy
birthday and sending the most
meaningful wishes your way today,
brother, to let you know that you
truly mean the world to me.

There isn’t another sister out there
luckier than I am, since they don’t
have you as their brother.
A brother as awesome
And as meaningful as you
Deserves a great birthday
For everything you do!

Happy birthday to you, bro!
Happy birthday, my dear brother. 

Since you can’t choose your siblings
it’s purely luck as to what kind you get,
but I couldn’t feel more blessed to
have ended up with a brilliant brother
like you. When God was handing out
brothers he certainly looked upon me
very favourably.
After all these years, I hope you know that you’re just as close to me as a brother. You are someone I am proud to call a friend. Happy birthday to you.
I may not have the
fanciest gift to give to
you today, but every day
of your life you will have
my full and eternal love.

Happy birthday, dad!
I wish you joy, health and
lots of lovely surprises.
One day, I asked our parents for a toy and instead they gave me you, a little baby boy that I'm proud to call my brother. Happy birthday!
Thank you for always being the perfect dad, even when I was not such a perfect child. Thank you for all of your life lessons and your patience. Thank you for allowing me to grow in a safe and caring environment.

You are the best dad in the world! Happy birthday!
I thought I was the best thing our parents ever did, but then they had you and proved me wrong! Have a great day, dear brother!
I was going to buy you a gift
But I couldn’t quite get the gist
Of what I should buy
For this amazing guy.

Hours I spent thinking,
Wondering, guessing,
What the perfect gift might be,
And my conclusion was
That the perfect gift is me!

Happy birthday, sweet brother!
You know all the words to my soul. You know them by heart. You can enter whenever you want. But be gentle, I frighten very easily and I can feel that fear coming again.

I fear our love. I dread how fragile it makes me feel and how beautifully exposed I am. You know all of me. I feel naked when I’m around you.

You startle me with your smile. All my secrets are out in the open and my legs tremble.

Deep down I know I shouldn't be scared, since being with you is the safest I’ll ever be. But this frightens me too.

Our love frightens me, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Have a fabulous birthday!
Has it been half a century already? Good-god, time does fly; at least we were having fun. I can’t wait to see all the fun the future has in store for us.

Here’s to another 50 great years!

May you have a fantastic day and many more to come!
Age is but a number, so don’t let it define who you are. Just use all the experience you've gathered to your advantage. May you have a fantastic day!
The first year of your life was the most special year for you and for all of those around you, little princess. This year marks the beginning of your reign of love in the kingdom of our hearts.

Have a sweet birthday!
To our lovely daughter-in-law, we wish a birthday celebration filled with everything you most adore and we hope life may bless you with happiness.
Today we are celebrating the birthday of the bravest, kindest and sweetest boy in the world! Such a combination is hard to find in one person but you have it all, young lad.

You are truly someone incredibly special and you mean the world to me.

A birthday only happens once a year, so I hope you have loads of fun today!
I want to wish the happiest of birthdays
to the world’s most amazing leader:
you, ma’am!

I am so blessed for having such a kind-
hearted and insightful boss like you.
Coming to work every day is such a joy
that I treasure every working moment
with you. Thank you for being such an
important role model to me.

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to my ex, who I was lucky to have in my life but miss every day!
Happy birthday, my little man! You ought to know that you are a very special nephew to me, and I look at you no differently to if you were one of my own.

I hope that you always look to me as your fun uncle, the fun adult that’ll let you get away with this and that, within reason!

So, if there’s ever anything your parents aren’t sure about letting you do, come to me and I’ll see what I can do!

Have a fantastic birthday, little dude! Enjoy your celebrations today and remember to always be happy in everything that you do!
Happy birthday to someone who is becoming very old school!

Have a cool and classic day!
Dude, it’s your birthday! You might be one of the oldest students in our year, but you’re certainly not the wisest!

But it’s okay because what you lack in wisdom, you make up for in friendship!

Thanks for being a great friend and have an awesome birthday!
We’ve all heard the saying that
it’s better to be late than never,
but in truth, it’s always better
to be early!

Happy birthday in advance, my
dear friend!
Happy birthday, beautiful baby boy!

You truly are a gift to the world;
you’re such a special little thing!
You are twice as old now
than you were last year!

Happy 2nd birthday,
adorable one!
Your little one is such a credit
to you! I have never before met
such an adorable two-year-old!

Happy second birthday!
Your very first birthday is today, little one!
Happy first birthday, the start of many
more to come!

I wish you a lifetime of health and
happiness, and I only hope that each and
every day is as kind as can be to you!
Happy 30th birthday, my dear!

I know that you have been
dreading this birthday for a while
now, but you really needn’t!

You are in the prime of your life
and everything you have been
aspiring for up until now will soon
become a reality!

Wishing you all things great on
your very special birthday this
year, my dear friend!
Happy birthday to a principal who knocks spots off any other!

You truly are the best that there is!
You should feel honoured, my friend!

You’re one of the few people whose
birthday I can remember without
Facebook reminding me!

Happy birthday!
Wishing you the happiest 6th
birthday, sweetie!

You’re already six and you‘re
getting ever closer to becoming
double digits - how exciting!

I hope you continue to grow
exactly as you are, my dear,
because you are becoming
such a wonderful person with
the sweetest, kindest and
most adorable personality!

All my love goes to you on
your 6th birthday, cutie!
Happy birthday to the most youthful-looking 40-year-old I have ever seen!

I’m wishing you many more years with your youthful beauty!
Today is a very special day!

While I might not know your exact age, today marks the anniversary of the day you came into my life, my dear kitty! 

I hope we have many more years to enjoy each other’s company together!
Happy birthday to my gorgeous, hilarious, incredible girlfriend!

No wonder we’re such a perfect match!
The most important things for any father to ensure is that their children are happy, healthy and loved.

It brings me immense joy to know that you are all three, my dear boy!

Sending you a big hug and lots of love today! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to a roommate who is less room and more mate!

You’re a great pal and I’m lucky to have you so close to me!
Happy birthday to a dear friend of mine who I also have the luxury of working with! Thank you, sincerely, for making each working day a delight!

I’m looking forward to celebrating and sharing a slice of cake with you later on!

All the best, my friend!
Every birthday of yours that comes around brings a wiser and more refined version of you! Happy birthday and many congratulations to you today!
You are making a bigger mark on this world than you realise, my dear!

I wish you many more years of doing what you do so wonderfully, continuing to bless everyone with your remarkable ways and genuine kindness!

A very happy birthday to you today!
Some exes leave your life, never to be heard from again! I’m so glad that we’ve kept in touch and stayed friends, though! Happy birthday to you today!
It’s my birthday!

If you didn’t already know, you do now!
Happy birthday, my little sweetheart!

I might not call you by it aloud or tell you often enough that you are, but I want you to know that deep down in my heart you are my daughter.

Wishing you a wonderful birthday with all my love!
You’re basically my daughter
And for that you should know
I will always be here for you
However old you grow.

I’m wishing you the most 
Incredible day today as you 
Turn another year older and 
More beautiful than ever!
You’re a man so wise and so profound, yet you’re also the one who introduced me to terrible dad jokes!

Wishing you all the best today, stepdad!
Happy birthday to a manager who is
worth their weight in gold! I hope you
have a wonderful time celebrating today!
We are quite literally cut from exactly the same cloth, twin bro!

We came into this world moments apart and we’ll forever be by each other’s side to support one another!

A very happy birthday to you on our special day!
I am praying that the warmth of God encases your heart and provides you with nothing but joy throughout this year ahead, my friend. Happy birthday to you! 
Happy birthday to someone who is extra special to me!

Having you in my life is one of the greatest blessings I could’ve ever hoped for!
Happy birthday to the loveliest lady who provides me with all the support and encouragement I could possibly need!

Your confidence in me gives me all the motivation I require to push for success, and for that, I'm truly grateful to you, miss!