Popular Birthday Wishes

Happy birthday, neighbor.

Living so close to you is such a joy
and I am so blessed to have such
a wonderful person I can call upon.

I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather
have as part of this neighborhood
I know how tough and demanding your senior year can be, so just know that I’m here for you if you need me.

I’m wishing you a wonderful birthday today.
Happy birthday to the most gorgeous girl in the world!

Even though you're far away on your special day this year, you’re still as close as can be in my heart.

I hope you enjoy your day, my sweetheart.
If there’s one thing I have learned from being far away from you, it’s that distance really does make the heart grow fonder.

I miss you, my sweetheart. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday to the dear father of my spouse and the kindest man I’ve met. You deserve all the wonderful things that come your way in life.
A prestigious person such as yourself deserves to be honored and celebrated each and every day, but especially so on your birthday.

May you have a truly wonderful day today.
Happy birthday to a sister so dear
who however far, is always near.

Sending you all my birthday love today.
Happy birthday to a truly beloved teacher, one of whom I’ve been fortunate enough to be taught by.

The day that you stop teaching will be a very sad day indeed, but you will leave behind a wonderful legacy that you’ve built throughout your career.
Happy birthday to you, my sweet girl!

Your special day comes around once
every year, but turning 18 happens
just once in your lifetime!

I hope you cherish this very special
birthday, and may it bring happiness
and good fortune to you for your
adult life ahead.
Happy birthday to a truly great principal.

The lessons I have learned whilst studying at your school have ingrained deep within me and will always remain firmly in my heart.

Thank you for the wonderful work that you do to keep this school running so smoothly.
Happy birthday to an uncle who is worth his weight in gold! I hope your special day is great, as you truly mean the world to me.
Happy birthday! On your sixth
birthday today, I’m sending you
all the love, hugs, and happiness
in the world, kid!

May your birthday party today
be the best one so far, by being
as truly awesome as you are!
Happy birthday to you today,
my beautiful stepdaughter!

Each year you blossom and
become just that little bit more
wonderful. You have certainly
made me a proud stepmom.

I hope you enjoy your special
day and may it be filled with
lots of lovely moments for you.
You are everything I could ever wish for in a mother-in-law and more. I’m very lucky to have you in my life and be a part of yours. Happy birthday.
It pains me that we can’t be together
to celebrate your special day today,
but I’m sending all my love and best
wishes your way.

No matter how far apart we may be,
you’ll always be the person who
means the most to me.

Happy birthday to you, hon.
We’re not fortunate enough to spend your birthday together this year, but you’re the man of my dreams and worth the wait to celebrate with.

Happy birthday, my love.
Someone as kind-hearted and as sweet
as you deserves not one birthday cake,
but two! Happy birthday!

I hope your special day this year is a truly
spectacular one, full of celebration and joy.
It’s nothing less than what you deserve.
Happy birthday to my brother-in-law
who just so happens to have the
world’s best sister-in-law!

Have an awesome day today, bro!
Turning another year older
certainly isn’t for the faint-hearted.

It’s like ripping off a band-aid -
only the bravest can pull it off!
I hope your birthday this year doesn’t
blow, my friend, apart from when you
have to put out your candles, of course!
You’re the gold standard
A big brother like you
In the entire world
There are very few
You’re a cut above the rest
Of other brothers out there
You’re better than most
They can’t even compare.

Happy birthday, big bro!
Happy birthday, my dear cousin!

There aren’t many people I would choose to be my cousin and there are even fewer I’d choose to be my sister. Luckily, I didn’t have to choose between either with you as I was handed the 2 in 1!
Many happy returns to a very special lady who turns 70 today! I’m sending my love and best wishes your way!
Now that you’re 18, my sweet niece, you can finally begin your future as an adult just like you’ve been looking forward to for so long. After all, today really is the start of the rest of your life.

Happy birthday, my dear.
You make me proud each and every day and the more grown up you become, the more of myself I see in you. May you continue growing to be even more of the wonderful man you’ve already shown yourself to be.

Happy birthday from dad, my dear son.
Happy 19th birthday to you!

19 years is a very long time, yet the years seem to have flown by! I hope that the next 19 years slow down and don’t pass by quite so quickly so that you have time to truly savor and enjoy them!
Happy birthday, lady!

Having a female like you around truly is a blessing, as you manage to be the most amazing friend whilst still remaining as professional as can be. You’re a true inspiration, boss!

May you have the most fabulous birthday today, at least as fabulous as you are!
Happy birthday, cousin!

You might not know this, but I’ve always
seen you as more of a younger sister
than a cousin.

It doesn’t even have anything to do with
age, it's simply the fact that you’re just
as annoying as a little sister!
Happy birthday to a teen queen
who today we see turn 17!

Your teenage years so far have
been as fabulous as you are, and
I’m hoping they only become more
fabulous as you near ever-closer
to becoming an adult, my dear!
A daughter, a friend, and an inspirational young woman. I’m sending you all my love from the very bottom of my heart today, my sweetheart.

Happy 18th birthday to you.
Happy 18th birthday from dad, my dear
daughter! Watching you grow up and
blossom into the beautiful woman that you
are today has been my greatest joy in life.
Happy birthday to you! An invaluable member of staff and a quality co-worker, it truly is a pleasure to work alongside you!
Happy birthday to you!

You deserve all of the spotlight,
the most beautiful gifts, and all
the happiness in the world on your
12th birthday today, sweet girl.
On your birthday this year, little brother, I propose we make a pact. I won’t reveal your age, so long as you don’t tell anyone that I’m even older than you!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you.

I’m sending you my very best wishes
today as you are someone I respect
and who is so important to me in
every way imaginable.

You are quite simply my lifeline, my
hero, and the person I most admire.
Your birthday only comes around once a
year so blow out your candles, make a big
wish, and enjoy lots of cake! Cheers to you!
The best cousin ever
A brother like no other
In you, I share a unique
And super special bond.

I’m sending you the best
Birthday wishes to help you
Celebrate your special day
This year, my dear cousin!
Happy birthday, my love. As long
as I have a boyfriend as sweet and
as wonderful as you, my heart will
be forever full and completely content.

I am so lucky to have a special man
like you in my life.
Happy birthday, my dear husband!

You’re not turning another year older, you’re just making me look one year younger!
Welcoming your 14th birthday means only one thing: congratulations on officially completing your first year as a teen!

May the remainder of your teenage years be just as amazing as your first year has been!
A sweet and lovely birthday
Is what I wish for you
Where all of your hopes
And dreams will come true.
You deserve the world
For the dear girl that you are
I hope you know that
You will always be my star.

Happy birthday, sweetie.
Happy birthday to a sister who isn’t just special on her birthday, but who to me is special each and every day.

May this new year of your life bring you all the happiness and joy that your kind heart can hold.
My friend, I know your birthday is still a few days away but I couldn’t help myself in sending some early birthday wishes your way! May your special day be as great as you are a best friend!
May your first birthday ever be filled with sunshine and joy, happiness and little giggles!

Happy 1st birthday, little one!
Another trip around the sun is almost complete as somebody very special will soon be celebrating their birthday! 
Happy birthday, my gorgeous gf!

You know, good boyfriends make a grand gesture by saving up all their romantic love only to treat their girlfriends and spoil them on their birthday, but great boyfriends do that all year round!

That’s why I’m not doing anything spectacular or out of the ordinary today since you have the best of me each and every day! How lucky are you!
I wish I wasn’t so far away
So that I could spend your
Special day with you today.
You mean the world to me
And you always will, sister.

Happy birthday.
I hope you know that to me, you are and always will be the most special person in my life. Wishing you a happy and heart-touching birthday, special one. 
Happy birthday, my man! I’m wishing you a truly great and super awesome birthday today as you turn another year more wonderful!

The years aren’t slowing down but you keep hitting them out of the park! Best wishes to you, dude!
Each year that you get older,
It always amazes me how you
Haven’t grown tired of me yet!
I’m so very lucky to have found 
A truly wonderful wife like you
Who is still willing to put up
With all the silly things I do! 

You have the patience of a saint,
My love! Happy birthday to you!