Popular Birthday Wishes

On this very special occasion that is your 21st birthday, I want to wish you lots of luck, success, and opportunity for the years ahead.

You’re a smart, sweet, and special young girl who truly has the world at your feet, and whatever path you choose to take, I hope it leads to something great.

Happy birthday to you, my dear.
Happy 1st birthday to my gorgeous baby girl. My heart is so full on what has been the single most wonderful year of my life to date.
Happy birthday, bestie!

I could search far and wide and still, I
wouldn’t find a better friend than you.

As long as I have you by my side, I know
I have someone I can truly depend on.

Thank you for your true friendship.
A love like ours so strong and meaningful cannot be weakened by any amount of distance between us.

I’m sending you all my love today, my gorgeous guy. Happy birthday.
The time we spent together as a
couple, however long it lasted,
truly touched my heart.

We shared some great times together
and the many wonderful memories
we made will stay with me forever.

Happy birthday to you, my dear.
I wish you happiness, as always.
Happy birthday to you! I’ll be sad when we finish high school, but I’ll always have your yearbook photo to remind me of the great classmate you were!
Happy birthday to someone who makes
high school a much more fun place to be!

Without you around, my days would be
less exciting and the classes that we have
together would be less interesting.

Thank you for brightening each school
day, my friend.
Many believe that life begins at 40, but it makes much more sense for it to begin at 50.

After all, you’re closer to retirement to start truly enjoying life! Happy birthday!
I’m wishing you a happy birthday today, bestie! Well, as happy as it can be considering you’ve just got another whole year older!
Happy birthday to you today,
my sweet man.

It might seem like we’re far
apart right now but in my heart,
you couldn’t be closer. I would
rather have you miles away
than not have you in my life
at all, my dear.
Officially you became my stepson but in my heart, you’re simply my son. I hope you have a smashing birthday today, my boy.
May God continue to bless you and allow
you to carry out the important work you
do down here on earth.

I’m wishing you a heavenly birthday, Father.
Today's your birthday and you’re older than
ever before which can mean only one thing:
I’m sending the coolest birthday wishes to
the most awesome kid around!
Happy birthday, my friend!

All those candles on your cake are really
blazing, so I’d best not add fuel to the fire
by making fun of your age!
Let’s hope that the balloons are the only thing to pop on your birthday this year because at your age it could just as easily be your hip! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, bestie!

You know how important you are to me and that you’re a very special person in my life, so I’m hoping that your birthday this year touches your heart as much as you’ve touched mine.

Enjoy your special day, my dear friend.
Happy birthday to my best friend in the
whole entire world!

We’ve been friends for a long time now,
so you know I mean it from the bottom
of my heart when I say I hope you have
a truly fabulous birthday this year!
Sure, it might look as though I forgot your birthday, but really you should be impressed by how early I am for wishing you a happy birthday for next year!
As I won’t be able to be with you on your special day this year, I’m sending you all my love and heartfelt birthday wishes in advance, my dear.

I hope you have the most spectacular day, and we’ll celebrate together when we’re next reunited.
I can’t believe I missed the birthday of
someone so unforgettable! I’m sending 
extra special belated birthday wishes your
way to make up for it though, my dear!
Happy birthday, sis! Seeing how there’s no gift better than simply having a sibling like me, I didn’t get you anything extra this year!

I hope your heart is as full of love as it can be on your special day!
How is it possible that you can be younger than me, yet at the same time look so much older! I guess it’s just the result of having all that wisdom and maturity!

I’m wishing you a fabulous birthday this year, my dear little sister!
You are so much more than just a mentor
on my spiritual journey; you are my source
of spiritual inspiration and the brightest
guiding star.

I’m wishing a very happy and blessed
birthday to you today.
Happy birthday, princess!

I am so proud of you and how far you’ve come in just 7 short years, little one!
Happy birthday to you, my dear aunt!

You are incredibly important to me
and I am so lucky to have somebody
so supportive and loving in my life.
To the sweetest little princess in the
whole wide world, I’m sending lots
of birthday love and cute wishes
on your very special 7th birthday!
Many happy returns to you on this
spectacular milestone in your life!

Eight decades is an impressive
accomplishment and something
truly inspiring!

I’m hoping that for each year of your
life, 80 wonderful wishes come your
way on this very special day of yours. 
I’m over the moon to hear about your
fabulous news! A new baby really is the
most precious gift known to mankind!

I’m sending you all my best wishes!
My beloved brother, I’m sending
my most heartfelt birthday wishes
your way on your special day today.
You always have and always will
mean the absolute world to me
and more.

Enjoy your day, and may it be
full of joy and celebration.
Congratulations, son. May you have the very best and happiest 18th birthday today.

I wish the best for you always, but I’m wishing just that little bit more so today.
Your birthday wishes this year
Come from a place so dear
From deep within my heart
So true and utterly sincere.

You’re a brother many wish for
But few are lucky enough to receive
Which is why I’m so very grateful
And luckier than I can believe.

Happy birthday, dearest brother.
I am praying that today, on your very special and glorious day, you are surrounded by the warmth of your loved ones, the joy of your friendships, and the kindness from our Almighty Lord. Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you, my friend! May this birthday be the very best one of all!
Happy birthday, my dear cousin!

I just wanted you to know, on your special
day this year, that I always want to keep
you close to me.

Partly because you’re like a brother to me,
but mainly because you know so many of
my secrets!
Many happy returns. May God’s voice
speak to you and may his care comfort
you through each and every day of this
new year in your life.
I’ll always be grateful for having a daughter who is as sweet and as inspirational as you, my dear. I’m wishing you the happiest birthday possible today.
Happy birthday, cousin!

Your birthday is the perfect opportunity for me to remind you that you’re getting older! Perhaps on one of these birthdays, you’ll start getting wiser too!
You’re another year older and another year dearer in my heart, sister. I will treasure our childhood memories forever and ever. Happy birthday to you.
My precious girl, each year you continue
to warm my heart and fill it with pride.

I’m wishing you many blessings on
your special day this year, my dear.
Happy birthday.
My dear daughter is turning
21 years old today, so let 
The celebrations commence
On this very special day!

Cheers, and may you enjoy 
The biggest slice of cake!
As we celebrate 21 wonderful years of you, my dear daughter, I just want you to know what a true inspiration and fabulous girl you are. You have the kindest heart and the sweetest soul, and I simply couldn’t feel any more blessed to be your mother.

I’m wishing you the happiest of birthdays on this very special and important milestone in your life.
Happy birthday, love!

You are a beautiful boy and a
magnificent man, a very special
person I am lucky to call my love.
I hope you know just how happy
and meaningful you make my life.

Thank you for touching my heart
each and every day.
I can’t believe you’re 70! You don’t look a day over 69! I’m only joking with you, you’ve never looked better! Happy birthday!
Congrats, birthday girl! Today is a very special day as we get to celebrate you for being the wonderful friend and amazing person that you are!

Here’s to you on your birthday today and also to us, for a truly fab friendship. May it last for lots more birthdays and many long years yet to come.
Happy birthday to you! Now that you’ve read my message, turn off your notifications, swipe away your apps and switch off your phone and go enjoy your birthday IRL!
Today is a very special and momentous
day in your life since you are turning 1,
sweet baby.

You might be too little to remember this
day, but it will forever remain one of the
most heartfelt and touching days in my
heart. Happy 1st birthday, little one.
Simply saying thank you for my birthday wishes doesn’t begin to express my sincere gratitude and feeling of overwhelming joy from all your kindness. I really appreciate it, you guys.
You always held my hand
As we grew up together
Since then I knew I’d have
A special brother forever.
Over the years you’ve looked out
For me and protected me no end
You’re more than just a brother
You’re a father figure and a friend.

I don’t know what I would have 
Done without a brother like you 
Beside me when I was growing up.
You truly are a very special and 
Meaningful person to me.

Happy birthday to you, my truly
Great and wonderful brother.
Each year, I’m left speechless after receiving so many lovely birthday wishes. I’m thanking each and every one of you for your incredibly kind and thoughtful words!
A dear friend like you warms my heart each and every day just by being the amazing girl that you are. You truly are the most fabulous friend, and one I cherish with all my heart.

Happy birthday to you today, and here’s to many more years of our unique and special friendship.