Popular Birthday Wishes

Happy birthday, girl! Our connection runs deep, right through to our very core. You’re my bestie and one of the people I care for the most.

We are soul sisters and always will be. I love you lots, my sweet friend!
Certain things may have gone unsaid over the years but on your special day today, I just want you to know how very dear you are to me! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to you, my friend!

The truest of friendships will always stand the test of time while others fade with each passing year, eventually fizzling out.

I’m so glad that our friendship is the former and no matter how busy we get or how long we go without checking in on one another, we have built a strong foundation made to last!
A friend as loyal, kind, and dear as you
are deserves a truly spectacular birthday
today! Many happy returns to you, pal!
Happy birthday from your lucky godchild!

If you’re wondering why I feel so lucky, it’s because I have you as a godparent!

Thank you for being the amazingly loving, caring, and all-round wonderful woman that you are.

You truly are so very special to me!
There are no words sufficient enough to
describe just how important you are to
me, my dear. I will always see you as a
son, and I couldn’t be any prouder to be
your godmother.

I’m wishing you a magnificent birthday
today and a lovely year ahead!
May you have a heavenly day today as you celebrate another glorious year on this earth, dear father!

I’m wishing you a very happy birthday!
A very happy birthday to you today, father.

Your holy service is so integral and valued
not only by me, but by so many in our
community. May you continue to spread
God’s love for many more years to come.
A thousand wishes aren’t enough for a nurse like you! You deserve the world for all that you do!

Happy birthday to you today!
Your special day may have slipped my
mind, but I’m thinking of you twice as
much today! I hope that makes up for it!

Happy belated birthday to you!
Nurses deserve to be praised and appreciated each and every day, but just a smidgen more so on their special day! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to a wonderful clergyman!

Never before have I met someone with so much wisdom. Our church is very fortunate to have you leading the way!
God bless you for all that you do for us, pastor. I’m praying that you are showered with all the kindness you deserve on your special day today.

Happy birthday.
You are so much more to me than merely just an uncle. In fact, I’d say that you’re more like a grandfather to me on account of your age!

I’m just kidding with you! I hope you have a wonderful birthday today!
Happy birthday, uncle! Always remember that age is but a number!

It just so happens that in your case it’s a rather large number, though!
On your special day this year, dear sister of mine, I just want to tell you how thankful I am for you.

Not only are you my sister but you’re also my confidante and best friend. I don’t know where I’d be without you!

Have a great birthday!
Don’t worry about getting old, uncle.

In my eyes, you’ve already been old for a while now so what’s one more year!

Happy birthday to you!
Your birthday comes around 
But once per year 
So ensure you make 
The most of it, my dear!

Happy birthday to you!
I’m sending my very best birthday wishes to a superhuman today!

You have a bigger impact on this world than you’ll ever know, my dear!
Happy birthday to someone who knows of
all my imperfections and everything else
about me yet still chooses to be my friend!

You are extraordinary, my dear!
Having a buddy like you is one
of life’s greatest blessings!

I hope you know that I don’t take
your friendship for granted; I truly
value the bond we’ve forged!

May you have an incredible day
today and a wonderful year ahead!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to you, buddy!

You’re the greatest friend in my life,
a guy I can count on no matter what
and I’ll always be grateful for that!
To my lover, 
On your special day, 
I’m wishing you a birthday 
Full of love and all things 
Beautiful just like you!
Happy birthday, beautiful girl!

May this special day mark the start of the most fabulous year of your life to date!
Happy birthday to you! May the significant
age of 25 bring you everything you have
been wishing for, my dear boy.

As always, I wish you only happiness and
joy as you continue on the wonderful path
you have set yourself. 
Happy birthday to my closest with the mostest! I mean, just having me as a best friend your entire life is everything you could possibly need!
Today, a very special boy is
turning 7-years-old!

Your seventh birthday certainly is
a great one, so may your special
day be filled with happiness, lots
of cake, and everything that puts
a smile upon your face!

Happy birthday to you!
A bright young kid like you has the whole world at your feet and your entire future still ahead of you!

Remember, always follow your heart and work hard to achieve your dreams!

Wishing you a very happy 7th birthday today, my dear!
A birthday of 7 years deserves
a celebration that lasts 7 days!

That’s one whole week of
celebrating you, my dear!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy 8th birthday to you today, my dear!

I hope your party this year is an absolute blast with lots of fun, lots of gifts, and of course lots of cake! Enjoy it to the max and congratulations to you, kid!
You’re growing up so quickly
right before my eyes, but one
thing I can always be certain
of is that as you continue to
grow so will my love for you!

I’m wishing you a very happy
eighth birthday today!
You deserve to be loved and romanced every single day of the year, but just that little bit more so on your special day!

I’m wishing you a wonderful birthday today, my dear, and I want you to know that my love for you only grows greater with each passing year!
My love for you burns brighter than all the candles on top of your cake today!

Happy birthday to you, my darling!
You were always there for me when we were kids so I hope you find comfort knowing that I’ll be there for you throughout your imminent old-age!

Happy birthday, sis!
Happy anniversary to my parents!

If I’m lucky enough to have a
marriage that’s even half as solid
as yours, I’d consider myself to
be very fortunate indeed!
Happy birthday to you today, sis!

Isn’t it funny how when we were
younger we would annoy each other
and never want to hang out together,
but nowadays all I wish for is that we
could spend more time together! 
This distance is only temporary
while our friendship is forever!

Happy birthday to you today,
my best friend!
A person as good-hearted 
And as truly kind as you 
Deserves a spectacular day, 
Through and through!

Happy birthday to you!
You may be farther away
Than I would ideally like
On your special day,
However, I’m sending 
My very best wishes
Your way and hoping 
They reach you well!

May you have a truly
Wonderful birthday today,
My dear best friend!
Friendships like ours are super rare and
hard to come by, which is what makes
what we have even more special!

You are my rock and the most supportive
person in my life and for that, I thank you
from the very bottom of my heart!

I’m wishing you a very happy birthday
and hoping that you enjoy your special
day today, my dearest!
You should be a proud papa for the great effort you put into raising me and for all of the sacrifices you made along the way.

You’re a remarkable man and one I will always be proud to call my father.

Happy birthday to you today!
Happy birthday, my gorgeous guy!

I’m counting down the days until we’re finally reunited and I can give you a great big hug!
I’m keeping your birthday message short and sweet this year, as a wonderful man like you needs but a few words! Happy birthday, dad!
I didn’t think it was possible since you’re already pretty awesome but with each passing year, you just keep getting better and better!

Happy birthday, my sweet cousin!
Happy birthday to my brah
from another ma’!

Have an awesome day, bro!
You deserve it!
Happy birthday to my wise old uncle!

Your contribution to my development
has been huge, as you have played
such a massive part in my life over
the years.

You will always be an incredible role
model to me, uncle!
Happy birthday, dearest uncle! Your birthday is the perfect opportunity to take some time to reflect on what a wonderful man you are!
Happy birthday to my witty sister-like cousin!

Spending so much time with me must have rubbed off on you, as you’re funnier than ever now!
Many happy returns to you
today, my dear brother!

May you receive an abundance
of birthday blessings this year!
You are inspiring for so many,
and especially so for me!

I’m wishing you a very happy and
joy-filled birthday this year, mam!