Popular Birthday Wishes

Many happy returns, sis.

I hope you have an amazing birthday with those lucky enough to spend it with you.
I’ve come to realize that fate must exist,
otherwise how else would two oddballs
like us have met in a world of so many
normal people!

I hope you enjoy your special day today
my cute, unique, gorgeous birthday girl!
Happy birthday to you, my dear.

You’re growing up so wonderfully and it
fills me with pride to see that you have
almost completed your college education.

I’m wishing you all the best in life for a
very bright future.
The feelings I have for you are greater than this distance currently between us. A love like ours can overcome anything.

Sending you lots of kisses and birthday wishes, honey.
It’s no secret that you’re a smart, funny, and kind man but something that might not be so obvious is just how special you are to me.

Happy birthday.
My darling daughter, you have
given me one incredible year full
of the most magical moments.

It doesn’t seem possible that I
could adore you any more than
I already do, but I’m sure my love
for you will only continue to grow.

Happy first birthday, my princess.
It’s time to wish a very happy
21st birthday to a funny, kind,
and glamorous girl!

May your birthday be full of
laughter and joy, and I hope
you enjoy your newfound
freedom that comes with
this very special age.
Happy birthday, sweetie. This very special birthday of yours marks the end of your childhood and the exciting start of becoming an adult.

I’m wishing you love and happiness ahead.
For someone who adds so much light to my life and improves it in every way possible, I’m wishing but the happiest of birthdays today.

May your special day be as truly special as you are to me, my dear.
Isn’t it funny and ironic how for years you
wanted to appear older than you really are
but now that you’ve finally turned 21, from
now on the only fake ID you’ll ever want is
one to make you appear younger!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to someone who’s very close to my heart, a sweet young lady I’m blessed to now call a daughter. Enjoy your special day, my dear.
A fabulous uncle like you is worth more than just one, more like two! You have the combined love of a hundred uncles in that big heart of yours!

I hope your special day today is a happy one, just like my childhood which you filled with so many happy memories that I still cherish to this day.

Happy birthday to you.
My dear niece,

You’re taller, smarter, and more beautiful
than ever, which must mean only one thing:
you’re turning the fabulous age of 18!

May this brand new chapter of your life
bring you all the joy and happiness that
you are so deserving of, sweetie.
On your special day this year, I just want to thank you for your true and unconditional friendship, my dear bff. There are few girls who get me like you do, which is what makes our bond so meaningful.

Happy birthday, bestie. Have the best day.
There are few things in life as special as family, and you’re doubly blessed to have someone as spectacular as me in yours! Happy birthday, cuz!
Happy birthday!

You are a guy who is 
worth his weight in gold,
A dear friend of mine 
who means the world!
Getting as old as you are can’t be easy,
buddy! Luckily for you, when your legs
start to give way at least you’ll still have
a great friend like me that you can lean
on for support!

Happy birthday to you!
Many happy returns to you, dearest doctor!

I don’t need to tell you that you are a much-respected person and a savior to many, but it must always be nice to hear! You truly are a pillar of the community.
I have never met anybody with a more
giving or more generous heart than you.
I feel very blessed to know such a
special human being.

I hope your birthday today warms your
heart and charges it with enough love
to see you through the year ahead.
Happy birthday! You’re my best friend ever and an amazing gal pal like no other.

We have the best times together and the only way we could be more connected is if we were sisters born from the same mother!
Happy birthday to my favorite
27-year-old! I’m wishing you all
the happiness in the world as you
celebrate this new age of yours!
Happy birthday, my love.

At any given time, no matter where in the world you are, you’re always the most important and meaningful person to me.

I hope you have a special birthday today, even if I can’t be with you to celebrate.
Today’s a very special day for someone
so sweet, supportive and of course super
stylish! It has to be the birthday of my
inspiring big sister!

I might be the main one, but I’m certainly
not the only one who wishes they could
be more like you, sis!
Happy birthday, my sis from another miss!

I’m truly blessed that we’re related, but even if we weren’t cousins we’d still be best friends until the end of time. You really do mean the world to me, my dear.
Happy birthday to you! Your fifties are finally over as today you embark on your journey into your sixties! Now the real fun can begin!

I’m wishing you all the best for what is hopefully the best decade of your life!
Happy 60th birthday to the most
wonderful 60-year-old I know!

Whenever you’re around, the room is
always full of life and filled with laughter.

I can’t wait to celebrate with you, adding
more great memories to the many great
times that we’ve shared together.
I’m so thankful to your mother and father for giving me the best friend in the world, as a friend who’s a brother is the most special friend and the greatest gift of all.

I’m sending you my most heartfelt birthday wishes today, buddy.
The love we share is beautiful and unique, and it couldn’t be more meaningful to me.

Happy birthday, my dearest.
I’m wishing you the absolute best birthday today, my dear, as you celebrate 70 wonderful years of life!

I didn’t know exactly what I should write in your birthday card this year, but really the only message I need you to know is that to me, you are so very dear. I mean that from the very bottom of my heart.
For a little kid, you’re so smart! You’re only 6 yet you can already do so much! I’m so excited to see how wonderfully you’ll blossom as you grow up, my dear!

I’m wishing you a very happy 6th birthday!
17 is a great age to be
As you’re in the prime
Of your teenage years!

Take in every moment
Enjoy every minute 
And make many 
Magical memories!

Happy birthday!
A sweet girl like you
Who is growing up fast
Deserves the very best party
To make your birthday a blast!

I hope that turning 7 years old
Fills your heart with joy, and
Makes each of your dreams 
And all your wishes come true!

A very happy birthday to you!
Dear sister of mine, I’m hoping that your
special day is a truly wonderful one that
warms your heart and fills you with joy.

My only wish is that I could be there
with you to celebrate. We’ll make up
for it soon, I promise.

In the meantime, I’m wishing you a
happy birthday from here, my dear. 
To someone very dear to me who is a pure
joy in this world, it gives me great pleasure
to be wishing them a very happy 70th
birthday today!

May this very special milestone bring many
wonderful blessings to your life, my dear!
Birthdays come and go quickly
So may you enjoy your special
Day to the maximum this year
So that when it’s been and done
Hopefully your 12th birthday
Party will have been full of fun!

A huge happy birthday to you!
Happy 16th to the birthday boy who puts the sweet in sweet 16! May this very special birthday of yours bring you joy, happiness, and good luck for the future!
Having a father like you
Who influences everything I do
And has my best interests at heart
Is the best thing you could impart.

Happy birthday, dad.
Happy birthday to the world’s best little
brother from the world’s best big brother!

There’s simply no way of getting away from
the fact that we’re world-class siblings, bro!
Since it’s your birthday today, little bro, I’ll let you have the spotlight. After all, it must be annoying having an amazing older sibling who usually gets all the attention!
Happy birthday to my handsome and intelligent husband who has such good taste. I mean, he decided to marry me for a start!
Happy birthday, dear sister. It truly is heart-touching to have a beloved elder sister who I can look up to the way I do you.
Happy birthday to my dad
The greatest man of all
Who’s taken care of me
Since I was really small!

Best wishes from your son!
Being your dad is the best job in the world,
and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Thank
you for being such a beautiful blessing of
a daughter. Happy birthday, sweetie.
A bond as strong as ours 
That comes from the heart 
Means that even with great
Distance we’re never apart.

Happy birthday, my dear brother.
Happy birthday, my dear brother.

If everyone had a sweet brother like
you their lives would be so much sweeter.
I can say that from experience.

You make everything brighter and so
much more fun. I’m lucky to have you
around, bro.
Happy birthday, little sis! You keep trying to catch up with me but you never will! I’ll always win when it comes to being older than you!
Happy birthday, dear sister!

We used to fight, squabble, and argue, we would laugh together and make fun of each other. Actually, come to think about it, not a lot has changed really, little sis!
Happy birthday, my amazing son!

Of course, I want you to enjoy your
special day today, but now that you’re
14 and so grown up perhaps it’s time
we talked about increasing your chores!
You are almost an adult now, after all!

Besides, what better gift is there than
increased responsibility!
A wonderful friend like you,
There simply is no one better
So my birthday wish to you
Is that you enjoy it to the letter!

Happy birthday to you, bestie!
Each year that you get older
However much you grow
You’ll still be my little bro
I want you to always know!

Happy birthday to you!