Popular Birthday Wishes

You’re the one I want to spend the rest of my days with, and there is nothing in this world I am more certain of.

Happy birthday, my love!
Happy birthday to my flawlessly beautiful sister! I hope that I still look as good as you do when I’m your age!
Happy birthday to my best girlie and
closest with the mostest!

Many girls share a special sisterly bond
and ours is undeniable. I’ll always be
grateful for that, my beautiful soul sis!

I’m wishing you a lovely day today and
a super year ahead, sweetie!
Happy birthday to a lovely and absolutely stunning lady! Your courage and drive empower girls everywhere to be a boss just like you!
Happy birthday to the world’s best godfather! I’m truly blessed to have had such a wonderful man in my life who I know I can always turn to!
Happy birthday, sweetie!

We are connected by the heart and joined
by the soul. To me, you will always be
much more special than just a friend.

I’m wishing you a sensational day today
full of celebration and lovely surprises!
Happy birthday to a person I’ve always looked up to!

You’ve been there for me from the start and supported me through everything. I honestly couldn’t wish for a better godparent than you!

I hope you have a wonderful day today!
Happy birthday to a warm-hearted lady I am so grateful for: my dear godmom! I can’t imagine what it would’ve been like growing up without you in my life.

I hope your special day today fills your heart with all the love and joy it can hold!
I'm sending a birthday prayer to you today, my second father sent from God!

You are such a special person to me and a true blessing in my life. I don’t know where I would be today without all of your support and guidance!
For a true sister to me
One I hold very dear
I’m wishing you the best
As you begin a new year!

Happy birthday to you!
Dear father, today we celebrate the
momentous day you were born and
give thanks for the remarkable
person that you are.

We thank you from the bottom of our
hearts for the wonderful gift you are
to mankind!

Happy birthday to you!
I meant to say this to you earlier but...
happy birthday, my friend! 
You know me, I’m renowned for being
fashionably late! What can I say? 
I'm hoping that your special day was a
great and memorable one, anyway!
Sure, doctors can offer diagnoses
and prescriptions but very rarely can
they match the care and compassion
offered by a nurse.

I want you to always remember that
what you do is exceptional, and you
are truly wonderful at what you do.

I’m wishing you many more birthdays
where we can celebrate and adulate
the angelic person that you are!
My best memories growing up all feature you. Happy birthday to you today and thank you for being the incredible father that you are, papa!
The years are really starting to stack up
now, uncle! Never mind, just remember
that you’re only ever as old as you feel!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to you from the better-looking sibling!

While I was blessed with the striking good looks in the family, you were blessed with many other great but less obvious characteristics!

For example, you'll always have youth on your side and you’re the kindest and funniest person I know!

Sending a big hug to you today, bro!
I know I totally flaked on your birthday and I’m sorry about that!

I don’t really have an excuse so I’ll just apologize and hope we can move past it!
On your birthday this year, bestie,
I just want to make sure you know
that I’ll be here for you until the end
of time, no matter what.

You’re someone I can always rely
on and I hope you know I’m that
person for you, too.
We may not share the same mother,
but within us deep at heart, you will
always be my true sister.

I’m wishing you the loveliest birthday
today, my dear!
You can be assured that no matter how old you get, I’ll always be there right beside you to help you feel younger than you really are! Happy birthday, bestie!
Few friends are like sisters
And few friends are like you!

Happy birthday to you, my
Sis from another miss!
Happy birthday to someone who has been vital to my studies and the key to all of my success so far.

Without you, I wouldn’t have achieved nearly half as much as I have!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your efforts, professor!
A shared birthday is twice the fun and I’m privileged that I get to share mine with you, my twin sister!

Happy birthday to us!
Two tremendous twins are celebrating their birthday today: me and my sister!

I am so excited to celebrate this special day with all of our friends and family!
To say you’re an important person to me would be an understatement. You’re a vital part of my being and I don’t know where I’d be without you!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to a man who’s so old his joints creak as he moves! It’s all part of old-age, my friend!
To tell you exactly
What you mean to me
Is greater than words 
Alone can say.
My affection for you
Knows no bounds,
Continuously growing
Day after day.

Happy birthday, my love!
Few teachers get through to their students the way that you do. You have a true gift which I guess is what makes you such an incredible mentor!

Happy birthday!
When you entered the world one year ago, you changed my life as I knew it.

Until you arrived, I never knew how strong the love of a mother could be, and the emotion that comes with being a parent. You are a part of me and I will cherish you with all my heart forever.

Happy first birthday, my darling daughter.
Today’s your special day and I want to remind you of the fantastic girl that you are! You have so much to look forward to ahead of you!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, bestie!

I like to think that as I was such a great influence on you growing up, I’ve contributed to the wonderful person you are today! You’re welcome!
My dear niece, you are so funny,
intelligent, sophisticated, and just
generally wonderful that it’s no
wonder we’re related! You take
after your cool aunt in so many ways!

Happy birthday to you today and may
your special day be truly spectacular!
Happy birthday to the sweetest grandson in the world!

May your birthday cake on your 7th birthday today be just as sweet as you are, my dear!
For a top student
So superb and swell
I hope these birthday
Wishes find you well!

Happy birthday to you!
Today, my little girl, you turn eight
and I am so incredibly proud of how
great you are turning out to be!

I’m sending all my love in the world
to you today as you celebrate this
birthday, my sweetheart!
Happy 9th birthday, son!

Just when I think I couldn’t be prouder of you than I already am, you go and do something that makes me even prouder than before!
Happy birthday to a lovely lady and a wonderful person who I share one of the longest, most meaningful friendships with!

I hope you know how blessed I feel and how much I value having a friend like you!
If it feels like we’ve known each other forever, it’s probably because we have!

Happy birthday to you on your special day today, my childhood bestie!
Happy birthday to you today,
my beautiful one!

Soulmates come around but
once in a lifetime and I truly
am blessed that I found mine.

Some people can spend their
whole lives searching for what
we have with that one special
person, my dear!
Happy 8th birthday, my little princess!

I hope that today brings you everything that your heart has been wishing for and fills you with nothing but joy!

You truly are a special little girl who deserves the whole entire world!
We might have fought and argued as kids but as it turns out, you’re not half as bad as I once thought!

Happy birthday to you, sis!
Wherever you’re spending your birthday today, may it be just as spectacular as the ones that we’ve spent together before!

Have a fabulous day, girl!
Happy birthday to my favorite gal pal!

I hope your birthday today is just as fun
and exciting as the birthday parties we
used to have when we were kids!
I know your special day must feel
incomplete without your number one
at your side, but don’t worry as we’ll
have birthday celebration number
two when we’re reunited!

Sending you my most heartfelt birthday
wishes today, my best friend in the world!
Many congratulations to you on your special day today, my friend!

May your birthday this year be as phenomenal as you are and I hope this message from my heart to yours warms your heart the same way that your incredible friendship warms mine!
Happy birthday to a truly inspirational
person that I have been lucky enough
to have as a mentor and guide!

I will be forever grateful to you for
your guidance and I owe so much to
you for imparting all your knowledge
and wisdom on to me!
We’ve created some wonderful memories over the years and as great as they are to look back on, it also makes me miss you even more and reminds me that we won’t be creating any new memories on this birthday of yours.

At least we’ll have the rest of our lives together to experience lots of great moments and make many more incredible memories!

Happy birthday to you, my one true love!
Happy birthday to an inspirational boss and a truly wonderful woman!

It is such a privilege to work under your direction and watch your genius at work! Thank you so much for all that you do and for your invaluable guidance!
Happy birthday to the best uncle a
nephew could wish for!

I admire and look up to you so much!
Happy birthday!

You’re a true inspiration to me and far from elderly in my eyes, as you don’t let age stand in the way of anything that you do!