Popular Birthday Wishes

Wishing you a very happy birthday as you turn 18 today, son! May you have only the brightest and happiest years ahead of you!
Congratulations and a very big happy birthday to you.

I’m sending you 14 wonderful wishes on your birthday today, each as special and meaningful as the last. May you choose wisely and use them for something truly special that’s close to your heart.
Only the best wishes will do for an incredible friend like you! I hope you have an amazing birthday, one that reflects the truly wonderful friend that you are.

I hope you always know that I’m so grateful for your true, loyal friendship.
Watching you grow up over the past 21 years has been one of my greatest joys, my dear daughter. Happy 21st birthday from mom.
Happy birthday to you, my friend.

For someone as truly great as you, I
can only wish that you have a birthday
that’s as wonderful and unique, too.

Wishing you all the very best on your
special day this year.
There’s no other brother
Who’s quite like you
You truly are unique
And super awesome, too!

I’m sending the very best
Birthday wish your way,
So that you may celebrate
Your birthday in style today!
My sweet sister, I’m wishing you the happiest of birthdays today from the deepest depths of my heart. You deserve a day that’s as full of joy as you are.
Happy birthday to the sweetest
boyfriend in the world! I am so
lucky to be the girlfriend of such
a lovely and wonderful person. 

Hopefully the cake I got you will
be almost as sweet and just as
delicious, my gorgeous guy!
There are lots of firsts in a little one’s early years such as baby’s first words and baby’s first steps, and these first birthday wishes are just another one of them!

Happy 1st birthday, little one!
Today is a very special day as it’s the birthday of my lovely boyfriend! I’m sending him lots of love, kisses, and big birthday wishes!
Today, I have only the deepest and most
heartfelt birthday wishes for a little one
who has already touched many hearts
and made such an impact on the world
in just one short year. You truly are a
blessing and a godsend, my dear.

Happy 1st birthday and huge
congratulations to the parents of such
a beautiful and heart-touching baby. 
Brother, may your special day today be as truly special as you are to me each and every day. You’re a true blessing of a brother that any sister would be lucky to have.

From the bottom of my heart, I’m wishing you the happiest and sweetest of birthdays this year. 
What can I say to my boyfriend
On his birthday this year
To show him that to me,
He is someone so dear.

There’s nobody else like you
Who can touch my heart so
You’re the most special person
I just wanted you to know. 

Happy birthday, my love. 
Happy birthday, my sweetheart. I could search far and wide for the perfect gift for your birthday, but the truth would still remain that nothing compares to all the love I have in my heart for you.

You are my lover, best friend, and favorite person in the world, and my only wish for your birthday is that it brings as much joy to your heart as you bring to mine each and every day.
A son only has one father
I’m so glad that you’re mine
You’re always there for me
You’re my rock, my lifeline.

Happy birthday, dad.
Many happy returns to someone whose
energy brings new life and determination
drives us forward.

You are a shining example of a politician;
a true inspiration and our guiding light.
Thank you for being the truly great
leader that you are.
If more people had an incredible brother like you, the world as a whole would be a better place. Happy birthday, my dear brother.
Happy birthday, birthday girl!

As you turn 15 today, I’m hoping that
the very best in life comes your way.
You are such a sweet girl with the
most beautiful soul, and with each
passing year that only becomes
more obvious. 

May you achieve everything that
your heart desires and more, girl,
for you truly do deserve the world. 
Happy birthday and best wishes to you today. If only the world had more good men like you in it, we would live in a much better place.
Great friends don’t come along every day so if you’re lucky enough to find someone as special as you, it’s important to hold onto that friendship and cherish it as it grows. I will always be grateful for the special bond that we have formed and nurture it always.

Happy birthday, my dear friend. May you have the most amazing day.
Somebody very special to me is celebrating their birthday today: my wonderful boyfriend! Happy birthday to him! 

By now, you must know just how much I love and adore you, but I can never say it enough. You are my world, my lover, and my very best friend, and I promise your birthday will be lovely and romantic this year!
Wow, sis, you’ve had so many birthdays now that I’m starting to lose count!

What’s worse is that I’m older than you, so what does that say about me! Happy birthday!

On your special day this year,
I simply want you to know that you
mean the world to me and more.

Happy birthday and best wishes
from your son. 
21 today, daughter!

Proud of you doesn’t even begin to describe my admiration for you, my dear girl. May the future hold only the best in life for you.
My cute baby girl, the apple of my eye, today we celebrate your 1st birthday, I can’t believe 12 months have already passed us by. Happy birthday, my precious little princess.
Happy birthday to my one and only! 
You truly are the perfect partner!
Someone as truly lovely and as special as you deserves their birthday wishes early! Happy birthday in advance, my love!
Happy birthday to the girl of my dreams!

I honestly couldn't wish for a better girl in my life than you, my sweetheart. You complete me and fill me with happiness. I’m truly grateful for your love and devotion.
I hope your birthday this year is a funny one, my love! I mean, if you don’t laugh when you start thinking about your age you’ll cry instead!
Happy birthday to an aunty who has enriched my life more than I ever could have imagined possible. I am so grateful to have a wonderful woman like you in my life. 

Best wishes and lots of love to you, aunty. 
I won’t get too sentimental with my birthday
wishes as I don’t want to make you cry on
your birthday, my love!

Happy birthday with a big birthday kiss!
I wanted to write you a witty birthday message but since you’re the funniest guy I know, I was thinking that it’s probably best you write your own birthday wishes this year! That’s not me being lazy, it’s just me being sincere!
May the good Lord grant you many
wishes on your special day this year.
Here’s to you on completing one more
trip around the sun. God bless you.
I’m lucky to have so many male role models in my life, but none are as important as you. Your grace, perseverance and wisdom are some of the many reasons why I look up to you.

Thank you for being who you are! Have a lovely day, uncle!
A friend is someone you can rely on, a boyfriend is someone you can rely on with naughty bits. May you have an amazing day!
You laugh like you are ten,
You love like you are twenty,
You feel like you are thirty
And you look like you are forty.

No matter what your calendar age is,
Yours will never be the same.
Have a happy birthday then,
Whatever your age may be.
You are an awesome cousin and the funniest person in the family! Thank you for all the laughter and joy you have given us. Happy birthday and may all your wishes come true!
Dear granny, like a lighthouse guides boats, may the light that you shine continue to guide us for many years to come.

I wish for every little thing to be perfect on this day and I hope you have tons of joy and laughter!

Happy birthday!
You started as a stranger, but today you are part of this family. You are a great brother-in-law. I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Waking up in your arms every day is the best feeling in the whole world! Have a day filled with love, my sweetie!
Another year and your will to do more and achieve more just keeps increasing. Always with your eyes on the prize, you just keep going until you get there.

I wish you the best of birthdays because you deserve it, ma’am!
We were born on the same day,
A few minutes apart,
You are my twin sibling
And I love you with all my heart.

I wouldn’t know what to do
If I lived without you.
I would feel empty inside
Without you by my side.

So my dear twin,
My little sunshine,
My little beam,
Have a wonderful birthday.
And remember, dear sibling of mine,
I love you in every way.
Today we celebrate an important milestone of your life: your first 18 years in this world.

From now on you will have a lot more responsibilities and a lot more duties, but I believe in your common sense and I know you will make the right choices.

I hope you spend this day with the people you love and that you have a great day!
Happy birthday, sport!

Today is a very proud one for me,
as it marks another year of what
a remarkable young man you are
turning out to be!

You truly are a credit to me,
and I couldn’t be any prouder
to call you my son!

Have a wonderful birthday, my boy!
Happy birthday to my
dear mother-in-law who
turns another year more
beautiful today!
You have been blessing our lives
for 25 glorious years, my dear!

You light up the lives of everyone
around you with your warm, caring
personality. You’re the life of any
party, without you there it’s just
not the same!

You are loved by so many, simply
because you’re you!

Enjoy your very special day and
look forward to everything that
awaits you in your beautiful future!
Happy birthday to our
darling granddaughter!

We didn’t think it was
possible to love anyone
as much as our own child,
but then you came along
and proved us wrong!

You do us proud each and
every day and we love you
with all of our hearts!

Lots of love from the
world’s proudest
Have an absolutely
wonderful day!
A friend so true
Is what I found in you
Each and every day
You light up my way

On your birthday this year
I wish love and good cheer
And things of sheer greatness
That give you but happiness!

Happy birthday, my friend!
Today I am wishing my extraordinary
grandson a very happy birthday!

I thought that my best years were
behind me, but then you came into
my life, my dear boy.

I thought that I had accomplished
everything I had set out to do in life,
but little did I know that when you
were born, that would be my biggest
achievement of all.

Turns out that my best years are still
ahead of me, as I get to watch you
grow up into the wonderful person
you are becoming.

Enjoy your special day, and all the
rest to come!
