Congratulations and big kisses to a particularly important man in my life who celebrates his birthday today! If only you knew just how special you really are to me!
You have guided me so brilliantly, showing me which direction I should take. You are an outstanding teacher and I am so grateful to you! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to an incredibly special lady in my life!
You are my mother sent from God; a sweet and kind lady I have been so fortunate to be blessed with. I wouldn’t be the person that I am today without your input, that’s for sure!
I hope your special day today rewards you with the same kindness you’ve shown me over the years!
I hope you know that you are a dear pal of mine and I truly value our friendship! You’re genuine and kind, and everything anyone could ever want in a friend!
I hope your special day this year is a spectacular one!
I think it’s time to admit that we aren’t just friends through choice, we’re tied because we know too many secrets about each other! Happy birthday, bestie!
The fact that we work together all day and still want to hang out with each other afterward says a lot about how strong our friendship must be! Happy birthday!