Popular Birthday Wishes

Believe in your dreams but more importantly, believe in yourself. By backing yourself, you’ll go on to achieve everything that your heart desires. Happy birthday, girl.
Happy birthday to my brother who I wouldn’t change for any other! You’re so close to perfect that I can’t imagine there’s another brother much better than you out there!
Happy birthday to my cousin
who never seems to age! It’s
probably down to the fact that
he’s never truly grown up!
To the light of my life and my eternal happiness, I’m wishing you a fabulous birthday unlike any other before! Big kisses to you!
My beautiful baby boy is turning 1 already!
Thank you for filling each day for the
last 12 months with so much joy, love, and
memories that I’ll cherish forevermore.

You are my heart, my sweet son.
Being around you is good for my soul, with
your positive vibes and gorgeous glow. 

You truly are someone I aspire to be like, girl.
I’m wishing you the happiest of all birthdays. 
A girlfriend like you deserves the
Best birthday for all that you do!

Happy birthday, sweetie!
Happy birthday, mom! Year after year it becomes even more apparent to me just how lucky I am to be your son!
A love that shines as brightly as yours will always warm my heart.

Happy birthday, sweetie.
Everyone deserves
An aunty like you
Who is so much
More like a mother
Through and through!

Happy birthday to you!
You deserve a birthday that celebrates you for all that you are, my love.

Happy birthday, here’s to you.
To my lovely girlfriend,

May these heart-touching birthday wishes warm your heart and sweeten your soul on your special day this year, my dear!
These birthday wishes are belated with good reason: they’re supposed to make your birthday last longer! Happy birthday, my friend!
As you turn another year older
My dear friend like brother
I’m wishing you the best birthday
I hope it’s a day like no other!
Out of all the fathers in the world,
I’m so lucky that I got you as mine.

Happy birthday to you, dad.
Happy birthday, sis! May this year be your best one yet, filled with the most amazing blessings and endless opportunities.
You make loving you so easy, just by being who you are! A big kiss on this very special day to my very special man!
For the man who pampers my kids with treats and presents, I wish but the best on this glorious day. Happy birthday!
Grandmother suits you just right. You are grand because you are magnificent and you are a mother because you take care of me. Happy birthday!
You are not only a great grandmother, but also the best person I know. You care equally for everyone in the family. If someone is in distress, even a stranger, you always find the time for them and you go to great lengths to give them a hand.

I would be happy if I could become half the person you are.

Have a glorious birthday!
I know how old you are, but don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. You look at least half your age. Have a wonderful birthday, sis in law!
Turning 50 isn't the end of the world; it's a milestone and a reminder to continue.

Don’t think too much about what you didn’t do. Focus on everything you have achieved and carry on with your great work.

Remember we all love you so much! Have the most amazing of birthdays and many more amazing years to come!
Happy birthday my love! My life always felt empty before I met you. But when you came into my life, my whole world was shaken and changed for the better.

I am so blessed to have married an affectionate and wonderful man!
Our job can be complicated at times, but working with such a great partner like you makes it all better. Happy birthday!
Today we celebrate yet another birthday of an amazing little boy!

You are so gifted and bright that you can only grow up to become someone who's absolutely incredible. In a couple of years, you will have become the amazing person I now predict.

But there is no need to rush. Time has a part to play in your story, so you should let it do its bit. Time will turn you into an incredible man without you even knowing it.

Enjoy your life, sweet boy, and make the most of it. May the fun start today and never end.
Happy birthday to the nicest, most darling niece in the world!

Have a fabulous day, my sweetheart!
Wishing a very happy birthday to a 
dear companion who’s fast approaching 
the senior citizen age! 

You may have some years on me, but 
regardless of that I feel like we 
connect so well. In spirit, our age 
must be the same. 

We share so many common interests 
that we are never stuck for topics 
to talk about. 

I’m thankful for having learnt so much 
from your wisdom and life experiences, 
and I appreciate you sharing and passing 
all of that knowledge on to me! 

Have an incredible birthday 
and a fantastic year ahead!
Happy birthday! I hope you have a ball on your very special sweet 16th birthday!
You put the grand in grandson, my
dear boy! You are truly magnificent
and deserve a fantastic birthday!
Happy birthday to the happiest child
I know: my beautiful granddaughter!

It fills my heart with so much love
and happiness every time I see your
lovely big smile! Just knowing how
happy you are makes me as happy
as I can be.

Have the most fabulous birthday
today, my dear! I hope that it is filled
with many magical moments!
Happy sweet sixteenth to a very stylish
little lady! You’ve gone from an adorable
little kid to the beautiful, sophisticated
young woman we know and love today!

Never stop being the fabulous person
that you are, my dear!

I wish you all the very best for your future,
and I hope that all your hopes and dreams
come true, sweetie!
Wishing the best birthday to
the best ex! Thank you for all
the happy memories, dear!
I wanted to wish you a sweet sixteenth birthday, but you’re already sweet enough!

Happy 16th birthday, girl!
Happy 21st birthday, my dear friend!

Sending you all of my big birthday love
for this very special birthday of yours!

I hope that the next 21 years of your life
are as enjoyable and as incredible as
the first! Have a great one today!
On your birthday, I wanted to tell you how
amazing and perfect you are, and that I
would never want you to change even one
single thing about yourself.

But then I remembered how annoying you
can be sometimes, so maybe you could
just change that?

Happy birthday, my gorgeous guy!
Your wedding day was so magical
and so beautiful!

Take today to reminisce about those
special moments and enjoy celebrating
another happy year together!

Happy anniversary!
On your birthday this year, dear teenager, I’m wishing for everything you want in life to come true! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to a very highly valued customer!

You have been a part of our family since the early days, and we are so grateful to have had such a loyal client such as yourself join us on this journey so far!

Many thanks, and we look forward to serving you for many more years to come!

All the very best to you!
Happy birthday to a teen
Who has been a joy
To know growing up!

Wishing you many
Happy years ahead!
Some clients come and go, but it is our loyal ones such as yourself that truly support us and help us to survive in this competitive industry!

That’s why it’s so important to us to remember and recognize another year of having you as part of our family! Happy birthday to us!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued backing - we truly appreciate it!
Since the day we said “I do”, my life
has been infinitely better and filled
with happiness!

Happy wedding anniversary, my dear!
On your birthday this year, principal, not only do I want to wish you a very happy birthday, but I also want to recognise all of your wonderful achievements to date!

You have done such great things for this school and I hope you are able to take a moment to reflect upon them on your special day!

Happy birthday and wishing you the best!
Wishing you the sweetest out of all the sweet sixteenth birthdays happening all over the world today!

There are bound to be lots of people celebrating their sixteenth birthday today, but you deserve the very best celebrations as you are such a special person!

Sending you lots of love and happiness on this very significant birthday of yours!
Happy birthday to a little guy who is just the most adorable boy!

You are like a tiny adult, so ahead of your years! You keep surprising everyone by saying and doing things that you wouldn’t usually expect from a little boy, and it is so endearing and funny at the same time!

Wishing you a wonderful birthday this year, tiny adult!
Happy birthday to my brother at heart, my main man and dearest cousin!

Wishing you the very best birthday, bro!
Actions generally speak louder than words, and yours just so happen to save lives!

Wishing you the very best birthday, doctor!
Wishing you all the success and
happiness possible on your very
special birthday this year!

Turning 30 is a significant time in
anybody’s life and I hope that yours
is a memorable one to enjoy looking
back on for a long time to come!

Have an absolute blast today and
I’m sending you all my very best,
my dear friend!
Happy birthday, big bro!

You’re going to need a big cake
this year to hold so many candles!
Today marks a very special time in your
life as you enter your teenage phase!

Happy 13th birthday, my dear!
I’m hoping that today is a sensational one for my dear mom, who is celebrating another birthday!

Wishing you the best, mom! Love you!