Popular Birthday Wishes

May all of your wishes come true on this special birthday of yours, my dear papa! For all that you do for me, you deserve the world in return!
Friends like you come around
but once in a lifetime, which is
why I’ll hold on to you forever
and never let you go!

I hope you have a truly amazing
birthday today, my best friend in
the whole wide world!
Happy birthday to you,
my very best friend!

I hope that your special
day today is just as
special as you are to me!

You mean the world to me
and I am very thankful for
having you in my life!
Happy birthday, my dear brother!

As your elder sibling, it’s my job to always protect and take care of you. You can always count on me for that!
Sisters are very special relatives 
indeed and should be treasured 
for all that they are.

I can safely say that I cherish 
you with all my heart, sis.

I’m sending all my love to you 
today on your special day! 
Happy birthday!
Uncle, it seems that much like a fine
wine you become more full-bodied as
you age, yet unlike aged cheese, you
never seem to mature!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to a simply wonderful
human being who spends the majority
of their time caring and looking out
for others!

The world would be a much better
place if we had more people like
you in it!

I hope you enjoy your special day!
Happy birthday to the first person
I’d call with any kind of news: my
best friend! You’re always the first
person I think of, my dear!
Never apart
We’re sisters at heart
In you, I found the one
I can always rely upon.

Happy birthday!
Today isn’t the birthday of just any old
guy, it’s the birthday of a very special
man indeed! Happy birthday!

I hope you have a blessed birthday this
year with the most spectacular
celebrations that you are so deserving of!
From one sister to another
Albeit from a different mother
I’m wishing you a special day
And hoping it all goes your way!

Happy birthday!
Today I have the pleasure of wishing
one of the greatest teachers of all time
a very happy birthday!

Thank you for all of your guidance and
teaching me the importance of self-
discipline. I will be forever grateful for the
many invaluable lessons you’ve taught me!
Many happy returns!

Turning another year older is never
easy for anyone of any age, but
especially so at yours! Just try not
to think about it too much!

I hope you enjoy your birthday today
and however many years remain!
If respecting your elders is relative to age,
then surely you deserve all of my respect!

Happy birthday to you today, my favourite
elderly person!
I’m betting that when you woke up this
morning you were already feeling the
impact of an extra year…

Well, I’m sorry to be the one to tell you
that it’s certainly not going to get any
easier from here!

Happy birthday, old man!
Few people are as special and as important to me as you are and that will never change, my dear! I’m wishing you the happiest of birthdays today!
On your birthday this year
I want to hold you so dear
And tell you just how true 
My undying love is for you!

May you have the most wonderful 
Birthday celebrations today, my love!
You have touched my heart in more
ways than you’ll ever know and you’ll
always be one of the most precious
human beings in my life.

Happy birthday, sweetie!
Happy birthday! You’re not just my bro; you’re a true brother to me and more. You are someone I can always rely on for anything and everything.
I’m wishing the happiest of birthdays
to you today with a huge cake to
match your enormous heart and
tremendous personality!
Congratulations and happy birthday to you, my dear! May you continue to always be the happy and beautiful girl that you are!
May your birthday this year celebrate the wonderful and beautiful young woman you are becoming! Many congratulations to you on your special day today!
For the most beautiful person in the
world, I am sending the most beautiful
birthday sentiments today!

I hope your special day warms your
heart as much as you warm mine
each and every day, my love!

Happy birthday!
I could never give you a gift
That’s as sweet as you
Because nieces like you
There are but very few!
It’s often necessary to make sacrifices in a marriage, but spending your birthday apart is one of the more difficult ones.

It’s so hard not to be celebrating with you in person today, but I’m sending you all my love and I hope you’re still able to enjoy your special day without me!

Happy birthday to you, my love!
My beautiful niece, I’m wishing you every happiness as you start a brand new year of your life! Happy birthday and lots of kisses from your favorite aunt!
I don’t like going a single day without
you by my side, but days like your
birthday are definitely the hardest.

I’m sending all my love to you today.
Happy 7th birthday to the birthday gal!

I’m wishing you all the happiness in
the world as you celebrate this joyous
occasion of yours!

May this very special birthday of yours
be 7 times as amazing as last year and
7 times more fun!
8 and all grown up! Today, I have the absolute pleasure of wishing the kindest and nicest kid the happiest eighth birthday ever!

I hope today is everything you hoped it would be, and that all of your dreams and wishes come true!
May today be filled with lots 
Of birthday gifts and cake
Covered in bright candles
With 9 wishes to make!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to a very
special nine-year-old!

You are a truly unique kid
and so extraordinary in
every way possible!
For all the effort that you put into each
and every one of my classes, you
deserve a super birthday as a reward!

Happy birthday to you today!
On your special day today, I have to
send you my sincere gratitude as well
as my congratulations as I owe a lot
to you, my friend!

I mean for starters you’re the main
reason I continue to work here!

Thank you for just being you, and I’m
wishing you a very happy birthday and
all the best for a great year ahead!
Having an adorable little niece like you is almost unbelievable! Sometimes it feels so much like a dream I have to pinch myself to make sure it’s real!

Happy birthday!
I’m sending well wishes to my
parents today as they celebrate
yet another glorious year of marriage!

Happy anniversary to you both,
mom and dad!
Happy anniversary to the most perfectly suited couple I know: my parents!

It truly is a pleasure and a privilege to watch your relationship grow ever-stronger year after year, and I feel very blessed to have parents who are still so in love even after all these years!
Much like birthdays, anniversaries
come around but once per year but
what makes them extra special is
that they are a celebration of the
union between two people.

Today is your joint special day, mom
and dad, and I’m wishing you both a
very happy wedding anniversary!
I know we can’t always be together, but your birthday is one day in particular that I wish we could be!

At least there’s no distance that can take away all of the incredible moments we’ve shared and the everlasting memories we’ve made! Happy birthday, bestie!
Many congratulations to my wonderful parents on their anniversary! So many years of marriage deserve to be recognized and celebrated!
Happy birthday to the newest yet already
trendiest teen: my daughter!

I hope that this very special birthday of
yours is everything you had hoped it would
be, my dear, and that you can take away
many wonderful memories from it!
Happy birthday to you today! There are few people in the world who mean as much to me as you do, my dear best friend!

I’m sending the warmest wishes your way and hoping that you have an incredible day!
Although you can’t be with me in person to celebrate your special day today, I can tell you that I carry your heart with me everywhere I go, so we can certainly celebrate together in spirit.

Sending all my love to you today, my magnificent man!
You’re all that I want and all that I need,
and as much as I hate not being able
to spend your special day with you,
the birthday plans I had for you will
just have to be put on hold.

It's okay, though, because you’re worth
the wait!

Happy birthday to you today, my love!
I’m sending you lots of kisses and
hoping that you receive them safely!
Happy birthday to my sweet cousin!

I wholeheartedly believe that we have a better relationship than most sisters, probably because we didn’t live together growing up!

I’m sure I would’ve grown tired of you had we been in each other’s pockets 24/7!
I’m still not totally convinced that we’re
cousins... I’m sure we are actually sisters
and there was just a mix-up at birth!

Happy birthday, sis!
If you weren’t my cousin
You would be my sibling
As you truly are my sister 
Just from another mister!

Happy birthday, my dear!
My sweet cousin, you’re as dear 
and meaningful to me as any sister
and just as annoying as one, too!

May you have a fabulous birthday!
Happiest of birthdays to you, cousin!

Seeing as you’re just as close to me as
a sister, I feel I can be honest with you
about anything.

So, I’ll just come right out and tell you…
I totally forgot to get you a gift this year!
Wow, another birthday already, cousin?
With all these years behind you now,
perhaps you’ll finally start to grow up soon!

I’m just kidding with you! I wouldn’t change
your fun and playful personality for the
world! Happy birthday to you!
Today, I have the pleasure of wishing
a truly great man in my life a very
happy birthday: you!

Over the years, something has become
more and more apparent to me. You don’t
get any older in my eyes, you just seem to
get better and improve with age.

I hope you have a wonderful birthday today,
and here’s to many more still to come!