Popular Birthday Wishes

I’m wishing you the happiest of birthdays
today, my dear uncle!

Wisdom and age come hand in hand, and
that couldn’t be any truer in your case!

I hope you have the incredible birthday
that you are so deserving of!
Happy birthday to the cutest, giggliest,
most adorable 4-year-old I know!

You are simply beautiful inside and
out, and I hope that’s something you
never ever grow out of!
Many happy returns to you!

I hope that your special day today is as incredible and wonderful as you are a brother to me!
Happy birthday! I have to say, on your special day, that teachers like you don’t come along every day!

You brighten any classroom you enter and you’re the most wonderful role model, the perfect example that if you work hard for your goals you can achieve anything that your heart desires!
A handsome guy like you shouldn’t be without a glamorous date on his birthday, so I’m just letting you know that I’m free if need be! Happy birthday!
Today, I have the pleasure of wishing
you a happy birthday for the first time
in our friendship!

In the short time that we’ve known
each other for, I can already tell that
you’re going to be a forever friend.

This is the start of something very
special indeed!
We had a lot of fun and shared the best times as kids, but that seems so far away now! Happy birthday, and here’s to many more great moments ahead!
I never imagined that becoming a stepparent could feel so wonderful and be so rewarding, but the way you have accepted me into your life has made me feel like a true mom.

I am truly blessed that in you, I found a remarkable son to always cherish and forever be proud of.

I’m wishing you a spectacular birthday today, my dear.
Intelligent, good-looking, and hilariously funny… But that’s enough about me, today's your birthday so it should be all about you!

Happy birthday to you, my dear!
Happy birthday, bestie!

Just by having my favorite gal pal
in the same class as me instantly
makes it better and more enjoyable.
Your beauty and radiance can light up
even the dullest of classrooms, girl!

I’m wishing you the happiest of
birthdays today.
Happy birthday, mom!

There are lots of fantastic parents out there, but there’s only one mom like you.

I’m fortunate to be the son of the most fabulous one.
I’m not only glad to have you as part of this wonderful neighborhood, but I also feel very fortunate that you’re only a stone's throw away from me.

You're an integral part of this community.

Happy birthday to you today.
Sharing a dorm with you has been
a great adventure and the memories
I have will stay with me forever.

Thanks for being the absolute best
university friend. Happy birthday.
I’m sending you many birthday
blessings today on your special
day, my wonderful friend.

Being in your company is always
a pleasure, and I owe a lot to
you for helping me fall in love
with this neighborhood as
beautifully as I have.
I’m sure you’ll receive many wonderful gifts today, but really what better gift is there than being able to see my beautiful face whenever you want!

Happy birthday, roomie.
There are few friends as warm and kind as
a neighborly friend, and I’m truly blessed
that I have that in you. 

I’m wishing you the happiest of birthdays
today and a year ahead full of joy, my dear.
Happy birthday to you today, and here’s to your fourth and final year as a senior!

You have made everyone extremely proud so far, and I have no doubt that you’ll continue to do so as you go on to do many wonderful things with your life.
I want to wish you an extremely happy birthday on what is a very special, milestone year for you.

May you enjoy the remainder of your educational journey, and I hope you get the results you’ve been wishing for.
I’m sending lots of love to you on your special day today, my sweetheart. Soulmates should never be apart, let alone on their birthday.
Happy birthday! I’m sending my
best wishes to you as you
complete your final year of school.

Remember that your focus in life
will take you places.
I might not be able to hand you a gift in person this year, my dear sister, but I can still send you some heartfelt birthday wishes from my heart to yours.

I hope you have a truly incredible day.
Near or far, no matter where in the world you are, you will always be one of my nearest and dearest. Happy birthday to you today, my dear sister.
Happy birthday, my sweet sister.

We will never truly be apart because we share something special that connects us at the heart.
I have always looked up to you for being
the strong-minded lady that you are, but
it would seem that the older you get, the
more admiration I have for you.

May you continue to inspire for many
more years to come.

Many happy returns to you, mam. I’m
wishing you the most delightful birthday
possible today.
In my eyes, the only senior thing about
you is the position you hold in my heart.
As you age with such beauty and grace,
your importance in my life grows with it.

Here’s to you today and to many more
glorious years. Happy birthday.
I’m sending lots of love and big birthday wishes your way today as you turn the sweet age of seventeen. May you have a spectacular day!
17 years might not seem like that
much, but when you think that’s
over 200 months it suddenly appears
to be much more significant!

I hope the hundreds of months and
thousands of weeks ahead of you
are just as great.

Happy birthday to you, my dear.
You aren’t simply someone I appreciate; you are the person I most respect and hold the highest admiration for. May you have the most perfect birthday today.
Today marks the first of many happy birthdays for our little girl!

You will be spoiled with lots of love and many different gifts on this very special day, but the truth is that there is no gift better than the love you inspire in us.
Happy birthday to one of my absolute favorite guys!

It’s hard for anyone not to instantly fall in love with you and the great person that you are as you truly are wonderful. I for one can say how much brighter you’ve made my life.
Another birthday already, sis!

Just when I think I’m finally
catching up to you in age,
you leap ahead and leave
me even further behind!

Someday I’ll be just as old
and wise as you are, though.
Just you wait!
It’s true that college isn’t always easy, but
it’s ten times easier with a buddy like you
around. Happy birthday to you today.
Happy birthday to you! An uncle so
great deserves a celebration that’s
truly magnificent!

I hope your birthday today brings
as much happiness to your heart as
you’ve brought to mine, and as much
fun as you’ve given me over the years.
Your lessons haven’t just touched
my heart, they have spoken to me
deep within my soul.

Everything you have taught me
has imprinted on me and I will
carry your wisdom with me always.

May you have a truly wonderful
birthday today.
Having such an amazing person nearby
all the time must be an amazing feeling.

I mean, you of all people should know that!

Happy birthday, roomie!
My sweet feline companion is
celebrating another birthday today.

Thank you for one more year filled
with lots of love and lap cuddles.
Happy birthday, miss. On your special
day this year, I just want you to know
that your lessons have touched my
heart and spoken to my soul.

I have gained so much from your
classes and the lessons that you’ve
taught me will stay with me always.
Happy birthday to the loveliest hound around! You’re so much more than just a pooch; you’re my cherished pet and a huge part of the family!
You might be from a totally different family, but you will always be a true sister to me. Happy birthday to you today, my dear best friend.
Happy birthday to a true medical marvel!

Doctors like you there are very few,
You’re truly amazing at what you do!
For such a wonderful buddy
like you, I’m hoping that all
of your dreams come true!

Happy birthday to you today,
my best friend in the world!
Happy birthday to you up there in heaven today, dad.

People say that time is a healer but, for me, I miss you more and more each year. I’ll be celebrating you and remembering you for every year to come, dad.
It’s plain for all to see that you’re
my bestie but at the core of my soul,
you’re my sis from another miss.

Happy birthday to you, girl!
I’m wishing you the very happiest of birthdays today, my friend!

Some friendships fizzle out when people part ways after graduation, but our friendship is one that will outlast college. In you, I have undoubtedly found a friend for life.
Happy birthday number 5!

Today you turn five times cooler and more
awesome, which is a lot when you think
how amazing you already were!
Happy birthday to you today, my dear!

I’m sending you 27 wonderful wishes
and 27 birthday kisses today, one for
each year of your life!
Happy birthday, buddy!

May you enjoy the last few years
and all of the perks that come with
being a twenty-something!
This birthday doesn’t count so I refuse to add this year to my age!
Today you become 3 years old which
means you’re 3 times cuter than last
year, little one! Happy birthday!