Popular Birthday Wishes

To have a brother like you
When in the world there are few
Means so much more to me
Than you will ever even know. 

Happy birthday from your sis.
Everyone knows that the best way
to wish a girl a happy birthday
is to say it loud and clear for all
to hear, so I’m wishing a huge happy
birthday from me to you, my dear!

May your special day be an absolutely
fabulous one this year, girl!
Happy birthday to the world’s most
wonderful dad! I couldn’t feel more
blessed to be your daughter. 
Happy birthday, bro!

I bet every sister wishes they had an amazing brother like you but luckily for me, you’re one-of-a-kind! There’s only one like you as you truly are a very unique and special sibling!
Happy birthday, guy!

I’m wishing you a happy and blessed birthday this year that is nothing short of perfection for you. After all, that’s the least a good man like you deserves!

May you have the best day!
To simply say that I’m blessed by having someone as special as you in my life would be the biggest understatement in history.

You have brightened my days and touched my heart in more ways than I could possibly say, which is why I will always be so thankful for having a person as amazing as you around.

Happy birthday and best wishes to you.
You once were my 
Special someone
And you always will be
That’s something that'll
Never change, just how
Much you mean to me.

Happy birthday to you.
Someone like you will always be much
more like a sister to me than simply
just a best friend. I’m so lucky to be
blessed with the best; a bestie so great.

Wishing you a fabulous day, girl.
There truly are few friendships 
That mean as much as ours
A bond that runs so deep
For which I thank my lucky stars. 

Happy birthday to you, bff. 
As we count down the final moments
Before a new year of yours arrives
Let’s just take a moment to appreciate
How lucky we are to have you in our lives.
My dear, may this birthday of yours
warm your heart just as you warm the
hearts of all those around you. You
deserve all the happiness in the world
and the most special birthday of all. 
Today, baby girl, you turn one 
Year older and even more 
Special in my heart, which 
I didn’t think was possible.

Happy 2nd birthday daughter,
With lots of love from mom.
Happy birthday, bestie! You deserve all the love that’ll be coming your way on your special day today, for you truly are a very special person!
2 years old
Is how old you are
It’s your special day
My little star.

Happy 2nd birthday,
Beautiful baby boy.
Happy birthday, cutie! There are too many reasons to list why I love you! There’s simply no other girl as sweet and as cute as you!
My super sweet son turns 2 today already! I can’t believe how quickly you are growing up, but know that each day you make me prouder to be your dad. I’m sure that feeling will only continue to grow as you do. 

Happy birthday, little buddy. 
Happy birthday, my love. 

You are my heart, my passion,
and the one I am most blessed with.
I’ll be forever grateful for you. 
Today is no ordinary day as it’s
the birthday of a very special little
superstar! May your birthday this
year be as precious as the sweet
girl that you are ✨
The birthday of my love
Is just moments away
But I can’t wait any longer
To welcome her special day!

Happy birthday!
Today, we celebrate 21 years of you, daughter. Here’s to another 21 years that are just as magnificent as these have been.
On the special day of my one true love,
I’m sending lots of kisses and beautiful
birthday wishes.

Happy birthday with love, hubby.
I have so much appreciation in my heart right now for all my family and friends. You’ve all made my birthday extra special with your wonderful wishes. 
I’m over the moon to be celebrating
my birthday today with all those I love
most. My heart is very full right now.
For someone who never fails to brighten my days, I’m hoping you have a birthday that brightens yours! Happy birthday, love! 🥰
My appreciation knows no bounds for all the beautiful wishes I received on my birthday this year. To me, you all are so very dear.
I’m laughing at the fact that you’ve
just turned another year older today,
brother, but I’m sure I won’t be
laughing when it’s my turn next!

Happy birthday!
For all that you are 
And for everything you do
I feel truly blessed
To have an aunty like you. 

Happy birthday.
I’m sending the biggest and most
beautiful birthday wishes to the
cutest kid in the world today!

May your special day fill your heart
with love, my little sweetheart ❤️
Happy birthday, sweet kid!

May your life sparkle as brightly and as beautifully as you do in my heart! 💖
Husband, I don’t need a long romantic
birthday message to tell you how
much I love and appreciate you -
I show you that each and every day!

I am sending extra special birthday
wishes your way though, full of love
and adoration ❤️
I know these birthday wishes are belated, but the fact I’m making up for being late means they’re packed with much more meaning!
From my heart to yours, I’m wishing you a truly spectacular year ahead.

Happy heartfelt birthday to you.
My birthday wishes for you this year may be early, but it doesn’t matter when, where, or how I say it as long as they find their way to you.
Wishing you the most blessed birthday ever, dear sister. May this year bring you many blessings and tons of joy.
The most amazing sister in the world deserves the happiest of birthdays! Have a great one, you are a blessing to everyone who knows you. Lots of love!
You are my hero, the man I admire the most in the world. You have taught me everything: how to survive, how to smile, how to be happy and how to love.

Thank you, daddy, for being the best, an inspiration and an overall great man. I hope you have a wonderful birthday, the way you deserve it, and I wish for you to find true happiness every day of your life.

Love you, dad!
To the best uncle
I wish the best birthday!
You are amazing and I
really like having you around.
Hope you’ll be here for me
forever, and we can be friends
and I can learn from you
for many many many years more.
It is time once again to remember all of the days and moments of strong bonding we have shared. All the playfulness you allowed yourself to indulge in and all the laughter that soared from our throats.

It is time to celebrate the most wonderful dad I know! Happy birthday!
You are a blessing to me and your family. You keep amazing us with your wisdom and sound advice. The best advice you gave me was to never forget those who love you. I could never forget such an amazing role model.

Have the most wonderful of days!
The greatest love of all is the love of a grandmother! It comes from within, it has a nice and warm feeling and it just makes you feel at home. It nurtures you and helps you to grow.

Hope you have a day filled with love as you deserve!
My nana is synonymous with great cooking and the smell of magical spices. Thank you for all the great food. Have a wonderful birthday!
Nana, you are such an important part of my life. You are my biggest inspiration. You have been through so much, yet your smile never fades.

I want to give you the warmest of hugs and a heartfelt happy birthday!
Happy 50th birthday! I know your memory is starting to play tricks on you, so I'll send you this message again later too!
I’m really blessed to have such a caring and supportive grandad who has taught me so many great things about life and love. I will never forget all your great lessons and teachings.

You are forever in my heart! I wish you a wonderful birthday!
My memory is starting to play tricks on me and this was one of those tricks. I spent the whole week thinking about your birthday and then on the day it completely slipped my mind.

I am sorrier than words can express. Belated happy birthday!
We should have married on the day we met. I knew then you were the man of my life. Have a great birthday, sweetheart!
Like a great wine, you become better with age. Just don’t drink it all at once. Have an extraordinary birthday, grandad!
You have been my light in the darkest of hours. You fill a very special place in my heart. I wish you a spectacular birthday!
Your 18th birthday has arrived, and it certainly is a very special one!

In my eyes, you have always been very mature for your age and well beyond your years, but today marks that you are officially an adult! While your coming of age brings you a variety of new responsibilities, it also brings lots of exciting new opportunities and experiences!

Enjoy today and this momentous new chapter of your life. I wish you all the success and happiness that you so very deserve!
Wishing the most fabulous mother-in-law a very happy birthday today! Cheers!