Popular Birthday Wishes

Happy birthday, sweet kid!

May your life sparkle as brightly and as beautifully as you do in my heart! 💖
Happy birthday and very best wishes to my dear aunt who turns 70 today! I hope that this very special birthday of yours brings you everything you could ever wish for!
Husband, I don’t need a long romantic
birthday message to tell you how
much I love and appreciate you -
I show you that each and every day!

I am sending extra special birthday
wishes your way though, full of love
and adoration ❤️
I know these birthday wishes are belated, but the fact I’m making up for being late means they’re packed with much more meaning!
From my heart to yours, I’m wishing you a truly spectacular year ahead.

Happy heartfelt birthday to you.
Your birthday is a special day 
For both you and for me
Since you’re the love of my life
That’s clear for all to see. 

Happy birthday in advance,
My beautiful girlfriend. 
My birthday wishes for you this year may be early, but it doesn’t matter when, where, or how I say it as long as they find their way to you.
Wishing you the most blessed birthday ever, dear sister. May this year bring you many blessings and tons of joy.
The most amazing sister in the world deserves the happiest of birthdays! Have a great one, you are a blessing to everyone who knows you. Lots of love!
You are my hero, the man I admire the most in the world. You have taught me everything: how to survive, how to smile, how to be happy and how to love.

Thank you, daddy, for being the best, an inspiration and an overall great man. I hope you have a wonderful birthday, the way you deserve it, and I wish for you to find true happiness every day of your life.

Love you, dad!
To the best uncle
I wish the best birthday!
You are amazing and I
really like having you around.
Hope you’ll be here for me
forever, and we can be friends
and I can learn from you
for many many many years more.
It is time once again to remember all of the days and moments of strong bonding we have shared. All the playfulness you allowed yourself to indulge in and all the laughter that soared from our throats.

It is time to celebrate the most wonderful dad I know! Happy birthday!
You are a blessing to me and your family. You keep amazing us with your wisdom and sound advice. The best advice you gave me was to never forget those who love you. I could never forget such an amazing role model.

Have the most wonderful of days!
The greatest love of all is the love of a grandmother! It comes from within, it has a nice and warm feeling and it just makes you feel at home. It nurtures you and helps you to grow.

Hope you have a day filled with love as you deserve!
I know how old you are, but don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. You look at least half your age. Have a wonderful birthday, sis in law!
My nana is synonymous with great cooking and the smell of magical spices. Thank you for all the great food. Have a wonderful birthday!
Happy 50th birthday! I know your memory is starting to play tricks on you, so I'll send you this message again later too!
I’m really blessed to have such a caring and supportive grandad who has taught me so many great things about life and love. I will never forget all your great lessons and teachings.

You are forever in my heart! I wish you a wonderful birthday!
My memory is starting to play tricks on me and this was one of those tricks. I spent the whole week thinking about your birthday and then on the day it completely slipped my mind.

I am sorrier than words can express. Belated happy birthday!
We should have married on the day we met. I knew then you were the man of my life. Have a great birthday, sweetheart!
Like a great wine, you become better with age. Just don’t drink it all at once. Have an extraordinary birthday, grandad!
You have been my light in the darkest of hours. You fill a very special place in my heart. I wish you a spectacular birthday!
Your 18th birthday has arrived, and it certainly is a very special one!

In my eyes, you have always been very mature for your age and well beyond your years, but today marks that you are officially an adult! While your coming of age brings you a variety of new responsibilities, it also brings lots of exciting new opportunities and experiences!

Enjoy today and this momentous new chapter of your life. I wish you all the success and happiness that you so very deserve!
Wishing the most fabulous mother-in-law a very happy birthday today! Cheers!
There might be miles between us,
but I am always here for you.
You are my rock and I am yours.
You are always on my mind,
and forever in my heart.
You mean everything to me,
and I’ll love you until the end of time.

Happy birthday, my world.
Happy 18th birthday, my dear!

As you’re nearing the end of your teens,
we've all seen a big change in you.
It’s as though you’ve become a grown
up overnight!

Keep going on this fantastic path you’ve
started, we’re all very proud of you!

Big kisses on this momentous birthday!
My dear boy, I’m wishing you a very happy birthday today!

I am so very lucky to have such a charming young man as a grandson, and I am so happy with what a wonderful person you are becoming! You have a genuinely lovely soul, my boy!

I hope this year brings you but happiness, and I wish you the very best with your school work and your hobbies!
Even though your birthday is still days
away, I wanted to get my message in early
before your special day!

Hoping that it is the best one yet and that
your day is filled with everything great,
leaving a memorable mark you can forever
cherish and look back on!

Wishing you all the very best and a very
happy birthday, my dear friend!
Happy birthday to the life of the workplace; the funniest person around!

Your spirit is infectious and makes all of those around you instantly brighter and happier; you are a morale lifter, for sure!

Thank you for bringing your positivity to work each day!

Enjoy your special day and I hope that you too have a day filled with laughter!
Happy birthday to a truly terrific teen!

Your teenage years are so magical,
and possibly some of the best years
of your life!

You can revel in the last few years of
having less responsibility, appreciating
that you’re able to make mistakes and
learn from them while you’re still young.

You can also start to enjoy the luxury
of more and more freedom and being
treated more like an adult!

Just remember, you only get 7 years of
them to enjoy, so make sure you live
each and every year to the fullest!

Have the happiest birthday and a day
filled with joy!
My friend! I want to wish you a happy,
happy birthday!

Don’t worry, I haven’t gone crazy!
I know your birthday isn’t for another
few days yet but I just couldn’t wait
to wish you a happy birthday!

I hope you have a truly awesome day!
Wishing an old pal a very happy
birthday today!

Even back then when we met for
the very first time, I knew we would
be lifelong friends!

I hope things are great with you and
life is treating you well!

All the best and many happy returns!
Happy 2nd birthday to the most
adorable toddler in existence!

We love you so much, teeny tiny tot!
Today, my dear mother-in-law, you turn
another year older, although you wouldn’t
know it by looking at you!

Honestly, you have never looked younger
and more radiant! Everyone wants to know
your secret!

So, I am wishing you the very happiest
of birthdays, on one where you appear
another year younger!

I hope that your special day is filled with
everything you love, surrounded by all of
those you love!
You are everything I could ever
ask for in a son; you are simply
perfect, my dear!

Happy birthday to the best
stepson there is!
Wishing a totally adorable sweet 16 to a totally adorable young lady!

I hope that today is a memorable birthday for you, my dear, as it marks a very significant point in your life!

I’m also hoping that you’re showered with lots of gifts and attention today, seeing as it is your day! 

Happy birthday, sweetie! Sending you all my love!
Happy birthday to one of my
dearest friends! It is such a
great feeling to know that I
have the very best companion
to help me get through each
and every school day!

If there’s ever a day you’re
not at school, I just feel lost
without you!

Wishing you the very best
birthday celebrations this year,
my dear school friend!
You’re already thirty? I can’t believe it, when did that happen?! 

Happy birthday and enjoy your special day, my dear friend!
Happy 17th birthday! 17 is an
incredible age to be!

I hope you have lots of fun and
enjoy this chapter of your life!
Turning seventeen doesn’t
come without the gleam!

Your party this year should be
sparkly and bright, just like you!

Happy 17th birthday, my dear!
Today my true-hearted dog turns
another year older, or several dog
years in your case! Happy birthday!

Nobody gets as excited to see me
as you do!

Your love and admiration are so
apparent every time I return home,
and I hope you know that I too love
and admire you, my sweet pooch!

I’m going to spoil you rotten with
lots of treats today!
Wishing a very smart and bright young 7-year-old the happiest birthday ever today!

I hope you have an awesome day!
Happy 27th birthday, my dear! Your 30th, the big one, is drawing ever closer!

I hope you enjoy these last few years of your twenties and make the most of them!

Sending all my love to you today, my dear!
Today’s your special day! Happy birthday! 

Not only are you one of the funniest people I know and you always manage to make a dull day great, you’re also a great friend, too!

I hope that this year brings you everything you have been wishing for because you truly deserve it all, my friend! Have a truly amazing birthday this year!
Wishing you an epic birthday this year, study buddy!

If your birthday party is even half as fun as you are then it is guaranteed to rock! I honestly can’t wait for it!

I hope your special day truly is awesome for you!
Happy birthday to a dear friend of mine who turns forty today!

Turning forty isn’t as bad as everybody says, it’s actually quite the opposite! You are at that point in your life where you shouldn’t worry about what other people think, you should just do the things that make you happy!

I hope this first year of your forties brings you lots of smiles and loads of laughter!
Happy birthday to a super cool 5-year-old!

I hope your special day is filled with awesomeness and lots of fun!
One, two, three… It’s your 3rd birthday, little one!

I know there’s going to be a lot going on for you today, but I hope you enjoy everyone singing happy birthday to you today and that your face lights up when you see your birthday cake with 3 bright candles on it!

Lots of love, sweet kisses and big hugs for you today!
Happy 5th birthday, my little sweetie!

I’m wishing you 5 times the amount
of presents that you received on
your last birthday!
When you left us to go to heaven it was a great tragedy, but we’ll continue to celebrate your wonderful life year after year. Happy birthday, mom.