Popular Birthday Wishes

Hundreds or even thousands of
miles could separate us but the
fact would still remain: you are
my best friend and you always
will be, no matter the distance
between us.

I’m wishing you a great day of
celebrations on your birthday
today, my dear!
No matter the obstacles between us, you will always be a good friend of mine who I cherish dearly! Happy birthday to you today!
Getting older is no big deal, especially when you’ve done it as many times as I have!
You know that I’d love to celebrate your birthday with you today if it was possible, but you’re just a bit out of the way!

I hope you have a wonderful day all the same and I’ll raise a glass to you tonight, my friend! Cheers!
It’s not always the case that you get along with your step-siblings as well as we do and I am so very grateful for that!

Enjoy your special day that’s all about you, and I’m wishing you a truly marvellous day full of celebration! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to my exceptional
stepfather! You taught me how to
treat people with respect, and you
showed me that it’s okay to make
mistakes as you can learn from
them and become better as a result.

Many happy returns and thank you
for guiding me so wonderfully over
the years!
Thank you for making it super easy for me to remember your joint birthday, twin brothers! I wish you both an awesome day and an incredible year to come!
Happy birthday to the main man in my life!

Not only have you been an incredible male presence in my life, but you have also been the ultimate father figure to me.

You have been the very best role model, and you’ll continue to be my inspiration for years to come.

Sending all my love to you on your special day today, my hero!
Wishing you the most wonderful birthday today! You know, people don’t always gel with their step-siblings as well as we did!

I’m truly grateful for that, and for having you in my life too! Many happy returns to you today, bro!
Happy birthday to the kindest and sweetest lady who opened her arms and opened her heart to me!

I am very lucky to have such an inspirational woman in my life, and I’m even luckier that I get to call her mom.

Wishing you a delightful birthday today!
You are like a real brother to me in every sense! I know that you would go to great lengths to do anything for me, and I’d do the same for you!

I’m wishing you an awesome birthday today, enjoy it!
The world is truly blessed to have not only one, but two great guys like us in it!

Happy birthday to us both today, bro!
My very best wishes to you for a successful and joyous year ahead! Many happy returns to you! 
You may have inherited the brains but I got the good looks! Happy birthday to us on our very special day!
The only difference between you and an ordinary brother is the title. You’re a true sibling to me in every sense of the word.

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday big bro, from your little bro! You can measure the years between us, but you can’t measure the love and admiration I have for you!
You have always been there for me to guide me down the right path and hold my hand when things get tough.

I can’t imagine what growing up without you would’ve been like.

I love you, big bro! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, sweet little one! When you entered the world you brought an abundance of joy with you!
You helped me realize my dreams, and for that, I will be forever thankful to you! Happy birthday to you today!
I’ve been saving this wish
Especially just for you
On your birthday this year, 
I hope your dreams come true!

A very happy birthday to you!
Each day spent with you is a blessing as
you bring so much love and happiness to
my heart. Happy birthday, my dear!
Happy birthday to you! We want you to know that we’re all so very blessed for you. There should be more teachers like you in the world!
You’re not just your average, run-of-the-mill type of friend; you’re a true, decent and caring friend that anybody would be lucky to have in their life!

I’m wishing you all the best as you celebrate another fantastic year today! Happy birthday to you!
It takes a lot of strength, focus, and determination to be a good teacher, and I must say that you have an abundance of each! Happy birthday to you today!
When a bond of friendship and trust between two souls like ours combine, it forms a connection so strong that can only be compared to that of sisters.

I’m wishing you a very happy birthday today, my true sister at heart!
To me, you are more than just my godfather. You are a true father to me and you always will be! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to my bestie; a gal pal like
no other! We share a sisterly love with an
undeniably deep connection.

You mean so much to me and I’ll be
forever grateful for having you in my life!

I’m sending all of my love to you today!
Happy birthday to the phenomenal woman and additional mother I was blessed with!

I hope your special day this year is full of delight and lovely surprises!
Happy birthday! This anniversary of yours is cause for celebration for us both as it also marks the date of when you came into my world as my dear godson!
These miles between us make me sad that I can’t spend your birthday with you today, but I’m sending my very best wishes to you from where I am!
Happy birthday!

You’re one of the most selfless, compassionate human beings I know! You are a blessing to all of humanity and we are very lucky to have you around.

May you have a truly wonderful birthday, at least as wonderful as you are!
Oops, I missed your birthday!

Of course, had you thrown a big party on the actual day and invited me, I would have wished you a happy birthday there and then... But, as you didn’t, I’m wishing you a late happy birthday instead!
Many happy returns to you today, pastor!

We are truly blessed that the Lord cast his light upon you, choosing you as our spiritual guide.

Thank you for doing such a fantastic job of shepherding us and showing us the way.
Happy birthday to you today, my dear
sister! There are few people in the world
who are as important to me as you are.

You always have been a big part of my life
and you’ll continue to be so forevermore!
Happy birthday!

You are dearer to me than I could possibly put into words. You have touched my heart with your friendship and I am so fortunate to have you in my life.

Not a day goes past where I don’t thank my lucky stars for blessing me with a best friend like you!

You will be a friend forever, that’s for sure!
Happy birthday to a relative of mine who appears much younger than he actually is, mainly owing to the fact that he simply doesn’t act his age!

Your youthfulness is mesmerizing, uncle! I hope you stay this fun forever and never grow up!
It’s amazing how after all these years you still aren’t showing your age, uncle! It’s equally amazing that you haven’t started to act your age yet, either!

I’m not complaining, though! I probably couldn’t have an uncle who’s more fun than you!

Happy birthday to you!
Nobody’s as proud of you as I am, my sweet child!

I’m wishing you the very best future and I hope you continue to grow so perfectly! Happy birthday!
The world is full of sweet princes and
beautiful princesses, but none of them
compare to you, my dear!

You will always reign in the kingdom
of my heart, for there is nobody more
special to me than you!

Wishing you the happiest birthday!
Another birthday already? You're growing
up so fast, my dear!

Please slow down a little otherwise you’ll
be all grown up before we know it!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to you! Judging by how wonderfully you spent your twenties, I have no doubt that your thirties will be incredible too!
Happy birthday to a dashing, handsome guy! You don’t need to fret about getting older, it happens to the very best of us!

You can rest assured that your good looks will still be around for many years to come!
Most birthdays come around
just once, except for your 29th!

You’ll notice in the years to come
that every now and then you’ll be
recelebrating your 29th birthday
again and again!

I hope that they’re all as
wonderful for you as this one is!
Today isn’t the birthday of just any old
guy, it’s the birthday of a very special
man indeed! Happy birthday!

I hope you have a blessed birthday this
year with the most spectacular
celebrations that you are so deserving of!
Happy birthday to a school teacher
like no other! You deserve to have a
pride of place trophy in the teacher’s
hall of fame for all that you do!
Happy birthday to a truly unique,
one of a kind gal!

You never fail to surprise me and
you continue to be one of the most
impressive people I know!
Happy birthday to the best teacher I ever
had! Even though you’re technically now
an ex-teacher of mine, your lessons still
live on and I carry them with me always.

I genuinely even miss your classes from
time to time!
Getting older isn’t all bad, buddy!

Sure, your hair’s going to go gray and those dashing good looks you’re used to will start to fade, but just think of all the perks and discounts that await you as a senior citizen!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, teacher! Yours are the
only classes that I actually look forward to,
so I guess that makes you my favourite!
Happy birthday to a great guy friend
who means the absolute world to me!
Our friendship is pure, true, and
cannot be compared to!

I hope that your special day this year
is as incredible as you are, pal!