Popular Birthday Wishes

Lucky doesn’t even begin to describe what I am to be part of the special and unique bond that we share as best friends. 

I wouldn’t have been able to achieve half the things I have done without the support of your friendship. Thank you for always being there for me and believing in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. You’re a true friend and my rock. 

Happy birthday to you. I’m sending all of my very best wishes your way.
A super beautiful boy is turning 2 today!

May all of the joy and happiness in
the world come your way on your very
special day, and just keep multiplying
day after day!

Sending you sweet wishes, baby boy!
Happy birthday to the most fantastic father and the greatest man I know! You’re the best dad a boy could wish for!
I’m going to keep this thank you message short and sweet and just say one great big thanks to you all for sending the most wonderful messages my way on my special day! It meant a lot!
Happy birthday to the perfect lover!
There’s not a single thing I’d change!
I can’t express my gratitude and
sincere appreciation enough for all of
the heart touching and sentimental
wishes I received from you all on my
special day this year. 🙏

I truly have the best people in my life.
For a son so spectacular,
So great and swell
I’m hoping these heartfelt
Wishes find you well. 

Happy birthday, sweetie.
Happy birthday to my dear husband,
the one I most adore. Never in my life
did I think I would find a love so pure.
Thanks to all who sent birthday wishes my way on my special day. I truly appreciate it, guys.

If ever there was a time to be thankful it would be on my birthday, when I see just how many wonderful people I have in my life. I have the best family and friends.
Happy birthday, my love.

I could search far and wide for the perfect gift for your birthday, but the truth is that there is no greater gift than a love like ours. We truly are very fortunate to have one another.
Your birthday is only a matter of
hours away now, my love, and before
your inbox becomes flooded with lots
of lovely messages I wanted to make
sure that you got mine.

Happy birthday with all my love,
my sweetheart.
Happy birthday, my soul sister!

Few friends are as close as we are, girl!
In fact, some would say that we’re too
close... but they’re just jealous!
Happy birthday in advance, my sweet girlfriend. Your special day can’t come quickly enough!
May your birthday be nothing less
than spectacular this year, my dear!
That’s the least that a sweet girl like
you deserves! ❤️
Happy birthday, girl!

Your birthday is a time to let loose and party,
so just like most other days for you really! 🥳
Thank you for the birthday
wishes, my dear friend!

It’s great to hear from you, 
I hope all is well with you!
The best moms deserve the best
birthday wishes. I hope your day
is everything you deserve, mom.
Happy birthday to you, bestie! 

You are a girl who has the power
to do anything you wish for in life
and be anything you want to be.

Unless of course the thing you wish
to be is younger, because even you
couldn’t make that happen!
Happy birthday to the world's best role model and loveliest lady who I can always count on. Thank you for always being there for me, mom. 
I’ve been storing up these
Wishes deep within my heart, 
And I’m sending them to you early
To get your day off to a great start.

Have a wonderful birthday, my love.
Sister, you bring so much joy and light into the world. May your special day be blessed with all the things that make you happy.
You are all I ever wished for in a husband, and my goal is to bring you happiness every day. Happy birthday, love!
Here we go again, it’s that time of the year, another birthday, one step closer to the final demise. Just kidding, you’ve never been better, older, but otherwise awesome.

Be happy, enjoy your day, you’re alive and well, that’s all that matters!
Since I met you, my mind won’t stop spinning and my feet barely touch the ground. I’m walking on clouds and I’m lighter than air. The slightest breeze could take me away, off into the skies among the birds. I feel so light, lighter than a feather, but I kiss you heavily on this special day!
You are admired by all and now you also have an admirer in me. May you have a fantastic day and many more to come!
Nan, Nana, Nany, Gran, Grannie, Grandma. Whatever name I call you by, you always reply with love. Happy sweet birthday!
The Persians knew it, the Aztecs knew it and even the Sumerians knew it. The great secret to living a long life is to have more birthdays! Happy birthday!
Every year that goes by you get closer to the one hundred year mark and no one would ever guess how close you are. If you keep on going like this you will easily get to one thousand.

If it was up to me, you would live until you were one billion years old.

May you have a fantastic day and many more to come, grandad!
I love you, grandpa! I hope I can continue to enjoy your company and friendship for many years to come. Have a lovely birthday!
Always try to be the best in your class and in everything you do. I wish you many more candles to blow!
On this day many years ago a truly fabulous princess was born; me!

Here’s to me!
Happy birthday, cuz! I hope you have a day crammed full of happiness and laughter!
Happy bday, sis!

My gift to you this year
is that I’ll finally admit
you’re the favourite child!
Some friendships
They come and go
But I always knew
Ours would only grow

Our friendship is real
The strongest I know
It’s the very best gift
Anyone could bestow

Happy birthday, my dear!

Thank you for your
Unconditional friendship!
You fill me with love
You fill me with laughter
I don’t know where I’d be
Without my dear granddaughter!

All my love on your special day!
Happy birthday to a very loyal
client of ours!

It goes without saying that we
appreciate your business, but
more than that we appreciate
the relationship forged through
our company and yours!

We value you a lot!

You make our business what it is
and I hope that we, in some way,
help to make yours what it is too!
Happy wedding anniversary!

May you always love each other dearly,
and never tire of each other’s company!
Happy birthday to the newest teen
in the family!

I hope that this new chapter of your
life brings you much happiness and
new experiences which leave you
with everlasting memories.

It’s certainly a special time for you,
and I hope that you enjoy it!

Live these years to the fullest and
I hope that you have a truly
fantastic birthday!
Double the age you were last year, and twice as cute, too!

Happy second birthday, adorable one!
Happy birthday, son!

Let’s forget about all of
this stepson nonsense,
you are my son and that’s
all there is to it!
Wishing a very happy birthday to our precious little girl!

Granddaughters are supposed to make their grandparents proud, and that’s exactly what you do, my dear! Thank you for never disappointing!

May your birthday be filled with all the happiness that you deserve, and here’s to another glorious year ahead for you! 

Lots of birthday love from your grandparents, my dear!
Happy birthday to my lovely stepson!

How lucky I am to have such a mature
stepson, who accepted me into his life
without hassle.

You are an outstanding young man and
I feel very fortunate to be the stepparent
of such a wonderful person!

Today I am wishing you the happiest
birthday, and also a lifetime of joy!
Happy birthday to my special little girl, a granddaughter like no other!

Wishing you all the love and happiness possible today, my dear!
Happy birthday, mother-in-law!

Just like my own mother, I know that I can count on you for anything. You’re always there, just a phone call or message away.

I feel safe knowing that I have such a fabulous mother-in-law I can rely on.

Thank you for being the wonderful person that you are!

Wishing you the loveliest birthday this year, mother-in-law!
It’s your very first birthday, little one!

I hope you have an amazing party fit
for a very special teeny tot!

Your first birthday is certainly one to
remember! Perhaps not for you, but it
will always stay with your parents and
you’ll have photos to look back on, of
course, to see how happy you made
everyone even when you were a tiny
little thing!

Enjoy your very first birthday!
Happy 17th birthday!

Seeing how wonderful you are
at seventeen only tells me that
you’re going to get even lovelier
throughout the years ahead!
At just one year of age pretty much everything is a new and wonderful experience for you, including your very first birthday!

I hope that this special day is the first of many happy birthdays to come, little one!

Happy 1st birthday!
Happy birthday and all the very best to a principal who is worth their weight in gold!

You are so truly valuable to this school!
Happy birthday to the greatest woman on the face of the planet: my mom!

Sending you all the daughterly love possible on your special day!
There are six glowing candles on your cake this year, kiddo! Wishing you the happiest 6th birthday ever!