Popular Birthday Wishes

Today marks one whole year that you’ve been warming our hearts and filling them with joy. Here’s to many more years of you doing just that.

I’m sending the happiest and most heartfelt 1st birthday wishes your way, cute baby.
Your birthday is the perfect time for me to declare my love for you, as few boyfriends are as heart-touching and as romantic as you! Happy birthday!
A beautiful baby boy came into the
world exactly one year ago today!

Happy 1st birthday, adorable one!
Happy birthday to you!

May you have a truly fantastic day today, for a friend as great as you deserves all their dreams to come true! I hope that very special gift is exactly what you receive on your birthday this year!
Some cousins are just that but then there are cousins like you. A cousin who is so much more, a true friend through and through.
Wishing you a very happy birthday. 
May your special day bring a well-
deserved break so that you can
take a pause and reflect upon the
successful year you have had.

Best wishes for a well-rested
and brilliant birthday this year.
Happy birthday to my lover girl!

To me, you are so much more
Than simply just my lover
You’re the one whose company
I enjoy more than any other!
Happy birthday, brother.

May this year ahead be kind to you,
at least as kind as your soul is.

You’re a truly wonderful person
inside and out with a huge heart,
and I only ever wish you happiness.
Happy birthday, sweetie!

You truly are a very special girl
to put up with a guy like me…

You must really love me a lot!
Happy birthday to my all-time bestie!

Here’s to you, to us, and most 
importantly, to our friendship!
May it last for a very long 
time to come, girl!
In the whole entire world 
There are few friends like you
Who are just as incredible and
Mean as much to me as you do. 
You’re one of my favourite people 
A best friend through and through
Without you to brighten my days
I don’t know what I would do. 

Happy birthday and best wishes
To you today, bestie. You truly
Are such a meaningful and
Important person to me, girl. 
Happy 2nd birthday, baby boy.

Each month of your life so far has
brought pure happiness and joy into
mine. You truly are the sweetest little
blessing who brightens each day for
me. May you always be the brightly
shining star that you are, little one.
Today, we are celebrating two whole years of you, baby boy. May many years full of joy and happiness await you.
The only thing that my
Status should read today
Is a special message
Wishing you a great day!

Happy birthday!
Happy 2nd birthday, little one! An adorable little boy like you deserves their special day to be full of love, laughter, and joy!
There are two types of people:
those who count their years, and
those who make their years count.

Always be the latter of the two,
my friend. Happy birthday.
I could search far and wide for
A boyfriend as unique as you
But the truth is that really
There are very few!

Whether that’s for better or for 
Worse, I’ll leave that up to you!
Happy birthday!
Your 2nd birthday has come around, little one! Happy birthday!

I’m wishing you all the joy in the world as we celebrate the adorable miracle of a child that you are! May you always be as happy as the giggly little boy you are now!
Happy birthday to my very
Best friend in the whole world
Who gives me hope and joy. 

You make even the most
Impossible seem possible.
You are a true inspiration, girl.
Few friends can rock someone’s 
world like you have mine, 
which is why I’ll always be so
grateful for a gal pal so fine. 

Happy birthday, have a great time.
Happy birthday, my dear BFF.

Know that I will always believe in you
But much more importantly, always
Remember to believe in yourself. 
Everyone’s youth must come to an end at some point, and it looks like this birthday marks the end of yours! It was fun while it lasted, bro! 😜
Dad, what better time to tell you how
much you mean to me than on your
birthday. You truly are my hero.

Happy birthday. 
You inspire me to be the very best version of myself, girl. Thank you for always supporting me with your unique and unmatched friendship. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday to my husband,
a man like no other.

I’m truly blessed to have you
around to brighten my days and
fill my heart with so much joy.
Happy birthday, sweetie.

I want you to know today and everyday that I love you for everything that you are.
Thank you, truly, to everyone who wishes me a happy birthday. I appreciate you all. 
Thanks for the birthday wishes!

I’m so grateful that you took time
out of your day to brighten mine!
21 years ago the most beautiful blessing
came into my life.

Happy birthday, my sweet daughter.
You deserve the world today and always.
I can’t even begin to describe how much all your birthday messages meant to me. They were truly heartwarming to read and I appreciated each and every word. Thank you so much, everyone.
Thank you to everyone who went out of their way to send me birthday wishes on my special day. I want you all to know that they meant the world to me. Reading each message truly put a smile on my face.
For all that you are
And all that you do
I simply couldn’t wish for
A better husband than you. 

I’m wishing you the happiest
And most incredible birthday
Today, my love. You truly do
Deserve the world and more.
I don’t have to wait until your birthday each year to honor the great man that you are, dad, but I am sending you extra special wishes on your big day today.

Happy birthday, pops.
Thanks to all who sent birthday wishes my way on my special day. I truly appreciate it, guys.

If ever there was a time to be thankful it would be on my birthday, when I see just how many wonderful people I have in my life. I have the best family and friends.
I’m sending my very best and most
heartfelt wishes to an aunty so great!

To say that you’re a significant
person in my life would be a huge
understatement. You truly are an
incredible blessing to me.
Happy birthday to the best kid brother a sister could wish for! You might be crazy and sometimes annoying, but I wouldn’t trade you for the world!
For the one I hold dear
My wishes are coming
A little early this year. 

May your special day
Bring you everything
That your heart desires.

Happy advance birthday,
My sweetheart.
For all that you are 
And for everything you do
I feel truly blessed
To have an aunty like you. 

Happy birthday.
I couldn’t wish for a stronger, more caring mother who is always there for me. You’re the best role model in the world, mom. Happy birthday.
Dad, I have so much to thank you for
and your birthday seems as good of
a time as any to do just that. 

So, from the very bottom of my heart,
thank you for everything. You are and
always will be the most special man
to me. Happy heartfelt birthday, dad.
Happy birthday, mom. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful woman watching over me to light up my path and guide the way. You’re my guardian angel, mom.
Sending sweet wishes 
To a mom who cares
I’m so grateful to have
A mom who’s always there. 

Happy birthday ❤️ 
Happy birthday to the number 1 woman in my life: my mom! You always have and always will take the top spot in my heart, mom.
Close your eyes and think of the thing that your heart most desires. Then when you open them, the thing you most desire will be right in front of you: ME!

Happy birthday, my love! ❤️
I know that turning another year older might make you a little emotional and you might even want to cry, but it’s not all that bad… just think of the positives, like the fact that you have an amazing girlfriend to comfort you in your time of need!
There aren’t enough words in the English language to fully express just how much you mean to me, my love! You simply are my everything. Happy birthday ❤️
You gave me life and were there for me every step I took. I wanted to pay you back for all your devotion, for being the best mother, but every riches of the world wouldn't be enough.

So all I have, as a gift and as a retribution, is my heart and my unconditional and eternal love.

Happy birthday, mom!
I wish all the happiness and all the love in the world, just for you, daddy, because I love you and want you to be happy. Have a wonderful birthday!
To have a cousin like you truly is a blessing, as I happened to find one of my best friends in my own family. Happy birthday to you!

May your day be filled with joy and lovely surprises, and may you live many many more years because I need you by my side, always and forever.
Since the first time we met you’ve always treated me with kindness and love, and for that I’m very grateful.

Happy birthday, dear mother-in-law! And be assured that you’re like a true mother to me.