Popular Birthday Wishes

Today you turn eight
Which simply is great
Each year you get taller
And so much cooler!

Happy birthday to you!
Who would’ve thought 
That at the age of just 8, 
You would already be 
So wonderful and great! 

Happy birthday, kid!
Happy anniversary to my parents!

May the love that you share, that same
devotion that inspires me each and every
day, continue for many more years!
Being so far apart
Breaks my heart
But knowing that
We’ll soon be back
In each other’s arms
Gives me comfort.

Happy birthday,
My sweet fiancé.
These birthday wishes 
Will have travelled far, 
To get all the way over 
There to where you are. 

Happy birthday, dear sister.
To have a friend
With a heart so full
Truly is one of the
Best gifts of all.

For all that you are
And all that you do
I’m wishing the happiest
Of birthdays to you.

Enjoy your special day,
My dear friend.
For a fabulous girl 
that already has it all 
I’m wishing a big, 
meaningful 21st birthday 
that’s anything but small!
A fantastic father like you
Truthfully there are very few
Regardless of where they are
Be it in heaven or on earth.

Happy birthday, dad.
I miss you always.
I will love you always
With every inch of my heart
Just as much as I have
Since the very start.

Happy 5th birthday from your 
Adoring mom, sweetheart!
It’s true, it is in fact my birthday today.

I know you wouldn’t be able to tell though,
as I simply don’t look a day older!
Happy 27th birthday to you! I hope you enjoy one of the few remaining birthdays where you can legitimately still feel young!
Happy birthday, loverboy!

You’re funny and kind
Through and through
We make a good match
Me and you!
You’re not too bad
As far as teachers go
In fact, you’re probably
The nicest one I know!

Happy birthday to you!
My life is so much better
With a twin sister like you
We just work perfectly
As a pair, me and you!

Happy birthday to us!
Out of all the 12-year-olds 
Celebrating their birthday today,
I’m hoping that yours is the 
Best in every possible way!

Happy 12th birthday, kid!
Your final birthday of being a kid
It’s the very last one
So may it be awesome
And filled with so much fun!

Happy 12th birthday!
A love like ours
As true as can be
Is the most meaningful
And touching thing to me.

Happy birthday, my dear.
I’m wishing you the best
On your 18th birthday, son
As your path into adulthood
Has well and truly begun.

May you have endless adventures,
The greatest opportunities, and
Above all, constant happiness in
Everything that you do.

Happy birthday, son.
On a day like this, there is only one thing I can say to someone like you who is a dear friend through and through, and that is to wish the happiest birthday to you!

May you enjoy your special day to the fullest, best friend!
Turning 11-years-old
Shouldn’t go unnoticed
So may you have a great day
Celebrated in the best possible way!

Happy 11th birthday!
I couldn’t let the birthday pass by
Of a dear friend as great as you
For your loyalty and friendship
And all the great things you do!

Have the happiest of birthdays!
For a friend so dear
For a friend so true
These birthday wishes
Are just for you!

May you have the most
Wonderful day!
Happy birthday to
My sister from another
A truly fabulous gal pal
A dear friend like no other!
Happy birthday, girl.

You are my best friend
in the entire world and
a true sister at heart.
I could never ever picture
the two of us being apart.
So you’re another year older
One more trip around the sun
Luckily for you, you still smoulder
After another year filled with fun!

Like stars in the moonlight
Your eyes still have that twinkle
And also light-years away are
Your laughter lines and wrinkles!

Happy birthday, girl!
Congrats to the new parents! You're going to do great! Don't forget to look after each other, too!
Many happy returns to you today! I hope to see you in person on your special day, but I wanted to wish you a happy birthday on here first!
There must be but a handful of brothers as heart touching as you are. I feel beyond blessed to be your sister. Happy birthday to you, dear brother.
Sweet, spectacular, and fabulous… but enough about me! Today is your special day, brother, so it should be all about you!

Happy birthday, bro. I’m sending you the biggest and best birthday wishes this year!
Today you’re turning 1
May you have lots of fun
Enjoying games and soft play
On your very 1st birthday!

Happy 1st birthday, little one!
True friends aren’t just the ones who wish you a happy birthday, they are there for you all year round. Best birthday wishes to you, my friend.
I couldn’t wait any longer to wish you a happy birthday, bestie! I hope you have a truly fabulous day when it arrives, girl!
Happy birthday to my dog who’s so much more than just a pet, a dear and much loved member of the family you sure can bet!
Happy birthday, bestie.

My birthday wish for you
This year is that you may 
Always love, laugh, and cry.

When you love, may it be pure
When you laugh, may it be loud
And if you must ever cry, may it
Only be with tears of happiness.
Happy birthday, my hunky husband!

Today might well be your birthday,
but I feel like I’m the one getting the
greatest gift of all as you truly are a
treat for the eyes!

I don’t know how you do it but each
year you only appear to get more
handsome, which is super lucky for
me… Seems like I made a good
investment after all!
Happy birthday, cute girl! May your
birthday be as wonderfully unique,
effortlessly cool, and as super special
as you are! Best wishes to you! 
Happy birthday to my one true love!

Out of all the people in the world,
I am so lucky that I found a fabulous
girl like you to share my heart with!
If you can dream it, you can achieve it. Nothing is impossible for someone as amazing as you, girl. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday to my best bud, 
the birthday boy!

May your special day be even 
more awesome than you are, 
if that’s even possible! 
Happy birthday, bestie! Approach this new year in your life with an open mind and an open heart, and the possibilities will be endless for you.
For all that you are
And all that you stand for
I have the utmost respect 
And admiration for you. 

Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to my pride and joy:
my sweet and special little boy!

I’m wishing you a day full
of happiness as you turn 2
years old today, my dear son.
Big birthday hugs from dad!
We’re blessed
That we have
A love so true
We’re lucky to have
Found each other
Me and you.

Happy birthday,
My love.
Everyone should have someone
special in their life who brightens
each and every day.

I’m so lucky that I have that in you.
Happy birthday, my dear.
On your birthday this year, my sweetheart, I wanted to write you a heartfelt and romantic message filled with gratitude and love for all that you are and all that you do. 

Thank you for your endless and unconditional love. You are always there for me come rain or shine, and it fills me with such a warm feeling knowing I have someone as special as you that I can always depend on.

I hope you know that I will always be that person for you, too. 

Happy birthday and forever yours,
Your guy.
I’m wishing you the happiest of all birthdays on your special day today, my love. May it warm your heart just as you put the fire in mine ❤️
You’re another year older
So what can I say
It’s best not to think about it 
And just celebrate your day!

Happy birthday! 🎂 
I’m pretty sure I managed to thank everyone individually, but just in case I missed anyone, thank you all for the sweet birthday messages!
A love as bright as ours will continue to shine for many years to come. Happy heartfelt birthday wishes to you, my husband.
Sweet, beautiful girl of mine
I hope your birthday is simply divine.

Sending you cute wishes and kisses ❤️