On a day like this, there is only one thing I can say to someone like you who is a dear friend through and through, and that is to wish the happiest birthday to you!
May you enjoy your special day to the fullest, best friend!
Today might well be your birthday, but I feel like I’m the one getting the greatest gift of all as you truly are a treat for the eyes!
I don’t know how you do it but each year you only appear to get more handsome, which is super lucky for me… Seems like I made a good investment after all!
On your birthday this year, my sweetheart, I wanted to write you a heartfelt and romantic message filled with gratitude and love for all that you are and all that you do.
Thank you for your endless and unconditional love. You are always there for me come rain or shine, and it fills me with such a warm feeling knowing I have someone as special as you that I can always depend on.
I hope you know that I will always be that person for you, too.