Popular Birthday Wishes

Happy birthday to a leader like no other
My sweet man, I want to wish you
the very best birthday today!

I know how difficult being apart has
been, and I just want to thank you
for being so supportive and making
so much effort to make this work!

I never feel like I am out of sight
and out of mind, you are so considerate
and you're always there when I need you.

You are my rock! Love you always!
Happy birthday to the most adorable
little girl who’s as sweet as sugar,
and congratulations to the parents
who are doing a super job of raising
such a lil’ cutie-pie!
Today is a day for celebration as it marks what would have been another birthday for my dear mom.

You touched lots of hearts in your time on earth, and you continue to be loved by many. You’ll never be forgotten, mom.
You're my superstar, brother
Today I wish to recognize a truly wonderful figure in our school system.

This person doesn’t just keep everything ticking over fine, they’re constantly striving to improve things and make our school better! You are a beacon of light in this school and we are so glad to have you as our principal!

All the very best to you on your special day this year!
My gorgeous goddaughter, you are
blossoming from a sweet girl into a
wonderful, beautiful woman!

I’m wishing you all the best for the
bright future that awaits you!
Every daughter thinks they have the
best mom in the world, but few
actually know that for sure like I do!

You are the sweetest, kindest, and
most caring lady I know.

I’m wishing you the loveliest birthday
today and a fabulous year ahead.
Simply being related to me would be enough of a gift in itself, but you lucked out with the double bonus of being my twin brother! Happy birthday to us!
Today isn’t the birthday of just any boy,
it’s the birthday of my best friend!

I’m sending a big hug and my very
best wishes your way, buddy!
Happy birthday today, my man!

I hope all the things that you’ve been wishing for come true on this special day of yours and may they bring you endless happiness for the years ahead!

Have a truly spectacular day!
Happy birthday, cute dog
Happy 25th birthday today! This exciting
milestone marks your silver birthday!

You are at that special age where you
still have the world at your feet, but you
are old enough and mature enough,
with ample knowledge and wisdom to
take on the world!

I know with certainty that this will be 
a great year for you, and that you’ll
reach gold, my dear!
You’re like a little brother to me, cousin
Wishing a very happy birthday to a special
person in my life who will always be more
like a brother to me!

I’m wishing you the best today and always,
and I want to thank you for being such a
big presence in my life, my dear friend! 
Happy birthday to someone I still really respect: my dear ex-boyfriend!

We’re no longer an item, but I’m just as thrilled to have you as a good friend! We will always have a special connection, that I am sure of!
You are my sunshine, my joy, my moon and my stars. I am so very blessed to be your mother. Happy 18th from mom, son.
Happy birthday! Your very special 21st
birthday holds the key to your future!

You’ve had a few years of practice now,
but today truly marks the beginning of
being an adult for you.

You are young, smart, and have the
world at your feet! I have every faith in
you that you will thrive and be successful
in whatever you choose to do in life!

Many happy returns and congratulations
on your 21st birthday!
My love, on your special day this year, I’m wishing for all of your dreams to come true. After all, that’s the very least that a girl as sweet as you deserves. Happy birthday to you.
It’s time to celebrate because
it’s the birthday of someone
very special today: yours!

Wishing you an awesome
day, full of smiles and
amazing surprises.

Be happy, you deserve it
more than anyone!
Congratulations to the new parents
on the arrival of your new baby!
Well done to you both!

I’m wishing you all the very best as
you embark on this very special and
unique journey as first-time parents,
and I hope this experience fills your
hearts with joy.
Happy birthday from your favourite teacher! Today I am wishing the very best to a rising star in my class.

I’m very proud of your progress and you are certainly on track to do great things with your future!

Keep up the amazing work!
A one in a million teacher
You're like a second mother to me
My long lost cousin, although we haven’t seen each other in years, I want you to know that I am thinking of you today on your birthday!

I often think what a shame it is that we live far apart, but hopefully we can meet up more often! I miss you! Have an amazing birthday, my dear cousin!
Happy birthday from your
not-so-secret admirer!

I think you know by now that
I have a bit of a soft spot for
you, just a little crush!

But, I mean, who could blame
me - look at you!

Wishing you a birthday that’s as
gorgeous as you are!
Happy birthday to the man of the hour! I hope you have a great birthday and a rocking party today!
Your birthday has come around once again and I’m wishing you the very best as always. Enjoy your special day, my friend.
To one of my longest-standing friends, I wish you the very best birthday today!

We’ve been pals for as long as I can remember, and I’m so glad we’ve never lost touch over the years.

You’re a great friend that I know I can always rely on, even if sometimes we’re busy and haven’t checked in with each other for a few weeks or even a couple of months. We certainly do compensate for it over a good catch up, though!

Thank you for always being there, and for making my childhood the most fantastic, memorable years of my life. I only have happy memories of us playing together all the time as kids.

Cheers, to the most wonderful companion anyone could ask for in life!
Enjoy your day!
May there be no limit to your happiness
The most wonderful person I know
Happy birthday to someone with a sweet soul
and the purest heart! I pray that you have a
magnificent birthday this year as you truly
are a shining star in this world!
My beautiful daughter, today
you are officially a teenager!

I’m wishing you great success
and all the very best for your
teenage years ahead!
Happy 18th birthday, my dear!

It’s still hard to believe that I’m the aunt to an adult niece! In my eyes, you’ll always be that sweet girl I saw grow up so beautifully.

I’m wishing you nothing but the best for the years ahead, sweetie.
As you celebrate your 18th birthday today and finally enter adulthood, my dear daughter, I’m hoping that you may achieve all of your dreams and aspirations.

You are an inspirational young woman who can do anything you put your mind to, and I am so very proud of you.

I'm wishing the very happiest of birthdays to you, my wonderful daughter.
Happy birthday to the best big sis
Happy birthday to someone I am proud to have as a roommate and can actually tolerate living with! There aren’t many people I could live with, trust me!

Enjoy your special day and I hope we can celebrate together later on!
I'll always be older than you, little sis
I want to wish a great birthday to a colleague and friend who has given me so much and always had my back from my first day at the office.

I wish you a long life, good health and all the success possible!
Happy birthday to a very special niece!

You truly are the most precious little girl
and I am so blessed to have you in my
life! I’m proud to call myself your aunt!

May you continue to grow up so
beautifully, my princess!
Happy birthday to a teacher who has
just the right balance of playfulness
and seriousness!

You’re so easy-going and all for having a
laugh, which makes your lessons the best,
but the moment someone steps out of line
something clicks in you and you come
down on them like a ton of bricks!

It’s actually quite funny to watch you go
from one extreme to the other! One
minute you’re laughing, and then the
next you could be shouting at someone!
It certainly keeps everyone on their toes!

Wishing you a calm and relaxed birthday
this year, teacher!
A blessed birthday to you, pastor!

I can’t thank you enough for all
that you have done for me.

You are my spiritual shepherd
and a true blessing from above!
I’ll do everything I can to try and make
sure your birthday is breezy, my friend.

After all, I am your biggest fan!
Happy birthday to the boss lady! You must have some kind of superpower to keep this place running as smoothly as you do!
You've become a wonderful woman, niece
No moment in life was as special as the day you were born. You are like a daughter to me and I will always be your special aunty. Stay true to who you are and never stop chasing your dreams.

Have a wonderful birthday!
One of the best things about school
is the amazing people you meet and
the lifelong friendships you make,
and I can say for sure that I have
found a lifelong friend in you!

I hope that you have an amazing
birthday that’s as amazing as you
are, my dear friend!
One day late wishes
My super adorable son is already a 1-year-old! No longer are we counting the months leading up to your 1st birthday, for today you've reached one whole year!

Thank you for filling my heart with so much love this past year, my darling boy!