Popular Birthday Wishes

Meeting you changed my life for the better. Never had I met someone as special as you. I don’t know what the future has in store for us; I just want to keep living the dream.

Have a fantastic day, my sweetie!
Celebrating your 12th birthday today
Today, we are celebrating mom and dad’s second favorite kid: my brother! Happy birthday!

You can’t honestly be surprised though, bro. It’s so obvious that I’m the favorite one!
Even though this greeting may be a bit late, it doesn’t mean that it’s any less heartfelt.

I’m sorry for missing your special day, it completely slipped my mind. I hope you had the amazing birthday you deserved all the same!

Next year, I’ll make sure to wish you well a day earlier just to be on the safe side! Happy belated birthday!
Happy birthday, my dear sister!

Don’t feel bad because I’ll always
be younger than you; if anything
you should feel bad that you’ll
always be older than me!

I’m sending you all my love and
best wishes to help you celebrate
your special day today.
Happy 70th birthday to an uncle like no
other! I’m sending my very best wishes
to you on this very special day of yours!
You're turning eighteen today
And now you're all grown up
No more treating you like a child,
From here on you're an adult.

You are more than ready
To start this next chapter
Never doubt yourself,
You’re more prepared than you think.

You have your whole life ahead of you
Live it as you may see fit.
Don’t take yourself too seriously
Or else you won’t enjoy it.

Explore the world,
Raise questions,
Challenge yourself
And be true to who you are.

Have a great 18th birthday!
You are such a special friend of mine and that’s why today, I am sending you a birthday message from my heart to yours.

May everything you’ve been wishing for in life come true for you this year, my dear.
Wishing you a great 2nd birthday party
Out of all my friends birthdays on
Facebook, yours is the one I’ve
been most looking forward to
seeing pop up on my notifications!

Happy birthday!
Today is your birthday!
Hip hip, hooray! 

Three cheers for you on
your special day, my dear!
Happy birthday to my handsome man!

I hope you know I’ll still love you when
you’re old and gray, which going by this
birthday probably isn’t too far away!

I’m sending you lots of love and kisses
today, birthday boy!
I promise I’ll make it up to you
My dear stepson, today is a very
special day for it is your birthday!

Wishing you all the happiness in
the world, which is nothing short
of what you deserve.

You are a remarkable young man
and we are all so very proud of you!

Never stop being the amazing person
that you are and have a very happy
birthday, my dear!
Happy bday! Wishing you a day full of happiness and a year full of love, my dear!

I wish only the best for you, always!
Happy birthday to my wonderful guy
who is nothing short of perfection!

There might not be many of you about,
but you are living proof that the perfect
boyfriend does actually exist!
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I’m wishing you a spectacular day 
From the deepest depths of my heart. 

Happy birthday to you, my dear. 
We have been friends for as long as I can remember and somewhere along the way you kind of just merged into my daily life!

You are my best friend and I can’t imagine a world without you in it, my dear!

Thank you for your genuine friendship and loyalty over all these years!

Wishing you a truly magnificent birthday!
Happy birthday, my dear fiancé!

I can’t wait to start this journey
with you as my husband!
Congratulations on finally becoming a teenager! Your teenage years won’t last forever, so make the most of each and every one of them!

Happy 13th birthday to you!
Happy birthday! A sweet little angel like you makes us feel like the luckiest parents in the world! You will forever be our precious baby girl.
Happy birthday to my husband who is smart, funny, and gorgeous, and who reminds me a lot of myself! I guess that’s why we make the perfect pair because we share so many wonderful similarities!
For you, my most loved one
I have only the sweetest wishes
Full of love and a big kiss for you
In advance of your special day. ❤️

May it be all that your heart desires.
Every day I have you in my life is more special for it. I wish you the most amazing birthday, aunty!
To the girl who makes me happy every day, I want to wish the most amazing day and many more happy years to come!
Wishing a very happy birthday to two
very special people!

You aren’t just brother and sister, you’re
twin brother and sister! That makes a
special bond even more special!

You two share not only the same genetics
and the same birthday, but you share a
love and connection that is only possible
between twins! 

I hope you both enjoy your special day
this year!
A big happy birthday to you today, bestie!

In you, I found someone I can rely on completely. I want you to know that I will always be here for you too, through the good times and the not so good times!

Enjoy your special day!
Wishing you luck on your 13th birthday
Happy 25th! Such an exciting milestone for you, your mid-twenties are going to be some of the best years of your life!

I hope you have an absolute blast today and over the next few years - enjoy it!

Have a drink for me, my friend! Cheers!
I’m sending the biggest hugs and kisses, and the best birthday wishes to you from far away today, best friend! I can’t wait to celebrate together when we’re reunited!
Our long distance relationship is unbreakable
A celebration to remember
Birthday greetings to you today!

I hope you know that you’re one of
the most respected people I have
ever had the pleasure of meeting!
Happy 2nd birthday, my darling daughter.

You are the light that brightens my days
and the strength that touches my heart.
Everything I am is yours, my precious
little princess.

I am truly blessed to be the father of
such a beautiful baby girl.
To the loveliest little angel, I wish
unlimited happiness, hugs and
cuddles, and an amazingly pink day!

Happy birthday, baby girl!
Wishing you endless success
for the year ahead, my friend!

You’ve already set the bar high
for your peers, so I’m sure you’ll
continue to excel this year!

Happy birthday!
Happy 11th birthday,
My special little human!

Now you’re getting older 
I just want you to know
You're not the only
One getting bigger
My love for you
It also grows.
Wishing a blessed birthday to my beloved sister today! You continue to shine ever so brightly on this world our Lord created.

I’m praying for God to provide you with all the love and happiness you so deserve for this glorious year ahead!
You are a ray of sunshine in anybody’s life, miss! I’m wishing you a wonderful birthday full of happiness and joy today!
You might finally be growing up and catching me up, little bro, but you’ll still always be younger than me! In my eyes, you’ll forever be my baby brother!
I wanted to drop you a line
With something heartfelt,
Something special and unique
To mark your anniversary this year.
So without further ado
I just want to say to you
You are a friend like no other
One I’m lucky to have in my life.

I’m wishing you all the very best
And the greatest birthday possible.
A new age and a new year, may God’s light shine down on you and look upon you favorably this year. Happy birthday, my dear.
Happy birthday, girl!

I am so proud of you
and how much you
have grown as a person.
I feel very privileged to
have a best friend like you.
While some people grow more stubborn and become grumpier with age, you just get wiser and more optimistic!

Not only are you one of my absolute favourite people, but you are also simply a breath of fresh air among all of the elders that I know!

Happy birthday, my dear! I hope you have an amazing day today and enjoy your many years to come!
Happy birthday to my dear cousin,
who is a brother to me in every
sense of the word!

You are a relative, a friend and the
very best companion!

You have always been there,
through the good and the bad, and
I have no doubt that you’ll be there
until the end of time, too. 

Enjoy your special day, bro!
You deserve it!
Happy birthday to my bestie 
who is as mad as a hatter! 

Love you, my crazy friend!
A very happy birthday is in order! Today is a very special day for us all as we recognise the birthday of our charismatic leader! 
I have only the very best wishes for you today, miss! Happy birthday!

You’re an amazing teacher who has truly touched my heart with your lessons, and I simply want to wish you a beautiful day that’s as special and as perfect as you are.
I have only the most heartfelt words and
wishes for my inspirational son on his 18th
birthday today. May your future that awaits
you be full of many wonderful experiences.