Popular Birthday Wishes

My dear daughter, not only are you another year older which is special in itself, but today you enter a new and exciting chapter of your life. I hope that it is full of the most wonderful things and the greatest of opportunities for you.

Wishing you the sweetest 18th birthday from dad. May you have the best day.
I can’t believe you’re turning 1 already today, my gorgeous little niece! Happy 1st birthday!

May you continue growing to be the happy and healthy girl that you are!
You have a huge responsibility on
your shoulders, yet you manage to
pull it off with such elegance and
grace! You truly are a special friend
and a phenomenal woman!

Happy birthday! I’m wishing you all the
very best on your special day today!
A person as wonderful and as special
as you deserves more than just one
day that’s bright and beautiful!

Happy birthday, my love!
For the truly wonderful person that you are, I’m wishing you a very happy birthday today. I’m sending only the very best wishes your way, and may the year ahead bring only the happiest of moments to your life.
My mom is a true hero
A motivated and dedicated guy like you deserves a truly spectacular birthday this year! Happy birthday to you!

Keep on giving your all to everything you do in life, and you will be sure to achieve all of your ambitions!
Wishes for a lover and a best friend
My love, I can’t imagine a world where you are not my husband. If such a world would exist, I would be but forever melancholic and infinitely sad.

I would have been so lost in life without all of your love and support throughout the years. Thank you for being my very own cheerleader, my rock and my friend.

You are everything that is right and good in my life. To everyone else in this world, you may be just a man, but to me, you are the world.

Happy birthday to my dear husband, the man who deserves but the best and to whom I wish nothing but endless joy and happiness!
Happy birthday, my friend! We have shared some really great times together, moments that have left me with everlasting memories I’ll cherish forever!

Thank you for being a part of a really special time in my life and making my college days the best they could be!
Dearest friend, today I am wishing you a day that surpasses that of all other days!

I hope your birthday celebrations leave you as content as you can be, with some lasting memories of your special occasion!

A very happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to my love, my boyfriend, and my best friend! I hope your special day warms your heart as much as you warm mine, my special man!
We make a dream team, my love
I am glad to be a part of the same team as you. You are an extraordinary person and a wonderful co-worker. Happy birthday!
I know that I am early
Once again this year,
But if I don’t say it now
I’ll forget and miss it, I fear!

Happy birthday, my wonderful friend!

Wishing you but the best for your
Special day and for the year ahead!
Happy birthday, my dear best friend.

Your birthday is as good a time as
any to tell you how much you mean
to me. You’re a true, kind, and
genuine person with a heart of gold.
You’re the most loyal of them all.

I truly am the luckiest person in the
world to have a blessed best friend
in you. Thank you for always
sticking by my side, bestie.
Many happy returns to our beloved pastor!

May the Lord bless you and keep you, so
that you may continue to shepherd us as
wonderfully as you do.

We are so very fortunate to have a guide
like you to show us the path.
As you reach another milestone in your
life, I feel it’s the perfect opportunity to let
you know how wonderfully I think you’ve
grown up. You truly are my pride and joy.

Happy birthday, son. I hope you enjoy
your special day today.
For a best friend like you
Let us celebrate and cheer
For the countdown has begun
To your birthday this year!

May you receive many
Wishes and messages
On your special day!
You have been a big part of my life for a while now, and I couldn't be happier that we’re family!

The role you’ve played over the years can’t have been easy, and I just want you to know how grateful I am for everything that you have done for me.

I hope you have a truly spectacular birthday today, my lovely stepmother!
Celebrating 70 years of you
Happy birthday, old man!

Gray hairs may be emerging and
wrinkles starting to form but try and
enjoy your special day all the same!
Dad, you always have and always
will be my hero. You are the man
I look to for comfort and advice,
as you have a wealth of wisdom
and a kind, caring heart.

I am truly blessed to have a
supportive father like you.

Happy birthday from your
forever adoring daughter.
Today I am wishing a very happy birthday
to a school friend who has been with
me since my very first day of preschool!

Thank you for always being there for
me and always looking out for my
best interests!

I am so lucky to have such a great
school friend I know I can rely on!

Congrats and enjoy your special day!
Our glorious world is blessed to have such a beautiful and tender soul such as you in it! God bless you on your birthday today, my dear!
Happy birthday to you, my dear kid
brother! I’m wishing you all the
happiness in the world as you turn
another year older today!

I must say that you really are growing
up to be a wonderful person, just like
your elder sibling!
Happy birthday to you today, good sir!

May you have yourself a jolly splendid
day surrounded by fine people!
Today you turn one, tiny baby! That means we’ve had one incredible year full of happiness and joy since you came into the world.

We can’t remember what life was like before we had you, nor would we want to. We wish you all the great things the world has to offer, and nothing less.

Happy birthday our sweet little angel, enjoy your first birthday of many more to come!
No matter how much you
grow or how old you become,
you will always be my baby sis!

May your birthday be filled
with joy!
Time passes us by so quickly, my friend!

Wishing you a very happy birthday today
and remembering all the great times we
have spent together in the past!

We have made some truly wonderful
memories that I will cherish forever!

All the best to you and yours!
There is no better role model
than you, principal!

You have such a positive influence
on so many young minds!

Wishing you the happiest of
birthdays this year!
Happy birthday to you today, mom.

If I am a good man then it’s all because of you. You raised me well and I’ll always be thankful for the lessons you taught me.

I owe everything to you, mom.
Wishing a very happy birthday to one
of God’s most precious creations.

I’m praying that your special day
comes with a thousand blessings,
my dear, and that you are forever
followed and protected by the
tender care of the Holy Spirit.

All my love to you today.
The best neighbor I could wish for
Touching birthday wishes for my forever friend
For twenty-five years you have been making your parents proud, son. You have grown up to be a perfect gentleman and an exemplary human being.

May you continue this way for all the years to come! Happy birthday to you!
It was always likely that I’d gain an in-law someday, but I never expected to gain a true sister. That’s what I found in you and more, though.

Happy birthday!
I would tell you not to grow up too
quickly and simply cherish the years,
but you seem to be doing a pretty good
job of that all by yourself, my dear sister!

I’m wishing you a very happy birthday
and sending a big kiss!
Happy birthday to my handsome
husband who still isn’t showing
his age, or acting it either!

I guess really I’m lucky my hubby
hasn’t changed and that he’s still
the same great man I met and fell
in love with all those years ago!
Little bro, if I can give you any advice
as your wise elder sibling it would
simply be to live in the moment and
enjoy each day of your youth.

Trust me, when you get as old and
withered as me you’ll be glad that
you did! Happy birthday, dude!
Happiest of birthdays to you. I’m sending you the warmest wishes to help celebrate your special day.
You thought I had forgotten you or that I didn’t like you? That’s simply not true. I may not remember many things, but I always remember you. You are always on my mind.

You deserve but the best every day of the year.

Happy belated birthday!
I hope your first teen birthday is unforgettable
The place where I lay my head
The place I feel most content
If home is where the heart is
Then you will always be home
For you are the one who puts
A big smile upon my face
You will always be
My happy place.

Happy birthday, my love.
Sending from afar, the loveliest of birthday wishes to the loveliest person today!

Happy birthday!
One of the kindest and most generous ladies I have ever met is celebrating her birthday today: you!

I’m wishing you an extraordinarily happy birthday, and I hope the year ahead is bright and filled with many wonderful opportunities for you! 
Happy birthday and many congratulations on recently achieving your doctorate!

I can finally wish you a happy birthday while addressing you as a doctor!
I might not look forward to school
each day, but I definitely look
forward to seeing my school friend!

Happy birthday, bestie! 
While this distance makes it difficult for me
to get you anything for your birthday this
year, you can bet that the best gift in the
world will be right here waiting for you
when you come home: your beloved wife!

Happy birthday to you, my sweet husband!