Popular Birthday Wishes

When the stars aligned
Our paths crossed
That was the day I met
The love of my life.

I’ll always be 
So very grateful
That the universe 
Brought us together.

Happy birthday to you,
My moon, my stars.
Happy birthday to me!

Today is my birthday and I think I deserve
a day that’s solely focused on me! I have
achieved a lot this year and I am feeling
pretty proud of myself!

Thank you to those who already have, and
please, to those who are yet to shower me
with lovely messages and extravagant gifts
this year feel free to do so - I deserve it!
Happy birthday, my dear father-in-law!

I wanted to get you something to
commemorate your special day, but
I couldn’t possibly get you a gift that
would live up to the one you have
already given me!

Your daughter is life’s greatest gift,
father-in-law! Thank you for doing
such an amazing job of raising such
an incredible human!

My best wishes to you on your
special day!
Girl, like a fine bottle of wine you
just keep getting better with age!

Enjoy your day, sis. Cheers!
I’m wishing you the very happiest birthday today, sis!

The day that you officially became my sister-in-law was a particularly special and happy day but truth be told, you had touched my heart and were already a sister to me long before then.

I hope that your special day today warms your heart just as you have mine.
An aunty who has always been there
For all that you do, mom, I want you to know just how much you are appreciated on your special day.

As your son, I can safely say that you make the world a much better place! Not just for me but for so many others, too!

You truly are a remarkable person, mom, and I want to wish the greatest birthday possible for the greatest woman and mom ever to exist!
I’m wishing you all the happiness that your heart can hold today on your birthday!

I’m a lucky lady to have a friend like you in my life!
You are my best friend and because of that, I feel it’s my responsibility to remind you not to blow out your candles too hard today as you wouldn’t want your false teeth to come out!

Happy birthday, buddy!
Because being fabulous never
goes out of style, you will
always be fashionable, girl!

My best friend deserves only
the very best celebrations on
her special day, so I hope you
have an absolutely wonderful
birthday filled with happy
moments and good times!

Have a great day, chick!
Happy birthday to my beautiful baby niece!

You’re already such a pretty girl with the sweetest, kindest heart and you truly are one of the biggest blessings in my life.

I’m wishing you a wonderful birthday today and a joy-filled future ahead, my dear girl!
On your birthday today, my dear, I pray that you never go a day without feeling the loving warmth or the gentle tenderness from another caring soul like yourself.

You deserve all the happiness our great Lord can provide!

My best wishes to you today!
Having an older sister is twice the fun,
twice the caring and twice the wardrobe!

Happy birthday!
Many congratulations and many happy returns on your 25th birthday!

I hope that a lot of happiness awaits you in the years to come and that you are presented with the most incredible opportunities!

Enjoy this special birthday and all the very best to you, my friend!
My dear friend, my wise elder sister.

I feel it’s only right, on your special day, that I tell you how much you mean to me and how much I appreciate having you in my life. You give me all the support and direction I need, and I would be lost in life without you. I am blessed to know you always have my back, and I hope you know I always have yours too.

Here’s to a fantastic birthday and a great year to come! Cheers!
May all your dreams come true this year, as you are one of a kind and so truly special to me. I adore you in every way possible, my love!
Sure, getting lots of gifts on your birthday
is nice but no gift will ever be as great as
simply having a wonderful cousin like me!

Happy birthday, girl!
Happy birthday to my boy who is a kind, caring, shining example of a man!

Like father, like son, I guess!
Counting down to your birthday on Instagram
On your special day, my dear boy, I want to wish you a very happy and lovely birthday!

I am blessed to have you as my friend; you truly are an amazing person. You understand me like no one else in this world, life seems easy and fun when you are around. You are such a kind-hearted and generous person who makes everyone feel better. You give everyone the drive and desire to be better. I feel that since meeting you I have become a better person too.

I truly hope you have the fun-loving birthday you deserve and many more happy years of life to come!
I’m wishing you a very sweet birthday today, you beautiful boy! I hope you know just how special a person you are to me!
On your special day this year, I just want to thank you for always being older than me!

If I’m ever feeling down about my age, all I have to do is remind myself that at least I’m not as old as you and it always seems to make me feel better!

Happy birthday to you today, pal!
It’s true that not all couples could go
the distance like us, but we’re fortunate
enough to have a relationship so strong
and a love so deep that can surpass
even the most challenging obstacles.

I’m very grateful to have such a sweet
and supportive boyfriend like you.

Happy birthday, my love. I’m counting
down the days until we can celebrate
together at last.
Mommy, you are the most incredible
parent and a lady so full of love, so
may your special day today be just
as sweet and beautiful as you are.

Happy birthday to you today from
your ever-adoring boy.
You’re not simply someone dear to me;
you’re the single most important person
in my life. I would be lost without you.

Happy birthday to you today.
Wherever it is that you are in the world, today or any other day in the future, you will always be on my mind and in my heart.

I’m wishing you the happiest birthday possible from afar, my dear one!
Happy birthday to my
sweet twin boys!

Together, you both make
up each half of my heart!
I want to wish a happy birthday to a remarkable girl that I know. Someone like you is hard to find. You are smart, beautiful and kind, such a marvellous trio of qualities to possess.

For all those reasons I must say meeting you was a blessing and I truly hope you have the spectacular day you deserve and many more spectacular days to come!
Happy birthday to the sweetest little girl
I know! You are getting so big now and
today you turn yet another year older!

You’ll have to stop growing up so quickly or
else you’ll be a big girl before we know it!
For a man who has been such an
inspirational role model to me, I’m
wishing you a day that brings
happiness to your heart.

I’ll always be grateful for you, and
you truly deserve all the best in life
for all the good that you do.

May you have the happiest of
birthdays today, my dear godfather.
You guide and inspire everyone around you. We feel safe along the way because we know that you are there to help us.
So, on your birthday, we wish for life to bless you with good health, success, and prosperity for many more years to come, sir.
Every step we make and every trip we take together on this beautiful journey of ours means the absolute world to me. Happy anniversary, my incredible boyfriend!
Happy birthday to an extraordinary teacher. It is truly heart touching how much you care about your students and their success.

I personally am very grateful for all that you do, and I know that your other students think that too.
Happy birthday to somebody who has been a big part of my past, a special part of my present, and a bright part of my future.

There’s nobody I’d rather always have around in my journey through life.

I'm wishing you a truly wonderful birthday, my dear!
Today is a very special day indeed for
it’s your birthday, my dear!

It’s the day you’ve been waiting all year
to arrive, and it finally has!

Happy birthday to you! I hope that it’s as
special as you had hoped it would be!
Happy birthday, my lovely wife!

I’m so lucky to have found possibly
the only woman in the world who
shares the same sense of humor
as I do! We may not be very funny,
but at least we can be not very
funny together!
Happy birthday to my little sis who is blossoming into a beautiful young woman!

I’m so proud of the person you’re becoming, my dear!
I’m wishing you a very happy birthday
indeed, ma’am! A female leader like
you is exactly what we need!
Happy 12th birthday, princess! Here’s to 12 wonderful years of being the fabulous girl that you are!
I am very proud to work with someone like you. I am very grateful to be a part of your team. As a leader you deserve but my respect and fascination.

May you have all the success in life and a great birthday, ma’am!
Happy birthday to someone incredibly dear to me!

You don’t just resemble a brother-like figure to me, I truly see you as a brother through and through.

You have been there for me for as long as I can remember and I know that I can always depend on you. There’s no word or role that is more fitting than brother to describe how I see you.

Thank you for being such an amazing friend and brother to me! I want to wish you a birthday filled with all the love and happiness the world has to offer, bro!
One of the best parts of being a parent is that one day every year when you get to celebrate the birth of your child.

Today, I’m doing just that! Happy birthday to my little princess! Wishing you a wonderful day full of joy, laughter and lots of happiness!
For a cousin and a sister all rolled into one
I’m wishing you a birthday that’s full of fun!

Happy birthday, my dear! 

Here’s to the many years of laughter and 
creating wonderful memories together 
that are still waiting to be written!
Happy birthday to my everlasting number one! Friendships just don’t get any closer or any better than this, my friend! My very best wishes to you, as always!
Happy birthday, dear brother-in-law! I really appreciate how you have always taken care of my sister and how you always have her best interests at heart. It makes me happy to see how much you care about each other.

You make each family get-together so much more fun. I hope we have one soon.

Have a spectacular day and an amazing year ahead!
On this very special birthday of yours,
my dear, I’m wishing you all the best
for a bright future ahead.

This new chapter of your life will open
many doors for you, so may you never
give up or stop chasing your dreams.

Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to my fairy godmother!

You’ve always been there to see to it that good things come my way, only wishing the very best for me. I have nothing but the utmost love and respect for you!

I hope you enjoy your magical day today!
Happy birthday, mam! We are so blessed to have a principal like you who provides so much inspiration each and every day!
The most special day of the year is fast approaching: my birthday! I’m counting down the hours until I can celebrate with you all!
My sweet man,

It's difficult to put into words just how much I miss you. I think about you all day, and count down the moments in my head until I can finally wrap my arms around you and hold you tight! Oh, how my heart fills up when I receive a message from you, and if only you could see the smile on my face when we speak on the phone.

People always say that distance in a relationship makes you realise exactly how much you appreciate each other and makes you stronger as a couple, but until you live it you don’t realise just how true that is.

You are my whole world, my everything, and I hold you dearly in my heart each day until we are together again.

With all my love.