Popular Birthday Wishes

Happy birthday! You are an exceptional student, and I am certain you will find success whatever your choices in life may be.

I hope all your dreams come true and that you continue to be the wonderful person that you are!
Happy birthday,
my darling man!

I wish I could be in
your arms today,
but instead, I’m sending
big kisses your way!
Happy 25th birthday, my dear friend!

I know that this point in your life can be overwhelming, filled with uncertainty and important decisions to make, whilst wondering what direction to take.

But don't have a quarter-life crisis! Take a deep breath, put things in perspective and look at how much you’ve already achieved in your short life so far!

In your brief adult life, you’ve conquered so much and I truly believe that it serves as a benchmark for your future!

Enjoy your special day and relax for a bit! You have your whole life ahead of you!
My sweet, adorable niece, you truly are
the apple of my eye!

I’m wishing you all the happiness in the
world today as you turn another year
older and more beautiful than ever.

A very happy birthday to you, my princess!
Happy sweet 17th birthday to you, my beautiful dear!

On this very special birthday of yours, I’m hoping that all of your dreams may come true. You’re the sweetest girl who deserves all the goodness that life has to offer.
I’m wishing a happy 12th birthday to the
wonderful birthday boy who today turns
another year more awesome and brilliant!

Even though you’re growing up and
quickly leaving your childhood behind,
I hope you always keep hold of a little
bit of the fun, magic, and wonder that
comes with being a kid.
Happy birthday to the parents of such an
adorable baby boy! He is surely the most
precious gift you will ever receive!

Today I am wishing you all good health,
happiness and blessed moments.

You are such a cute little team, the most
enchanting family I have ever seen!
Many congratulations and sending my love
to all three of you!
My birthday promise
To you my friend
Is that I’ll always be there
For you no matter what.

Day or night
Come rain or shine
You can depend on me
For absolutely anything.

Have an amazing birthday
Exactly as you deserve
And I’m sending my biggest
Birthday hugs to you today!
I’m proud to be your son, mom!

You’re an incredible mother and human
being, and I wish you only the very best
on your special day this year!

Happy birthday!
It is no secret that everything in life is better shared with the girl you love, and I am lucky enough to experience that on a daily basis!

Wishing us a very happy anniversary today, my beautiful girlfriend, and here’s to many more happy years together!
I’ve written your birthday wishes in the stars tonight so that you can look up and see them from wherever you are in the world.

Happy birthday, my dear friend!
I long for the day when you’ll
return, my one true love, but no
matter the distance currently
between us you always have
and always will be my rock.

Happy birthday to you today,
my beautiful one. I'm sending
lots of love your way.
Many happy returns to you as you turn 60 today! I’m sending you my most heartfelt congratulations as you celebrate 6 incredible decades of life.
Sweet wishes for a heart-touching best friend
Sending my most sincere birthday
wishes to you today, madam!

I am hoping that your special day is
truly wonderful and goes some way
to rewarding you for all of your hard
work and dedication in everything
that you do!

I don’t know anyone more deserving
of that than you, madam!

Wishing a very happy birthday to you!
You are more than just a boss; you are a kind woman and an incredible mentor!

All the very best to you on your birthday this year!
Happy birthday, my dear fiancé.

While you might be far away today,
you have never been closer to my
heart. I guess distance really does
make the heart grow fonder.
Happy birthday, papa! You always have
and always will be the man I look up to
with all the admiration in the world.

You are a unique and wonderful father,
and I am just so blessed to be one of the
few daughters with a parent like you.
Happy birthday to you today, my sweetheart.

On your special day this year, I just want you to know that you are the most important woman in my life and the person who brings genuine, endless happiness to my heart. Love you always. 
Today is a very special day for me. Today is the day we celebrate the birth of my little brother and best friend. What a joy it was when you were born, I was little, but I recall the joy I felt when I first laid my eyes on you. I knew from that moment on, I had a best friend for life.

Have the most wonderful day, dear brother!
It’s your 3rd birthday today, little one!

For such a well-behaved toddler I hope you have a fun-filled day and that you are showered with lots of lovely presents!

You deserve all the love and happiness possible, my sweetheart!
My dear big sister, how is it that with
each birthday you get another year
older, yet you never seem to age a
day! I hope that trait runs in our genes!

I’m wishing you an amazing and
beautiful birthday today, sis!
A friend will think of you on your birthday,
but your best friend will be thinking of
you days before your special day!

Happy birthday in advance, my friend!

I hope your birthday celebrations this
year are just as great and as wonderful
as the friendship we share!
Happy birthday, daughter!

I know that today is a special day for
you, but it’s also an equally special
day for me as I get to celebrate the
birth of my incredible daughter! 

Sending you lots of love today!
Another year older and the signs of aging are starting to show! Welcome to the club of getting older, little bro!

I know I can’t make fun since I’ve got a bit of a headstart on you, but you’re quickly catching me up!

Enjoy being young-ish while you still can, my dear younger brother! Happy birthday to you!
A sister from another mother 
A true friend like no other
I’m so lucky to have you in my life
I’ll cherish our friendship forever. 

Happy birthday to you, girl!
Sorry I missed your birthday
I didn’t realise it was so near
But I’m sending some late wishes
They’re extra special and sincere!

Happy belated birthday!
What an exciting time in your life!
You’re a teenager now!

You’re growing up, heading towards
adulthood, but remember you don’t
have to grow up too quickly for you
still have many teenage years to enjoy!

Take it slow and enjoy your youthful years!

Many congratulations and a very happy
birthday to you! I hope you have an
amazing and very memorable day!
They say that as you get older, you
naturally build up more and more wisdom.

You, my dear, are living proof of that
statement being true!

I wish you a happy birthday today and
many more glorious years to enjoy!
Today is your birthday and you turn yet
another year older but don’t you worry
about that as you are, and always will
be, young at heart and just as much
fun as when we were kids!

I’m wishing you the happiest birthday
possible today, my dear!
You are the light of my life, the person who
warms my soul. You’re the one who makes
me smile, and makes me feel whole.

There isn’t any other person on this planet
who is more special to me than you. You
truly are my everything.

I’m wishing the happiest birthday possible
to you today with all my love, my dear.
Today we get to celebrate another
anniversary marking the day my
best friend and brother-like
companion came into the world.

I am so lucky to have had you in
my life for so many years and I
couldn’t ever imagine not having
you in it.

Thank you for being such a
significant part of my life, my
brother at heart!

Wishing you the happiest of
birthdays today!
Today is a special day for the most adorable twins I know! I have always known you as an inseparable set. Wherever there was one there would be the other. You are the perfect complement to each other.

I hope you remain like that forever, always there for each other and always finishing each other’s sentences. You will never find someone who will love you like your twin does, so you better treat each other right.

I wish a doubly happy birthday with double the fun to double the number of people I usually congratulate! May you live many more years together!
Happy birthday to my super wild friend!

I hope your birthday is as fantastic
and wild as you are, and I’m wishing
you all the love and happiness in the
world today, bestie!

Now, let’s get ready to party like crazy!
My dearly beloved son, 
My angel sent from heaven
This is a very special day
As today you turn seven!

I’m wishing you a life
Filled with wonder and joy,
Fun, great adventures
And more, my dear boy!

Happy 7th birthday!
Happy birthday to a top employee
Happy birthday to my bosom pal, who will always be a sister to me at heart!

Love you!
Your personality shines bright like a diamond and your beauty glistens like the sun hitting the sea! Have a beautiful birthday today, my dear!
To my very special daughter on your
5th birthday, I’m wishing for all of life’s
greatest wonders to come your way.

I hope you know just how truly loved
you are today, tomorrow, and every
day that follows, my little princess!
From watching you blossom throughout your childhood all the way to seeing you go from child to adult has been life’s greatest privilege for me, my sweet girl.

I only wish time didn’t pass us by so quickly so that I could’ve enjoyed it for longer.

I'm wishing you the happiest of birthdays today as you begin your exciting journey into adulthood.
Happy birthday and many
congratulations on another
fabulous year, mam!

Each year that you gain
only enriches your already
wonderful personality and
simply adds to the remarkable
person that you are.

Here’s to many more great
years of you. Cheers!
Kind, caring, and always with a smile on your face. May your birthday this year be as truly wonderful and as heart-touching as you are, my dear brother.
Your 16th birthday is the sweetest one of all
I’m wishing you a very happy birthday, my beloved brother-in-law! I want you to know that you are a very important member of our family and I am so happy to be celebrating this special day with you.

May life always smile upon you!
To me, you’ll always be that precious little kid I grew up with who I’d watch over with all the love and care in the world. Happy birthday, sis!
Happy birthday, sweetie!

You are a very special girl and someone who is always on my mind, but know that I’m thinking of you just that little bit more so today! I hope you have the truly fabulous day that you deserve.
Today, our sweet little princess celebrates
one year on this earth! Happy birthday
from mom and dad, sweetie-pie!

You are our everything and we love you
with all our hearts.
Many happy returns, dad. I’m wishing you
health, happiness, and joy as you celebrate
your 80th birthday today.
Sir, may your birthday this year inspire and delight just as you do on a daily basis. Many happy returns to you.
My dear boy, I wish you a very happy
birthday today! I am so proud of you
and the direction your life is taking!
I know I’m biased but I truly believe
you are destined for great things!

Maintain your high level of commitment
in everything you do and the world
will be your oyster!

Love you lots, and have a fantastic day!