Popular Birthday Wishes

Happy birthday to an antique friend!

You’re a friend I value dearly and you’re definitely worth keeping hold of!

Have the greatest birthday, old friend!
Happy birthday to a special someone who I probably spend far too much of my time daydreaming about! Big kisses to you today!
Happy first birthday, sweet nephew!

Throughout your first year of life, you have brought so much happiness to our lives and given us so many precious moments!

I can’t wait for the many more wonderful memories that are yet to be made! We love you, baby boy!
Today is my 27th birthday!

I know, it’s hard to believe because I still look so young and full of life much more like a teenager. Hopefully, my youthful good-looks will see me through into my thirties and beyond too!
Happy birthday to my cool cousin who is always the life and soul of the party! It’s always fun when you’re around, cousin!

May your birthday be no exception with lots of funny and happy moments that make you laugh as much as you make everyone else!
Happy birthday in advance, birthday boy! I have so many wishes full of love and too much excitement to wait until your actual birthday to send them!
Wishing a very happy birthday to my fabulous niece!

You make me very proud to be your aunt because you are such a lovely person!

Hoping you have a wonderful day, filled with all of your most loved ones and lots of delicious cake!
Happy birthday, dad.

On your special day this year,
I want you to know that you
are the man I look up to most.
I always have and I always will.

I’m sending my very best wishes
your way today.
Another year has gone by, another year of having you in my life. You bring me such joy. I wish you a day as special as you are to me!
A man of great wisdom
A truly wonderful uncle
You’re the best role model
Who fills me with inspiration!

Happy birthday to you today!
I’m wishing you the happiest
of birthdays today, brother.

You are a good man and a
wonderful role model, and
I truly am very blessed to
have a friend and sibling
in you. I couldn’t value
you any more than I do.
To the lady who has taught me everything I know about being a great woman, I am wishing the happiest of birthdays today. Enjoy your special day, mom.
I'm grateful for your true and loyal friendship
Twice the candles
Double the fun
Today we celebrate
That you’re no longer one!

On your magical day
I wish you but joy
And evermore 
A lifetime you’ll adore!

Have the happiest
Of birthdays,
My dear little one!
Big kisses!
Happy birthday to the one I love.

Simply having you in my life fills me with joy and completes me. I feel whole because of you, my dear.
A special little girl deserves a
very special day, too! I hope that
today, on your second birthday
ever, you feel just like the beautiful
little princess that you are, sweetie.

Happy 2nd birthday to you!
Happy birthday to my twin sister and me!

Today is our day, so let us enjoy it the best way we know how: with lots of cake while surrounded by all of our favorites!
Life is a special and magnificent journey, made up of magical experiences that are best shared with those you love and care for the most.

Remember to always cherish those precious moments that warm your heart and never let them fade!

I wish you all the happiness possible on this joyous day of yours! A very happy birthday to you today!
With each passing year, you seem to sparkle and shine even brighter than the year before, dear sister!

I hope you have a fabulous birthday today!
You’ve taught me many life lessons, uncle,
too many to list! Some have been useful,
others not so much!

Nevertheless, you’ll always be a true
inspiration to me and I’ll forever hold
everything I’ve learned from you dearly
in my heart!

Happy birthday to you today!
Happiest of birthdays to you, my friend!

On your special day this year, I want you to know that to a female like me, you are so very dear.

You are one of the best and most genuinely kind guys around, and a male who is one of a kind. You truly are a very special and darling friend to me.
Happy birthday to my awesome friend and soul sister!

You are the beauty and the brightness in my days that light up my life, so I’m hoping that your special day today is just as fabulous and as meaningful as you are to me!
A husband and father
Who fills us with laughter
May you never stop being
Our funny and silly man!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, my lovely daughter! Wishing you a wonderful day, and a lifetime of joy and success. Love you, my beautiful girl!
Before you were born I was just your father’s brother, but then I became your uncle and I started to walk proud. Happy birthday, dear nephew!
You are fifty today and little has changed. Maybe a few grey hairs and some wrinkles, but you are young at heart. Your youthfulness and good humour are contagious. Never stop being the great person that you are.

Have a glorious and amazing birthday!
My dear nephew, the light of our family, I want to wish you the happiest birthday possible today! Lots of love!
Congratulations to the proud parents on the 5th birthday of your little princess!

She certainly is a little wonder and something very special! You’re all undoubtedly going to have many happy years ahead together!

Sending my very best birthday wishes to your adorable cutie pie!
I hope my birthday wishes this year reach you safe and well, for they have some distance to travel to get to you.

I want you to know that I’m thinking of you on your special day, my dear sister, even though you’re far away. Happiest of birthdays to you.
The clock is ticking as we count down the final hours until your birthday arrives! Let the celebrations begin shortly!
I miss being your student. I’m constantly reminded of the lessons you taught us. I wish you all the best on your special day!
I am so happy to be celebrating another year of your life, my dear friend and classmate.

You are a dedicated and model student with a straight A record who has helped me in many subjects. All of the teachers, janitors and our classmates adore you, just because of the great and amazing person that you are.

I am so proud to be your friend and to have shared so many great memories and amazing moments with you, both in school and in life outside of school. You really are a remarkable human being.

I hope you have the spectacular birthday that you deserve and that you make many more academic achievements, my dear friend.
Happy birthday to
my darling son!

Today I am wishing you
nothing but happiness,
love and joy,
and only the best
for my blue-eyed boy.

You are my life,
my whole, and
my reason for
You keep my heart
full of love, and you
are the meaning of
what true happiness is.

Have a joy-filled day,
my dear. I wish for your
life to be free of stress
and worry, and that you
are always as happy as
you have made me,
your mother.
Today I am wishing a happy birthday to my hero, my best friend and all-time idol.

I hope you’re keeping well up there in heaven, dad.
Wishing one of my newer friends an extraordinarily happy birthday today!

I’m hoping that your special day is a fantastic one because as they say, you should start as you mean to go on!

Big hugs and kisses to you today, my dear!
There isn’t a single day that goes past
where you don’t put a gigantic smile
upon my face, my little princess!

I hope you have a very happy 5th
birthday today, at least as happy as
you make me.

I love you more than words can say
and I am a very proud parent because
of you, my sweet pea!
Happy birthday, old-timer!

While you might be on the wrong
side of 50, everybody knows that
you’re a young soul really!

You don’t let age define you as a
person and it certainly doesn’t stop
you from doing whatever you want!

I hope you have a fantastic day
today and here’s to many more
glorious years yet to come!
Happy birthday, bestie!

I’ve never had a friend before who
so closely resembles a brother to me.
You’re one in a million, my friend!
My gorgeous girlfriend, you’re so lucky to have what every GF wishes for: a wonderful boyfriend who is also a built-in BFF! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, old friend! It feels like
decades since we last saw each other!
I hope you have been keeping well!

I hope that we can catch up soon, but
until then I am wishing you the happiest
birthday and sending you all my best!
A cousin on paper
A sister at heart
I could never cope
If we were ever apart!

Wishing you the happiest
Birthday possible, my dear!
Some friends come and go, but all the years in the universe could pass and you’d still be a great friend of mine!

The bond we made at college is unbreakable and will surely last a lifetime!

Wishing you the happiest birthday today!
Happy 4th birthday to the sweetest kid!
May your presents be stacked high into
the sky and the laughter from your party
heard for miles around!

I’m wishing you bundles of happiness
and joy today, little one!
Happy birthday! You’re not only the best brother-in-law today; you’ll be the best brother-in-law tomorrow and each day that will follow!
You’re no longer a teenager which can mean only one thing: it’s finally time to start growing up!

Just kidding with you, happy 20th birthday!
Happy birthday to you today,
my incredible man!

You are the sweetest, kindest,
and most loving human I know,
so I have no idea what I did to
deserve a husband like you!

I’m a very lucky lady indeed!
Officially you may only be my half-sister but to me, you’re a full sister! Happy birthday, sis!
Happy birthday to the brightest
little star in my life: my talented
and amazing grandson!

I am so proud and impressed by
everything that you do, and I truly
believe that the sky’s the limit for
you, my dear child!

Enjoy your special day and know
that I love you so dearly - to the
moon and back, and then some!
Today I want to wish you a very happy birthday and thank you for all of your efforts in serving our wonderful country!

You truly are an inspiration, not just to me but to many! All the very best to you on your special day!
Happy birthday to a coach who
is always full of inspiring and
motivating quotes to lift the whole
team up and carry us to success!