Popular Birthday Wishes

Many happy returns to you. 

There’s no one more worthy of
a wonderful birthday than you,
as your never-ending tenderness
truly is heart-touching.

I hope you enjoy your special
day today, and may your birthday
cake be as sweet and gigantic
as your big, kind heart.
Happy birthday to someone who has
done so much more than just guide
me on a path of belief and spirituality.

You have opened my eyes and I have
learned so much from you. You’re a
true inspiration.

May you have a blessed birthday
and a blissful year ahead. 
I have only the best birthday wishes today for the best 70-year-old I know! May you be blessed with an abundance of joy and happiness on your 70th birthday!
Happy 2nd birthday to our little princess who has stolen our hearts from day 1. We are so truly blessed to have a darling daughter like you, sweetie.

Lots of birthday love from mom and dad.
Your birthday, Sir, is the perfect day to express my gratitude and to tell you that you have played a central role in my recent development. You know how to push just the right buttons to bring out the best in me.

Thank you for guiding and supporting me. I hope you have a fantastic day and a fantastic year to come!
Happy birthday to my big brother
who thinks he’s a comedian, but
in reality really isn’t!

You’re still pretty funny though,
bro, just don’t quit your day job!
Daughter, as you turn 21 today
I’m hoping that all of the very
Best in life comes your way.

Happy 21st birthday from dad.
I don’t know of anyone else more deserving of a fantastic, laid-back and relaxing birthday than you, madam!

Put your feet up and enjoy being spoiled all day, as you have certainly earned some much-needed rejuvenation!

A very happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to a wonderful person
I recently welcomed into my life!

I hope you have an amazing birthday,
my new friend!
Happy birthday to a dear friend of
mine who I’ll never get tired of!

Or rather, I should say that as we’ve
been friends for this long it would be
a shame to throw that all away now!
Weird and wonderful, funny and unique
In you, I found my most perfect match
Never is there a moment that’s bleak.

Happy birthday to you, 
My husband and soulmate!
Late birthday wishes are better than no wishes whatsoever! Just be thankful that I remembered at all!

Belated happy birthday to you!
I wanted to get you something special for your birthday this year as you deserve only the very best, my friend!

However, as I couldn’t find a gift that was good enough for such a loyal and longtime friend such as yourself, I didn’t get you anything at all!

Happy birthday anyway!
I’m so blessed to have both 
a brother and a buddy in you
all rolled up into one cute, 
adorable, tiny package! 

Happy birthday, little man!
The future holds great things for you, dear student. So keep up your hard work and never stop believing in yourself. Good fortune and success are waiting for you further down the road.

May you have a happy and warm birthday!
Wishing the loveliest dad the loveliest birthday today!

You have always made me feel safe and secure and for that, I will be forever thankful, dad.

Whenever I have felt nervous or unsure about something, you have consistently been there to lend an ear and give me comforting advice.

Thank you for all your years of support, dad. Love you tons!
Wishing you a lovely birthday today, my little treasure! I love you dearly and I hope you always remember that!
Happy birthday, munchkin!

I can’t believe how much you’ve grown in just 3 years - look how big you are! I hope you continue to grow beautifully and always with a smile on your face!

Wishing you a lovely 3rd birthday and sending you lots of kisses!
I count my lucky stars when it comes
to the friendships I have, and I cherish
ours more than anything, my dear!

You have touched my heart in more
ways than you’ll ever know!

Wishing you the best birthday today!
Our sweet baby boy turns 1 today!

We couldn’t possibly love you any more than we do, our precious bundle of joy!
Today, my little princess 
Is becoming a queen
As she is turning the
Wonderful age of 18!

Sending you all my love
On your special day,
My dear daughter!
Many congratulations on the recent arrival of your precious little one, my dear co-worker! I’m wishing a lifetime of happiness for you all!
Today is your birthday but to tell you the truth, I’m the real winner because I ended up with a husband like you! Happy birthday, my love!
My gorgeous man is getting older and
older! Gradually turning grey and ever
closer to becoming a handsome silver fox!

Happy birthday, my love!
A wonderful coworker and a truly great friend, our heartfelt wishes and very best sentiments go out to you today on your special day! Happy birthday from all of us!
It’s hard to celebrate your birthday
when I’m so far away, but we’ll soon
be reunited the next time I’m around!

Until then, I’m sending you all my
love on your special day and we’ll be
celebrating together before you know it!

Happy birthday!
Today is your very first birthday, my beautiful baby boy.

I hope you know now, but especially in the years to come when you look back, that you have been the centre of my universe from the very beginning.

I’ll love you unconditionally until the end of time, my darling son.
Twins have a very special and unique connection, but really that connection is only as great as the bond that they share. I’m so glad that we decided to embrace ours and cherish it, sis.

You’re the most special person in the world to me, and the truth is simply that you always will be.

Happy birthday, my dear twin sister.
Simply having someone like you in my
life is a great blessing in itself, but to also
have you as my brother is the very best
gift I could wish for.

May you have the happiest birthday ever,
dearest brother.
Happy birthday, my one true love.

I hope you know that you are so much more to me than just my boyfriend; you are my best friend and my lover. You truly mean everything to me and wherever I go, I carry you with me always, deep inside my heart.
It’s your birthday, girl!
Time to celebrate your life:
so be happy, smile every
single second of today
and start another year
of your blessed life the
best way possible.

Happy bday, bestie!
It’s commonly thought that the best things
in life come in pairs, and that’s definitely
true for you two twin sisters!

I hope you both enjoy your special day!
I’m sending all my love and best birthday
wishes to you on your special day today!

I am truly blessed to have such a special
godmother like you!
Happy birthday to you, brother-in-law!

You truly are a remarkable man. I mean, you saw what our family was like and still decided to marry into it anyway! You’re a braver person than I am!

I hope you enjoy your special day this year.
Happy birthday to the best brother in the
whole entire world!

You are one of the few people I know I
can always rely on and who will forever
be there for me whenever and wherever.
You’re my rock and very best friend.

From your ever-adoring sister, I’m wishing
you only the very best today and always.
Happy birthday to the best dad a girl could ask for! I hope you have the absolute best day, and I can't wait to celebrate with you later with lots of cake! 🎂 
Today marks the beginning of the rest of your life, for it is today that you turn 25!

Happy 25th birthday my dear friend!
Happy birthday to an ever-dependable friend of mine! We might not speak every day, but just knowing you’re a phone call away gives me all the comfort I need!
Happy birthday to a wise, mature, and
genuinely lovely woman!

Just because you’re an older lady doesn’t
necessarily mean that you’re old.
Rather, you’re just very experienced!

They say that with age comes wisdom and
that you have in abundance, my dear!
Happy birthday to a sweet girl and the apple of my eye! I have so much love in my heart for you which only grows with each passing year that you grow!

May you have a lovely birthday today filled with all the happiness in the world!
A very happy 18th birthday to you and a warm welcome to adulthood, my dear!

I am so proud of you and the wonderful woman you’ve become, and even though you truly are a grown-up now, to me, you will always be my sweet little niece.
Happy birthday, sis. 

I never dreamed that I would have such a meaningful and heartfelt blessing for a sister-in-law like that I have in you. I am so thankful for having someone as special and as wonderful as you in my life; you truly are a dream come true. 
Happy birthday, little one! I know that having a remarkable elder sibling like me must be such a privilege, so you’re welcome for that!
Happy birthday to the sweetest sister ever!

I hope your cake today is equally sweet,
beautiful and lovely!
Today is the birthday of not one,
but two beautiful beings!

That’s right, my twin sis and I are
celebrating our identical birthday
today! Happy birthday to us!
Happy birthday to you today and
congratulations to your parents for raising
such a polite and courteous child!

You are a credit to them and it is always a
pleasure to have you in my class as I can
tell how eager you are to learn!
Heaven only knows what I did to
deserve such a wonderful girlfriend
like you, but I am more and more
thankful each passing day that
we found each other.

You are the love of my life,
and I hope to make you feel as
special as you are every single day!

Happy birthday, my sweetheart!
Happy birthday to a super teacher!

Another birthday means another year
closer to retirement, and another year
closer to cashing in on that pension! 

Wishing you the very best on your
special day this year and hoping that
the year ahead is kind to you!
To my pride and joy
My special little girl
I’m wishing you a
Birthday that is as
Magical as you are!

I’m always a very proud
Daddy, but I am especially
So on this very special day
Of yours, my princess!
Happy 3rd birthday to you,
my adorable little one!

You are living, laughing,
walking proof of how
terrific turning 3 can be!

You have so much ahead
of you to look forward to
and I hope that each and
every year is filled with a
huge amount of happiness!