Popular Birthday Wishes

Happy first birthday to you, little one! You will not remember your first special day, but to us, this will be one of the most memorable days of our lives.

Thank you for bringing but joy and happy moments into our lives.

Today is all about you and we will shower you with gifts and give you loads of hugs.
Many congratulations on your 21st! Wishing you success and happiness on your very special birthday!
Today I am wishing the very best
birthday to one of my longest-
standing childhood friends! You
have been in my life almost since
day 1 and we’ve been through a
lot together!

We may have had lapses in contact
over the years but I am so glad that
we never lost it altogether.

Even if years pass, we have a strong,
solid foundation that goes way back
and we always manage to pick up
where we left off.

I hope you have an amazing birthday
and a great year ahead, my dear friend!
Today we raise a glass to a dear friend of ours! Cheers to you!

Wishing you a fabulous birthday and may your year ahead be filled with wonder!
Dad, you will always be the one I look up to and turn to for advice. You have always been there for me and no matter how old I get, you will forever be my rock.

Happy birthday from your little girl.
I never thought I would need more siblings, but since meeting you I’ve learnt that our family would be incomplete without you. Have a happy birthday, dear brother-in-law!
I pray that this year is above and beyond your expectations, my dear! I’m wishing you a truly joyous birthday and may God bless you!
Happy 17th birthday to me!

That’s right, today I turn 17 and I can’t
wait to share my special day with all
of my dear friends and family!
Another glorious trip around the
sun spent in your company. 
I’m feeling very blessed on your
birthday to have you in my life.
I wish you the best birthday,
my charming and adorable little sister!
I hope all the years ahead
are bigger, better and brighter.

You are a strong and beautiful woman
capable of such great things.
The best compliment I can give you is
that you remind me of our mother.

The tenderness of your smile,
and the deepness of your eyes
are just a couple of the things
that reminds me of her ways.

I wish you a birthday blessed with
joy and tenderness, little sis!
Happy birthday to my dear cousin!

We were inseparable as kids,
spending almost every minute
together! I honestly don’t know
what I would’ve done without
you growing up!

In truth, we’ve always been so close
and we were together so much
throughout our childhood that I have
always seen you more like a sister
to me than a cousin.

Wishing you all the love and happiness
in the world on your special day!
Happy birthday to my much more
handsome and much elder brother!

Wishing you but greatness on your
special day!
Happy birthday, dear! You are one of my most favourite humans ever and I’m thoroughly looking forward to celebrating your special day with you! 
Even after all this time together, you
never cease to amaze me, my love!

Your spontaneity and thoughtfulness
are just a couple of attributes out of
the multitude of things I love about
you the most!

Happy anniversary, my beautiful girl!
Every waking moment
Spent with you is bliss
There’s not a single moment
That I would want to miss.

I have a lot of love
For you and you alone
You’re more precious to me
Than the rarest gemstone.

Happy birthday to you, 
Love of my life!
It’s common for nephews and nieces to have more than one aunt or uncle, but it’s not so common to find a niece as amazing as you who matches so perfectly with an aunt as awesome as me!

Happy birthday from your cool aunt!
Officially you’re my uncle
but in reality, you’re more
like my best friend!

I’m wishing you a very
happy birthday today!
It’s my best bud’s birthday today!

Wishing you a super pawsome and
howling happy birthday, doggo!
It’s almost your birthday and I don’t know who’s more excited: me or you!

Happy birthday in advance, my dear friend!
Happy birthday to someone who is
more deserving of a relaxing break
out of everyone I know: you, madam!

Enjoy your special day!
Wishing you the biggest, the loudest, awesomest birthday bash to date, my dear! Happy 7th birthday!
Today is a special day and it always will be,
as it is an opportunity to celebrate you and
the beautiful life you lived.

Happy birthday, mom. Wishing you eternal
peace and happiness up there in heaven.

All my love, always.
Your son
I’ve always wanted a sister and I am blessed that I got one as outstanding as you! Happy birthday, stepsis!
I’m wishing a super duper happy
birthday to you today, my dearest!

You manage to put a smile upon
my face each and every day, so
the least I can do is make it my
mission today to return the favor!

You’re my very best friend and I
hope you know that I have an
incredible amount of love for you!
This distance we’re currently
experiencing is just another test
for our love, my sweet fiancé!

I’m wishing you the happiest
of birthdays today!
Happiest of birthdays to you today!
May your special day this year be
even better than the last!

You deserve all of the sweetest things
in life, my dear, and I hope that many
of them come your way on this
birthday of yours.
Today I am one very proud mom,
as I am wishing a very happy
birthday to my number one girlie! 

Girls stick together and I’ll be glad
to always have you by my side, my
darling daughter! 

You are an exemplary human being,
my dear, one of which I am blessed
to have as a daughter and as a friend.
There’s something so special and so
unique about you, as you have such
a special way of brightening the lives
of all of those around you!

Wishing you all the love and happiness
possible on your special day, my dear!
Wishing a very happy birthday to my friend who is actually much more like a brother!

However, unlike a brother you live with, we don’t argue over who gets the bigger room or other silly things like that! We just get to experience and enjoy the best parts of having a brother, my friend!

Wishing you the best birthday ever, bro!
Happy birthday to my beloved big brother!

You are the sweetest, kindest and most caring person I know with the biggest heart. To me, you are the epitome of how a great big bro should be!

Sending all my love to you on your special day today!
Brilliant, you are
Inspiring to many
Respectful and kind 
To all and any
Hand on heart
Dear friend of mine
Anyone can tell
You’re sweet and divine!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to a father-in-law who
has a daughter-in-law like no other!

You really are very lucky that your
son has such good taste. Otherwise,
I might never have become the vibrant,
shiny, and wonderful addition to your
family that I am!
Happy birthday to the cutest, funniest, most gorgeous person in the world! I know it sounds like I’m describing myself, but I am of course describing you!

I hope you enjoy your special day today, my sweetheart!
I’m wishing you a very happy birthday
this year, my dear.

May the angels always watch over you
and keep you safe from harm, blessing
your life with happiness and all the
goodness that you deserve. 
No other brother
Is as funny as you
Unless you count me
Which I guess I do!

I’m wishing you the
Best and happiest
Birthday possible, bro!
I count my lucky stars each and every day that I have a best friend like you in my life. You don’t know how fortunate I feel to have someone like you that I can always count on.

It truly is a very special friendship that we share, one that I cherish dearly with my whole heart. I'm wishing you a very happy, heartfelt birthday today.
I’m sending the best birthday wishes to a very special young lady today who turns another year older and another year more beautiful!
Happy birthday, my dear friend!

You know some people are like great wines, as time passes they acquire a more complex taste, a fuller body and are greatly desired.

And you know other people are like mature cheeses, despite looking older and developing a more intense smell, there are many people yearning for them.

But you, my friend, all these years have made you complex and given you a fuller body like a great wine, but also, like great cheese, you look older and have an intense smell, and no one really seems to be interested in you.

So, I guess you're stuck with me!
Congratulations, my love! You’re another
year older yet you’ve managed to maintain
the same incredibly low level of maturity
for the past several years now!

Most people tend to grow up and mature
as they get older, so well done on defying
that social norm!

I’m only kidding! I love your fun and playful
side, it’s what makes you who you are!

Happy birthday, you big kid!
The best part about having a stylish
roommate is that I get a second closet
full of clothes to choose from!

Happy birthday, roomie!
As you turn fifteen today, I just wanted to send you a little message to say that you are blossoming so beautifully, and ageing so perfectly.

I wish you nothing but happiness and great adventures ahead, my dear!

A very happy 15th birthday to you today!
Wishing all the very best to a special stepdad who is both funny and caring!

You are everything anyone could ever wish for in a father! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the lovable little rascal and bundle of joy that is my beautiful goddaughter! I hope your special day fills your heart with love, sweetie!
My sweet, intelligent, and funny
goddaughter, today I am sending you all
my love as you turn one year older!

A very happy birthday to you, my dear!
I hope that today when you’re blowing out the candles on your cake, all your wishes come true for you, and perhaps your secret crush will be revealed, too!

I have a feeling that particular somebody may be closer to you than you might think!
My early years of life as a kid simply wouldn’t have been the same without you around. We shared many laughs and you brought so much happiness to my days.

I will be forever thankful to you for making that period of my life as wonderful and as memorable as can be.

Happiest of birthdays to you, my friend.
Today is a very special occasion for
it’s your birthday, my dear.

I’m wishing you a wonderful day,
and I hope that it’s full of laughter
and happiness, as that’s exactly what
the coolest girl in school deserves.
There are lots of good reasons to celebrate, and the fact you’re turning 21 is definitely one of them!

I’m sending you lots of hugs, kisses, and my very best birthday wishes. May this very special birthday of yours be everything you had hoped it would be!
Sending the best birthday wishes
to the best brother in law today!
You are an awesome addition
to my family circle!
Happy first birthday, baby boy! For twelve months you’ve been blessing our lives with joy and love.

All we want is for you to grow and never be short of happiness, and that you are able to achieve all of your dreams.

We love you!
Sending big hugs to the birthday boy today! May your day be filled with happy moments, lots of cake and surrounded by all of those that love you the most!

Enjoy being the centre of attention on your special day! Happy birthday!