Popular Birthday Wishes

The sweetest of days
Is what I wish for you
As you celebrate another 
Year beginning anew!

May this new chapter
Ahead that awaits
Be filled with goodness
Making it one of the greats!

Happy birthday, my dear!
Every relationship has its complications and challenges, but our love is powerful enough to overcome anything that comes our way. This distance is just another of those hurdles that we face.

I’m sending your birthday wishes with all my love this year, my dear husband!
May you have a magnificent day today,
my beautiful niece!

I am delighted with what a marvellous
young lady you are turning out to be;
you are a credit to your family and a
credit to yourself!

Happy birthday from your favorite aunt!
Congratulations to you on your special day today. May your birthday this year bring you everything you’ve been wishing for.
For a truly fabulous best friend like you, girl, I just couldn’t wait any longer to send you your birthday wishes!

So, I’m sending them a little bit early this year! Happy birthday in advance, bestie
A genuinely good person
The very best by far
Deserves a birthday that’s
As truly great as you are.
Complete and utter perfection
Never has a word been so true
Than it has been to describe 
A wonderful person like you.

Wishing the very happiest
Of birthdays to you.
It’s my birthday
and I know it’ll be
awesome, for I
have the best people
around me and my
heart beats with love
and happiness just
because I’m alive.

Bring it, world, I’m
ready for another year
of wonderful things!
Happy birthday, my dear ex!

Today I am thinking of you and
reminiscing about all of the
great times we had together!
Wishing the happiest of birthdays
to the funniest little boy!

You always make us laugh and
manage to put a smile on our
faces no matter the situation!

I hope you keep growing up with
your adorable charm and great
sense of humour!

Enjoy your special day, my dear!
Happy birthday, my sweetheart!

From the very first time we were introduced, I had a good feeling about you. You were such a sweet kid it was impossible not to love you!

My instincts were right and I am so blessed to now be able to call you my daughter.

Enjoy your special day, my dear, and I’m wishing you a delightful year ahead!
Happy birthday to you today.

I hope your special day brings you much happiness, and I’m wishing you the absolute best for your final year of college.
21 today! Happy birthday to you.

This important milestone marks a very special point in your life where you truly become an adult.

I’m wishing you all the very best as you begin this exciting new chapter of your life.
Happy birthday to you today,
my dear husband.

May God continue to guide you,
watch over you, and ensure that
you have a magnificent year
ahead as you continue on your
spiritual journey.

Best wishes and sweet prayers
to you from the bottom of my heart.
My friend turn brother turns another year older and more wonderful than ever today! Best wishes to you, best bud!
Forever and always you will be
That someone special to me.

Happy birthday, my dear.
New ventures often also bring new
people into your life, which is exactly
what happened and led me to meet
you, my new friend!

I’m so glad that I decided to pursue
this great opportunity which also
came with a great new friend!

Today I get to wish you a happy
birthday for the first time since
meeting you, and I look forward
to wishing you many more, my friend!
Happy birthday, sis!

There might have been a time when we
were younger that I would’ve traded you
for something as small as a chocolate bar,
but now I wouldn’t trade you for the world!

I’ve come to love and embrace the fact
that you’re my annoying little sis and you
always will be! I wouldn’t have you any
other way!
I was blessed with the greatest mother ever
Just warning you there will be a party later, I didn’t want to throw you a surprise party and give you a heart attack. Happy birthday!
Principal, I just wanted to take
this opportunity to tell you how
grateful I am for all of your
guidance during my time at
your school!

You truly have been a guiding
light in my educational journey
so far!

Many happy returns, and thank
you once again!
I wish you were by my side to celebrate
your special day today, but I’m thinking
of you dearly nevertheless.

Happy birthday to you, my love!
Friends like you are few and far between
Happy birthday and many
congratulations to the birthday girl!

Remember, today is your day and
yours alone so enjoy it to the fullest!
Happy 60th birthday, dad! 

Another spectacular decade completed,
Now you can just sit back and relax!
Sure, you’re getting older, but you’ll always be my annoying little sis! And to be totally honest, I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Happy birthday!
You're always close to my heart, my love
Happy birthday to my little furbaby!

You get more attention from me than any of my other friends do and I’m going to spoil you even more than usual today on your birthday!

I hope you have the best day, my adorable bundle of fur!
Happy birthday to someone so very dear to my heart! Not only are you my son, but you’re also my very best friend.

It brings me so much joy to see what a wonderful person you have become.

Enjoy your day, buddy!
Today’s a really big deal
As you’re turning 16
Stay true to yourself
And always keep it real!

Happy 16th birthday!
Happy birthday, bestie! I’m sending lots of love and positive vibes to you on your special day today ❤️
My birthday wish to you, dear student, is that when you grow up, you may become whatever you wish.

There is no limit for what you can achieve. With your intelligence and dedication, you may even become one of the future leaders of our nation. Whatever you may become, I know you will be great at it.

Have a great birthday!
I’ll always remember the first time that we met! I knew right there and then that I had found my best friend and sister for life.

Happy birthday, my lovely!
Happy birthday to my dearest! A friend as unique and wonderful as you deserves to be celebrated every single day, but especially so on your birthday!
Happy birthday to my number-one!

You always have been the first and
foremost in my heart and you always
will be!

I'm hoping that your special day today
fills you with joy and contains lots of
very special moments for you!
Today is a proud moment for you and me both, son, as you reach this significant milestone in your life.

Here’s to the next 25 years being as amazing as the last 25 have been!

Happy 25th birthday to you, my boy!
I just want to give you a big kiss
and a tight hug on your special
day today, but I’ll store them up
until you’re back!

Happy birthday, my love!
I’ve always looked up to you, sis.

When we were younger it was simply because you were taller than me so I didn’t have a choice, but now it’s because I actually respect and admire you!

Happy birthday to you today.
My sister from another mister is
celebrating her birthday today!

I’m wishing you all the happiness in
life, and may your special day be as
truly special as you are in my heart.

You mean the world to me, girl! Love you!
Happy birthday, aunty. You are someone so special to me, a kind person I will always appreciate as your mother-like soul and personality will forever warm my heart. I’m wishing you the wonderful birthday that you are so deserving of today.
From my heart to yours, I’m sending
you the sweetest wishes full of love.

Happy birthday, my sweet girl.
When I used to be in lessons at school I would count the minutes, waiting to be saved by the bell. But one day, at the beginning of the school year, I had a lesson that I didn't want to end.

It was in your lessons that I learnt how great school could be!

I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Happy second birthday! You are too cute to handle, tiny one!

Your adorable little smile rubs off on all of those around you, and you spread so much happiness without even knowing it!

So, for the most adorable two-year-old ever, let’s make today double the fun, twice as nice, and doubly awesome than your birthday last year!

Big kisses, little one!
My best wishes to you on your special day!

I am sending all of my love to you and
praying that only goodness blesses
your life, my dear!
Happy birthday to the most beautiful, most incredible twin sisters!

We are so lucky to have you in the family!
Happy anniversary to my sunshine, my moon, and my stars!

Every day I find new reasons to fall more and more in love with you, my sweetheart!
A separation of parents can be hard on any kid, but you made it so much easier with your incredibly tender-hearted and caring nature.

Thank you for stepping in and being a mother to me. Wishing you pure happiness today on your birthday!
Happy birthday to one of the good guys!

There are few men in the world as kind, chivalrous, and wonderful as you are!
Happy birthday to one of my oldest pals!

Old as in a longstanding friend and, well, you’re also just getting on a bit!
To the guy who is always on my mind and
forever in my heart, I’m wishing you the
most wonderful birthday possible today!

May it be an extraordinary one to cherish
forever that brings new love into your life
along with lots of happiness!
Happy 11th birthday to you!

I hope this birthday
is a truly fabulous one
as you’re now one whole
decade, plus an extra year!