Popular Birthday Wishes

Happy birthday, my dear!

My wish for you this year, on your 7th birthday, is that you have the absolute best day possible surrounded by all of your friends and family! 

Your party is going to be a blast, my lovely! The event of the year!
Here’s to you on your 40th birthday today, my dear friend! Wishing you but the best for the years ahead!
Happy birthday, sis!

Today is your special day so I won’t
make it all about me, but as you turn
another year older I can’t help but be
reminded of the fact that I’m even
older than that! Thanks a lot!
Happy birthday to someone exceptional!

I want you to know, on your special day,
that I truly look up to you and admire so
much about you!

It would be a great honor for anyone to
follow in your footsteps!
Happy birthday to you. You are a lady so full of wisdom and I just want you to know, on your special day, that I have learned so much from you.

May you have a very enjoyable day today being celebrated for the wonderful person that you are.
Sure, I have great memories of us
growing up together, but I also have
many wonderful memories which
are much more recent, too!

I feel very blessed to have shared this
journey so far with a girl as great as you.

Happy birthday to you and thanks for
always sticking around!
Happy birthday my sweet, lovely daughter.

With each passing year you become more
and more grown up, but always remember
that I will love you today, tomorrow, and
each day that follows. You’ll always be
my little girl, daughter.

Best birthday wishes from mom.
Happy birthday to the smartest student I know! I’m wishing you all the luck in your studies, and the best of luck in life. Not that you’ll need it, of course!
Wishing someone special the happiest birthday ever!

You are so dear to me, you are much more like family!
Happy 7th birthday, my dear!

I hope that this year is the best one yet for you and that each day of it is filled with as much happiness as possible!

Wishing you lots of fun on your special day this year!
Happy 1st birthday to our little man!

You may be small, but the love we have for you is anything but. You stole our hearts from the very beginning, and our love for you has only grown since.

You are our universe, baby boy!
You must have superpowers because in
order to be a person as phenomenal as
you are takes a superhuman effort!

I’m wishing you a truly magnificent
birthday today, my dear!
Without your vast knowledge and guidance, I wouldn’t be on this marvellous path that you set me on.

You are my guiding light and I’m wishing you many blessings on your special day today!

A very happy birthday to you!
As young as you were
And as old as you’ll be
Just remember that you’ll
Always be older than me!

Happy birthday from your
Beautiful younger sister!
Today, tomorrow, and 
Each day that follows
My heart will always 
Be full of love for you.

Happy birthday, sweetie. 
Dear student, study hard, work hard and don’t forget to live hard. I wish you but the best on your special day!
Happy birthday to the newest teenager on the block! I want to wish you the happiest 13th birthday today and I hope that it’s everything you had dreamt it’d be! 
You may have entered this family late,
but we’re so blessed to finally add you
to our family tree!

Happy birthday, brother-in-law!
The truest and purest friendships are connected by the soul and go way beyond that of the standard type of friendship many experience in their lives.

You mean so very much to me and I feel you on a whole other level, my friend. You’re my spiritual sister and an integral part of my being.

Happy birthday to you today, my dearest!
I’m wishing you a very happy birthday today! You have brought so much light into my life that I can’t imagine a world where you weren’t a part of it!

You’re a spectacular human being and I am very lucky to have a godmother as kind and caring as you.

I have a lot of love for you, that’s for sure!
Happy birthday to a super
special friend of mine!

Although I may not be with
you to celebrate in person
today, I’m sending my very
best wishes your way!
You deserve so much more recognition for the wonderful, inspiring teacher that you are, mam!

I hope your special day today honors you and goes some way to rewarding you for all that you do! Happy birthday to you!
I’m not wishing away the days
But the countdown has finally begun
I can barely keep myself calm
For all of my upcoming birthday fun!
My success is a direct result of your work, dedication and guidance. Thank you for mentoring me. Have a great birthday!
A little birdie told me that it's your
birthday today, so I’m wishing you
a very happy 2nd birthday, little cutie!
Happy birthday to the person who
consistently leads us towards
success and many great triumphs!

Many happy returns to you!
Happy birthday to you, my dear pal!

I am so thankful for you as you’re such
a strong male figure in my life, much
more like a brother to me in fact!

I hope that your special day today is
full of pure wonderfulness!
They say that the best things in life come in pairs and God obviously thought so too otherwise he wouldn’t have created us! Happy birthday, twinny!
Today I am wishing a very happy birthday
to my bestie who seems to age more
gracefully than anyone else I know!

Honestly, if you were to bottle and sell
your age-defying secret you would
instantly become a millionaire, girl!
Happy 8th birthday today to the sweetest kid ever! I can’t wait to celebrate your special day with a party and a slice of cake!
Being a father is a challenging job, but it’s also the best job in the world. You make it even more wonderful and rewarding just by being the amazing boy that you are.

Happy birthday, son. I’m wishing you an extra special one this year.
On your very special day today, I want you to know that you’re a true inspiration to me. I’d be very happy to be just like you, following in your footsteps as I grow up.

I’m wishing you a very happy birthday today, mam.
Happy birthday to the world’s best and
most beautiful girlfriend!

I know your biggest wish came true when
you met me, but I hope all your other little
wishes also come true for you on your
special day today, my sweetheart!
Happy 18th birthday to you, my dear son.

You might have entered adulthood today
but deep at heart, you will forever remain
my little boy. I have so many magical
memories of you growing up, each of
which I will always cherish.

Here’s to your adult years ahead and
creating many more memories to come.
Someone as important to me as you
deserves their birthday wishes just
that little bit earlier!

I hope your special day is just as
special as you are, my dear best
friend! Happy birthday in advance!
These birthday wishes are dear
They come from my heart
In the hope that this year
Gets off to a great start
You’re the most special person
To me, in this entire world
You truly are my everything
My husband with a heart of gold.

Happy birthday, my love.
I wish you all the best on your birthday, little cutie pie. I hope you enjoy these years of innocence for as long as you can.

Happy birthday!
You have been my best friend in the
whole world since our first day in it.

Have a great birthday, twin sis!
You might be thinking that I forgot your special day and that’s why I didn’t wish you a happy birthday...

Well, if that’s the case, you’d be right on the money because that’s exactly what happened! Sorry! I hope you had a really great day nonetheless!
Happy 4th birthday to you today, little one!

May your special day be filled with sweet
and scrumptious cake that’s just as sweet
and delightful as you!
You could be a kid or all grown up
No matter how old you become
I will always be proud of you
My dear, amazing son.

Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to the most amazing person I have the pleasure of knowing!

You’re not just a good person; you’re a truly wonderful one. I’m very lucky to have someone as special as you in my life.
Every word has touched my heart, every display of affection has put a smile on my face.

This was a very special birthday, and that’s thanks to you all. I have only love to give back, and genuine gratitude.

Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart!
I know it’s probably too soon to be wishing you a happy birthday, but I was thinking about your upcoming anniversary and just couldn’t wait!

Happy birthday in advance!
Happy birthday to mommy’s little helper!

I have lots of fun activities planned for us to do together on your 4th birthday! We are going to have lots of fun today, my lovely boy!

The biggest joy in my life is seeing you happy and watching you develop as you get older. I hope you always have the desire to learn and grow!
Happy birthday!

Shopping for your birthday this year was hard as you already have the best gift I could think of giving you: me as your roomie!

And the best thing of all is that it didn’t cost me a thing!
Many happy returns to you today.

If the dedication and determination you have shown in college are anything to go by, you’re going to excel in any goal you set yourself. You have a very bright future ahead of you.
Happy birthday to you, my dear.

You are both a neighbor and a friend,
and to be a part of this community
with you truly is a blessing.

May you have a heavenly birthday
today, I’m sending you my best wishes.
Happy birthday, little sis!

We’ve shared many laughs
Too many times to quote
With a dear sister like you
I’ll always be able to gloat!
Happy birthday to you, brother! If
you’re concerned about getting older,
just remember that age is nothing
more than a number.

It just so happens that in your case that
number is becoming quite a big one!