Popular Birthday Wishes

I know you weren’t that happy about
sharing a room with me when we were
growing up, big bro, but I thought it was
the coolest thing ever.

Thank you for putting up with me.

Have a great birthday, big bro!
Happy 21st birthday, friend!

Your twenties are undoubtedly the best years of your life! A decade where you’re old enough to do virtually everything the world has to offer, whilst still being young and in the prime of your life to enjoy it all!

I wish you an awesome birthday and the best that your twenties have to offer!
Happy birthday from your biggest supporter! I hope you have the happiest, most fabulous birthday ever, sweetie!
Your birthday is special to me because you are so very special to me!

I’ll be there to celebrate each of your birthdays in the years to come, bestie!
Happy birthday! I know I may not have always been the easiest to get along with, but I want you to know how grateful I am for having you around!
Today I have the pleasure of wishing one of the brightest stars in my life a very happy birthday!

I’m truly blessed to have received a godson like no other, and I’ll continue to cherish him with all my heart until the end of time!
Many happy returns to you, my friend!

Our professional and personal
relationships are intertwined and I for
one wouldn’t have it any other way!

I feel very blessed to have such a
wonderful friend and colleague, in
and out of work!
Happy birthday to somebody
who I feel very blessed and
very lucky to have in my life!

You’re a blessing and a truly
wonderful person!
Happy birthday, bestie!

Don’t think I’ve forgotten about
you just because you’re not
here on your birthday this year!

Your present will be here waiting
for you upon your return!
It brings me great pleasure to be wishing
a very happy birthday to the life and soul
of our fraternity today!

May your special day be just as awesome
as you are and I’m wishing you all the very
best for your final year of college.
Happy birthday to my number one girl!

To me, you will always be so much more
than just a friend and much more like a
sister from another!
Today, I’m wishing a very happy
18th birthday to my daughter.

You are my pride and joy, my
inspiration, and each year you
continue to make me proud.

I wish only the very best for you
as you embark on your journey
of adulthood, my dear.
Happy birthday, little brother! You can’t help but get older, but you can try your best to stay younger.

Just keep your childish sense of humor and don’t become any more mature! 
Happy birthday to the best father
that ever existed.

No matter how much time passes,
I will always be daddy’s little girl.

Love you, dad.
I hope that every day of your life is great and filled with happiness, of course, but I am hoping that it is just that little bit more so for today!

Happy birthday and my very best wishes to you, my friend!
Another perfect love-filled year reminds me of how grateful I am for you.

I’ll hold you tight forever and never let you go, my darling! Happy anniversary to us!
Today I wish you a happy birthday not as my stepdaughter, but simply as my daughter. You mean more to me than you’ll ever know, my dear.
I’m praying that the Lord gives you all
the strength you need to overcome
any of life’s difficulties, my friend.

You have a beautiful soul and deserve
to be rewarded with the most blissful
year ahead! Happy birthday to you
today, my dear!
Happy birthday to a glam girl who I connect with on a much deeper level than just friends!

You’re my soul sister now and always!
Happy birthday to a wonderful man and a fantastic friend in my life!

You add so much joy to my days, filling them with endless fun and laughter! You appreciate me for who I am and never judge me, lifting me up and only bringing out the very best in me!

I hope your special day is as special as you are to me, my friend!
Happy birthday, handsome man!

You’re a wonderful blessing to the world as you’re such an incredibly kind, caring gentleman that brightens anyone’s day!

I’m hoping that you have a truly marvellous birthday today, as you deserve it more than anybody!
Your birthday isn’t only a special day
for you, it’s also special for me as I
get to celebrate the truly incredible
person that you are!

Happy birthday, my dearest!
Happy birthday to the one who matters to me the most! You truly are a very special person to me and I’ll continue to cherish you for all of eternity!
Happy birthday, girl!

Know how very close to my heart you are, even if you are celebrating far away today!
Of course, I’m missing my bestie on her
special day but I’m sending the most
fabulous birthday wishes her way!

I hope your day of celebration is a
magnificent one and that you enjoy
it to the fullest! Happy birthday!
I might be biased, but I think you’re the
greatest mom in the world. I just happen
to be fortunate that you’re mine!

Happy birthday from your lucky daughter.
Another year older and you’re more
fabulous than ever, my dear! As you
grow, so does my admiration for you.

I’m sending lots of love and the happiest
birthday wishes your way, to help you
celebrate your special day today.
Happy birthday to a classmate like no other!

High school wouldn’t be the same without you as our classes together are a highlight of my week.

Your support and encouragement are appreciated by all, and you are simply a joy to be around. 
I’m sending my very best birthday wishes to my sweet stepson today. May your special day be as special as you are to me.
Happy birthday, my dear sister.

Just because we can’t be together in person, it doesn’t mean I’m not thinking of you on your special day today. You could be as far away as the moon and still, you’d never be far from my thoughts.

I’m sending my very best wishes and lots of love your way today, sis.
There’s no other bond quite as special as that between a mom and her son, as a mother’s love endures through all. Happy birthday, my dear boy.
Happy birthday to my sister who is always there for me.

Whether or not we are sisters through blood, the fact remains that there is simply nobody else in my life who means the same to me as you do. You’re a very special and important person who I cherish dearly.

Enjoy your special day, girl, you deserve it more than anyone I know.
Seeing you grow up is funny because deep down I know you’re still the same little guy I grew up with! You’ll always be the mischievous brother I grew up with, and that never gets old!

May you always stay young, funny, and cheeky, brother! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, best friend!

May you enjoy your special day
as a true gem of a friend like you
deserves the very best birthday too!
Happy happy happy birthday to my absolutely amazing best friend! May your special day be as truly awesome as you are! 🥳🎂
My sweet girl, not only do you gain
another year today, you also mark
the start of a new chapter in your life.
May it be the best one yet for you,
full of many happy moments and
memories to cherish forever.

Happy birthday with love from mom.
Thanks a million for my birthday
messages. Each and every one of
them touched my heart and I truly
appreciated every word and the
kindness behind them.

Thank you all for making my day
this year more special than I ever
could’ve hoped it would be.
Sorry I’m late in thanking everyone
who wished me well on my special
day, but rest assured that I sincerely
appreciated and enjoyed reading all
of your messages! Thank you, truly!
Happy birthday, kid!

My only wish for you on your birthday
this year is that time slows down!
You’re growing up too fast!
Don’t wait any longer; your 18th
birthday is here!

Now you have all the freedom to
make your own choices and do
your own thing, but you still need
to be home by midnight!

Have an awesome birthday filled
with great gifts!
Life offers us so many great blessings and a brother like you is the greatest of them all. I wish you a wonderful birthday, big brother!
You have such a big and wonderful heart! We could fit the entire universe inside your heart. Have the sweetest of birthdays, girl!
You were an exceptional student and I hope you also excel in this new chapter of your life. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to my favourite person in the world; my beautiful sweetheart and the most perfect girlfriend there is!
Happy birthday to the sweetest girl who brings so much happiness to our lives! 

We are so lucky to have such a kind and caring niece and we love you very dearly!

Wishing you the best today, dearest niece!

Lots of love from your aunt and uncle!
Happy birthday to a truly inspirational
figure! You have certainly earned your
place in history!

Many happy returns to you!
Happy birthday to a super glamorous lass!

Having you as a best friend is like winning the jackpot every day! I hope you know just how much you mean to me!

I’m wishing you the loveliest of birthdays today, at least as lovely as you are!
The physical distance between us might not allow us to see each other as often as we’d like, but you are always on my mind and always in my heart, my dear.

I’m hoping that this birthday brings you everything you have been wishing for recently and that you have a wonderful time on your special day today, my friend!
The saying goes it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all, and that couldn’t be any more accurate when it comes to you, my dear!

I’m grateful for the time we shared and the memories we made! Happy birthday to you today!
Happy birthday to my human!

There isn’t a single person on the face of the earth who I’d rather go on this journey through life with!

I hope you have a truly fantastic day today, my darling!