Popular Birthday Wishes

On your special day, I have to tell you that you’re not a good friend of mine, you’re a great one!

Happy birthday to you!
You are a girl I can always count on
and you’ll always be more like a
sister to me than just my best friend.

Happy birthday, my dearest!
I’m wishing you oodles of happiness
and joy as you celebrate yet another
glorious year, my dear!

You’ve always been an important
part of my life and you’ll continue to
be forevermore!

May you have the happiest of
birthdays today!
As siblings grow up, their paths
can take them on journeys that
go in different directions.

We might not share the same
hometown nowadays but even
with the greatest distance
between us, we will never
grow apart.

Happy birthday to you today,
my dear sister.
I’m sending birthday wishes today to a stepdaughter so great, one of whom is becoming a little grown up right before my very eyes.

It truly is one of the greatest blessings to be the stepmother of such a sweet and kind girl.
Happy birthday and best wishes
to you today, little bro!

It feels like only yesterday that we
were just carefree kids running
around and having fun.

Time moves fast but I’m glad that
we’ll always have those unforgettable
childhood memories to hold on to,
and I’m just so proud of the guy
you’ve grown up to be today.
For a special girl like you 
Who is turning twenty-one
I hope your big day
Is overloaded with fun!

Many congratulations
To you today, my dear!
Happy birthday to you!

If I could give you just a few words of wisdom on your 13th birthday, it would simply be to enjoy your teenage years and just make the most of them as you’ll never get them back! 
Wishing a very happy 60th birthday to my dear dad! May this very special birthday of yours be a truly spectacular one!
Happy birthday, my dear friend!

I wanted to give you some words of
wisdom that will hopefully bring you
some comfort as you turn yet another
year older today, bestie.

So, just remember that no matter how
old you get, you will never truly age as
true beauty comes from within.

Which is pretty lucky for you I’d say, girl!
Happy birthday to us, twin sis!

On our special day, there’s just one important thing I must say, which is that I’m so proud to be a part of this fabulous double act.

I couldn’t be happier or feel more blessed to be cut from the same cloth as you, sis!
Son, I have watched you grow up with great admiration over the last 18 years and if they have been anything to go by, you’re only going to continue getting more wonderful with age.

I wish you all the very best for this exciting new chapter in your life as an adult. Happy birthday and best wishes from dad.
I’m wishing the happiest and most wonderful birthday ever to my gorgeous grandson who turns 2 today. You truly are the warmth in your grandma’s heart, baby boy.
My life wouldn’t be as special if you weren't a part of it. I have learnt so much from you. You gave the best advice and you still do. I could always confide in you. You always listened and you’d never judge me.

May you have a fantastic day and many more to come, my dear aunty!
Happy birthday to the most special boy: our handsome little grandson!

With all our love, your grandparents!
Today’s your birthday!
Have a great one, buddy!

I hope your day is filled
with happiness and
incredible moments!
Happy birthday, little one!

I hope your 6th birthday comes with a super cool party for you to enjoy!
The sweetest, most adorable little girl turns 3 today! Happy birthday, sweetheart!

I’m wishing you a birthday full of giggles and a life full of love.

I hope that you’re smothered with happiness and warmth, my dear, today and always!
Happy birthday to the kind-hearted and strong-minded person I’m lucky enough to call my best friend!

I’m wishing you all the happiness possible on your special day today as you turn another year older, wiser and more wonderful than ever! 
Happy birthday to an outstanding stepmom and a lovely lady in general!

You have brought pure happiness to my life and I'm hoping your special day brings you the same!
Father, the responsibility and sacred
power to serve the Lord’s people was
bestowed upon you, and you perform
your duties with such outstanding
grace and excellence.

We are truly blessed to have such a
compassionate priest such as yourself.

From the entire congregation, we are
wishing you a phenomenal birthday today!
Here comes the birthday train as today someone special is turning two! Choo choo!

Happy birthday to you!
On your special day
I just want to say
That you are the man
I aspire to be and I owe 
So much to you, dad.

Happy birthday, dear father.
You are a part of me.
I don't know how it happened,
Or when it came to be like this,
But now you are a part of me.

If I were to face this world alone
I would feel like an amputee
Forever wondering the earth
Without the best part of me.

Loving you forever so terribly,
My sweetie, I wish you but the best
On this very special day!
Happy Birthday to the best grandma in the world! You are sweet, kind and caring. For all that and more, you are my inspiration and role model.

I’m so lucky to have someone so special in my life. You mean the world to me.

For the most amazing woman who has changed my life for the better, I wish but the very best life has to offer.
On your special day, we want you to know that we appreciate all of the great things you have done for us. Happy birthday, madam!
On this special day, all I want to say to you, big brother, is that a friendship like ours is rare and I know we will continue to be the best of friends for the rest of our lives.

You took me under your wing from day one and I still feel protected by you.

I hope that you have the spectacular birthday you deserve!
Happy birthday to a beautiful lady who deserves the most fantastic birthday ever: my mother-in-law!

You are a truly wonderful woman and I wish you a birthday full of happiness, surrounded by your loved ones!
Referring to you as my stepson wouldn’t
even cross my mind, as to me you are my
son through and through!

Happy birthday, my dear!
Wishing a truly great birthday to
a truly great friend!

I hope you have a birthday that’s
as filled with fun as the parties
we used to have as kids!

Wishing you all the very best on
your special day, my friend!
Happy birthday to someone so very dear to my heart! Not only are you my son, but you’re also my very best friend.

It brings me so much joy to see what a wonderful person you have become.

Enjoy your day, buddy!
Happy birthday to a special someone who truly is a gift from heaven! You might not realize it but to some people, you mean the absolute world.
I’m sending big kisses to the birthday boy today! I hope that your special day is as charming and wonderful as you are!
Sending all my love and the sweetest birthday wishes to your gorgeous baby boy as he turns 1 today!

He is a little angel sent from heaven and you both must be so incredibly proud. Big kisses to you all!
I can’t believe it has already been one whole year since we received the wonderful news that your beautiful baby boy had been born!

A very happy first birthday to your little one and I’m wishing health and happiness to you all!
You don’t need a cape to show that you’re
more or less a superhero!

Actions speak louder than words and what
you do on a daily basis says it all when
determining what kind of person you are!

May you have a well-deserved, magnificent
birthday today!
Happy birthday and all the best for this
important year ahead!

You have a lot going on over the coming
months and not only will it be one of
your most significant academic years,
but it’ll also be a period of your life that
you’ll always remember.
I went on a mission to find you the prettiest thing in the world to offer you for your birthday. But then I realized that this was an impossible mission, since the prettiest thing in the world is you.

Happy birthday, pretty girl!
Wishing my incredible little birthday boy the most fabulous birthday ever!

You bring so much happiness into my life, that on your special day all I want is to see you as happy as you can possibly be!

You are such a remarkable child and I don’t just say that as your mom. Everybody agrees and they regularly tell me just how amazing you are!

I hope that you never change, my wonderful son! 

Sending you all my love, big kisses, and the tightest hugs on your birthday this year!
I’m sending only the most special wishes your way today on your birthday, my dear!

I hope it’s everything you wanted it to be!
Happy birthday, my love!

You have one of the most precious,
beautiful souls out of anyone I have
ever met. Each and every day, I am
thankful for having someone so
incredible in my life.

Thank you for being the truly
extraordinary person that you are!
Happy birthday to my little girl!

May your dreams grow bigger with each passing year that you grow too!
Happy birthday. On your special
day today, I wish you a gift that’s
as special as you are to mankind.

May your faith continue to allow
you to guide others. 
On your birthday this year
I’m sending to you
All of my love so dear
And lots of kisses, too!

Happy birthday, darling!
Many happy returns, reverend father.

For the great holy man you are
And for all the good you do
I’m wishing you a happy birthday
May God continue blessing you.
Many happy returns to a truly spectacular
employee of ours! We’re lucky to have you
and hope that you feel valued every day,
not just on your birthday!

May this year ahead bring you all the
success you deserve.
The birthday boy turns 14 today! Happy birthday! May you enjoy as much cake as you can manage!
My dear sister, I’m wishing you the happiest of birthdays possible today. May you enjoy your special day to the fullest and cherish each day of this new year.
Wherever in the world you are, however much distance there is between us, know that no matter what my heart will always be with you. Happy birthday, my love.
May your birthday shine brightly, girl