Popular Birthday Wishes

I’m sending my greatest prayers and blessings to you on your special day today, my friend.

I hope you’re greeted with an abundance of love on your birthday this year!
Happy 1st birthday to my blue-eyed baby boy! Today we celebrate your first ever birthday, and I hope you always know that you are everything to me. 
Today, I’m wishing a very happy birthday
to someone super important to me who
is currently far away!

I hope these wishes find you well, as they
have some distance to travel to get to you!

All the best to you!
On behalf of all the parishioners here, we
are wishing a very happy birthday to our
mighty fine parish priest!

Our heavenly father chose to send you to
teach us the way, and we are so thankful
that he did! We couldn’t have hoped for a
better priest than you!

May you enjoy your special day in all its
joy and splendor!
I’m extending my very best wishes to you and yours as you celebrate your 29th birthday today!

May you have a joy-filled year ahead!
Officially you’re my sibling’s daughter but
in my heart, you’re my daughter too! I have
so much love for you and you will always
be so much more than just a niece to me!

I’m sending lots of love your way on your
special day today, my dear!
Happy birthday to you today, my sweetheart! I hope you know, on your special day, that you are more precious to me than a rare and enchanting gem!
Happy birthday to you today, my friend.

We may not have been in each other’s
lives that long, but I already feel like
I’ve known you my whole life!
Happy birthday to you, my dear.

I couldn’t have asked for a stepdaughter
to accept and welcome me more warmly
than you have.

You are a very precious girl indeed.
Happy birthday to you, my best buddy!

Make sure you smile for every photo that’s taken of you today, my friend, so at least that way you’ll have something to look back on in a few years and remember what it was like when you used to have your own teeth!
Happy birthday, dad!

You might feel fortunate and blessed on your special day, but the truth is that really I’m the lucky one for being your son!
Happiest of birthdays to you,
my sister from another mister.

Not everyone is lucky enough
to have a friend like you; only
the few fortunate ones have a
friend who’s also like a sister.

I will be eternally grateful for
having a true sister like you
forever by my side, someone
I can always count on
no matter what.
Whether you are near or far away,
my wishes will always be for the
best to come your way.

Happy birthday from your sister,
my dear brother.
Dad, I am so proud to be your daughter simply because of the wonderful man that you are.

Your kindness, selflessness, and positivity are so inspiring and I have learned so much from you on how to treat others. You truly are a gift to mankind.
Sorry, I was writing you a birthday message when I fell asleep. I hope you had a fantastic birthday. Happy belated birthday!
Today we add one more candle to your cake, our beautiful niece!

Have the best birthday ever, dear!
Today marks one more year of
incredible life experiences and
happy memories for us.

I love being married to you, and
our eternal love for each other has
been proven so far by our many
happy years of marriage.

Happy wedding anniversary, my love!
A super cool teenager deserves an equally
cool birthday! Happy birthday to you!

Let’s make sure your birthday party rocks!

That means lots of food, the biggest cake,
and the company of all your closest friends
and family! Have an awesome time, dude!
Happy birthday to my very lovable, but very mad friend!

You're stark raving bonkers, my dear! I hope you have a birthday that is as fun as your personality and as lovely as you are!

Wishing you the best for the year ahead, my dear bestie!
Forty and fabulous!
You’re still rocking it, girl!

Wishing you a very happy
40th birthday today!
Always remember this, my friend:
work hard and play hard. The latter
of which we will be doing later on!

Happy birthday to you today!
Happy birthday to my faraway friend!

You mean the absolute world to me and I want to wish you the best on your special day today! I hope that you’re loving life and living it to the fullest over there!
Today, I’m wishing a fabulous birthday to the lady in charge! Happy birthday!

On your special day, I just want you to know that I hold nothing but the utmost respect for you! You truly are amazing at what you do!
This special day is yours,
It belongs solely to you.
With it comes a small gesture
From me to you.

I wanted to gift you something 
Meaningful, yet understated.
A present that would leave you
Feeling loved and elated.

So my conclusion was this:
A sweet little poem
Designed to really
Get your birthday going!
Happy birthday to you, papa!

I’m hoping that as you blow out all
of the candles on your cake today,
all of your wishes come true for you!
Isn’t it funny how it’s impossible for me to
forget your birthday, yet totally possible
for me to forget to get you a gift!

I have no excuses but really, who needs
fancy prezzies when we have each other!

I don’t want to speak for you, but a twin
sister like you is the best gift life could’ve
given me! Happy birthday to us!
Happy birthday to a dear friend I’m lucky enough to live with, or rather, who’s lucky to live with me!

You truly put the mate in roommate.
My birthday wishes are arriving
fashionably late to your party
this year! Sorry!

Happy belated birthday to you!
Happy birthday, miss! I’m sending some
very special wishes your way, as today
is your most special day!

I hope your birthday celebrations fill your
heart with joy and make you as happy as
you make all those around you.
May you never grow up
My sweet little brother
As that would also mean
I wouldn’t get older, too!

Happy birthday from your
Favorite elder sister!
You must be crazy, girl
They say that a man is only as good
as the woman he’s married to, which
I guess is why I’m so spectacular!
It’s all thanks to you, my love!

Happy birthday, my lovely wife!
Happy birthday to the guy who
brightens my days and fills my life
with laughter! I’m so lucky to have
a boyfriend as funny as you!
Today a wonderful
man is celebrating
another year of life.

He is great, caring,
strong, amazing
in every way, and
I’m lucky enough
to call him dad.

Happy birthday to
my father, the
best man there is!
You were the first to welcome me into the family and you instantly made me feel at home. I could see right away the very special man you are and the many qualities you have.

You are a great husband to my mother-in-law, always treating her so gently. You are an amazing father to my husband, he is so proud of you. You are a fantastic grandfather to my kids, always treating them with so much love and care. And after all of those important roles that you carry out so brilliantly, you still have time for me.

I wish you a day as special as you are.
A great spouse is a rare find.
A great father-in-law is even rarer.
I’m so lucky to have found both.

I wish you a wonderful birthday!
Happy birthday to our brilliant nephew!

Each year of your life that we celebrate makes us realize just how lucky we are to have you in our lives!

We love you so very much! Have a glorious day, our dear nephew!

Lots of love from your auntie and uncle.
Happy birthday to a true wonder in my life!

I am truly blessed to know someone as special as you are, my dear!

Wishing you a fab day!
While everyone else was only wishing you
well and thinking of you yesterday, here I
am still thinking of you today!

You’re lucky to have a great friend like me
in your life! Happy belated birthday to you!
My dear papa, there has never been a better time to tell you how grateful I am for you! I’m sending my best wishes to you on your birthday today!
I’ll be completely honest with you, with all the years stacking up I’ve finally started to lose track of how old you actually are!

Enjoy whatever birthday you’re on now!
Happy anniversary to my wonderful
parents who truly are a match made
in heaven! Here’s to you both and
many more years of happiness!
Many happy returns to you today,
spiritual father.

Today, as you celebrate your
birthday, you become one year
older and a full year wiser.

I am truly blessed to be a part of
your flock and benefit from your
vast knowledge and experience.
Happy birthday, brother. May you be blessed with another glorious year, and may there be no limit to your well-earned success.
Birthdays are a time to be thankful for all the wonderful things in your life, near or far, which is why I’m reminded of what a fabulous sister you are.
I’m sending you the biggest birthday
wishes today as you are so much
more to me than just a great friend.
You are my guiding light, my voice
of reason, and a true brother-like
role model to me.

I hope you have a great one today,
my forever best friend.
Happy birthday to our wonderful leader who is simply superb. You truly are a godsend and we are so lucky to have someone with your focus and drive as our head.

Many happy returns, and here’s to you and many more prosperous years ahead.
I just wanted to post a short message of thanks to show my appreciation for everyone who took time out of their day to send me birthday wishes. I’m truly grateful to each and every one of you!
Happy birthday and best wishes to you on your special day, aunty. I want to take this opportunity to tell you from my heart to yours that to me, you will always be more like a mother.
We all want to take this opportunity to
greet and thank our lovely boss. It is a real
pleasure working under your command.

You inspire us every day. You constantly
push us to try harder and keep us on track
to achieving our goals.

We wish you a long and satisfying life and
career. You will be our eternal inspiration.

May you have a great birthday, madam!