Religious Birthday Wishes

113 happy birthday wishes found:

Praise the Lord for blessing us with a pastor like you!

My love and prayers are with you and your family on this joyous occasion! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to the most wonderful principal in the whole wide world!

May God bless you on this special day of yours for all the good you do for our school and the important role you play in the community.
Today you turn one, my darling daughter, and what a beautiful, bubbly, happy little girl you are!

Your first birthday is just the beginning of many more and may God bless you on each of them, evermore!

Happy birthday, my sweet angel!
Happy birthday to the person with the most beautiful soul of anybody I know: my dear sister!

May God bless you with a birthday full of love and a year filled with happiness.

You deserve all of life’s many wonders!
Happy birthday to you on this special day, my dear.

You are a perfect gift from above, one of which I thank the Lord for each and every day in my prayers.

Have a beautiful day and keep shining on this world so brightly and so graciously!
Mankind is blessed with your presence and I pray that you are blessed in return for all that you are, my dear.

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to a genuinely kind man and a wonderfully unique human being!

May God bless you today and all other days, my friend!
I pray that you feel the warm embrace and all of God’s love on your special day today, my dear!

You truly are one of his finest creations, with your kind and caring soul that touches and brightens the lives of all of those that you meet.

I’m wishing you a very happy birthday today and a blessed year ahead, my dear!
Father, the responsibility and sacred
power to serve the Lord’s people was
bestowed upon you, and you perform
your duties with such outstanding
grace and excellence.

We are truly blessed to have such a
compassionate priest such as yourself.

From the entire congregation, we are
wishing you a phenomenal birthday today!
Happy birthday, dear daughter-in-law! On this day we are supposed to shower you with gifts, but we must say that you are the best gift ever.

You are brave, kind, honest and truthful. You fill our hearts with joy and tenderness. We are as proud of you as if you were our own daughter.

When you came into our family, you became one of us. But little did we know you would change things for the better.

You are an essential part of this family and we are very happy to have you on board!

May the Lord bless you on your every step!
Dearest pastor, you have been a godsend to me in the truest sense. May God bless you today on your birthday and each day to follow.

I, myself, am wishing you many more years of enlightening the lives of others. 
May the Lord’s love surround you today as you celebrate yet another glorious year of life. You are a blessing to the world, so let us celebrate you and everything that you are today.

I’m praying that you have a truly joyous birthday today, my dear.
Another glorious year has passed us by and I pray that the year ahead is just as kind to you, my friend!

I’m sending my most special wishes and lots of love to you as you celebrate your birthday today!
Your dedication to the church is evident
from the passion and energy that you
put into your weekly sermons.

Happy birthday and God bless you
today, dear pastor!
Happy birthday to you!

I’m wishing you the loveliest of days today,
with the hope that this year ahead is filled
with many wonderful blessings for you,
each of which truly touches your heart.

You bring so much joy to so many and it’s
only right that the Lord recompenses you
for all that you do, my dear!

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