The other day you wouldn’t leave my head. Going back and forth, visiting every corner and every inch of my mind. You emerged out of nowhere and never left.
Well, I say the other day, but I really should have said every day.
You could be the other side of the world and my love would still reach you there. I’m sending the loveliest birthday wishes to you from a distance today, sweetie.
It might seem like we’re far apart right now but in my heart, you couldn’t be closer. I would rather have you miles away than not have you in my life at all, my dear.
We might be having to celebrate apart and somewhat different to usual this year but know that in my heart, you’re still just as dear. Happy birthday, my love.
We share a love that’s deep and pure, one that only grows stronger each year, more and more. I couldn’t in my wildest dreams wish for a better significant other than you.
My love, today we celebrate another trip around the sun and what a wonderful year it has been.
May this birthday of yours be a particularly great one that leaves many happy memories and joy that continue warming your heart long after your special day is over. You deserve everlasting happiness, my sweetheart.
It might have taken a romantic relationship to make us realize that we’re better off as just friends, but that doesn’t make you any less special to me.
I wouldn’t ever want to be without you in my life, my dear.
If you’re wondering why I wrapped myself up as a present this year, it’s because I wanted to get you what your heart most desires! Happy birthday, my love!