20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

Thanks to all who sent birthday wishes my way on my special day. I truly appreciate it, guys.

If ever there was a time to be thankful it would be on my birthday, when I see just how many wonderful people I have in my life. I have the best family and friends.
To my loving and beautiful wife
Happy birthday to my perfect wife
I just wanted to say a special thanks to everyone who sent me birthday wishes on my special day. Every word contributed to making my day more magical than I ever could’ve imagined.

Thanks, guys. I truly appreciate it.
Blessed be another year and new age
A truly selfless and warm-hearted person
Happy birthday to my close friend and someone I think very highly of indeed!

I’m sending you the loveliest birthday wishes today in hope that your special day this year is a truly spectacular one and just that little bit more memorable than usual!
A friend like brother like no other
You’re more than a best friend, girl
Many congratulations to you today, my dear! I am hoping that this birthday of yours is extra special, exceeding all of those before!

I’m sending all of my love and my very best wishes to you on this joyous occasion!
Today’s no ordinary day because it’s
your birthday, bestie!

Since there’s no gift better than a friend
like me, I wanted to give you something
more personal that was both touching
and heartfelt.

I thought about baking you a cake, but
I think we both know how that would
turn out! So these birthday wishes will
have to do instead, my friend.

Happy birthday to you!
All the times when I needed you, you were always there for me
Over time you became my true brother
My birthday wishes for you this year
Are extra special, heartfelt, and sincere
As to me, you are simply somebody 
Who is so very extraordinary and dear.

Happy birthday to you from
The very bottom of my heart.

May your special day warm
Your soul in the same way that 
You’ve always warmed mine.
Having you as a twin brother is a win-win
Today marks 25 years of your life
Happy birthday to you, my dear.

May the candles on your cake 
Today shine big and bright
Shining joy on your special day
All through the day and night

I’m sending you the very best
And most special wishes today.
Thanks for the birthday wishes!

I’m so grateful that you took time
out of your day to brighten mine!
Your birthday is coming around fast, and since you’re such a special friend of mine I’m sending your birthday wishes in advance!

After all, the earlier you receive your messages, the longer your celebrations will last! I hope you have a great day!
Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing well. I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all the birthday wishes. I loved every single one of them. Your messages, gifs and jokes really made my day greater.

I haven't yet managed to reply to all of them individually, but rest assured that I will.

Thank you once more for making my day greater!
Many happy returns to you! You deserve a dash of luxury on this special birthday of yours this year!
On this blessed day that is your birthday, let us rejoice and celebrate one more year that you have been gracing us with your presence on this earth.
Many happy returns to you on your
special day.

My only wish for you on your birthday
today is that the good Lord continue to
bless your life. May you rejoice as God
watches over you today and always.
Happy birthday to a friend like no other!

I want you to know that to me you’re not just any old friend, you’re my very best friend. The impact you’ve had on my life has been so touching and far greater than you know.

I’m wishing you a long and happy life, filled with the most magical and memorable times imaginable.
Many happy returns to you today.

May God look upon you and favor you with all of his joy and wisdom, for you truly deserve every blessing that comes your way.

Happy birthday to you. May you enjoy your special day.

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