20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

Life can be measured in many different ways other than merely years, and yours should be calculated by the friendships, experiences and happiness in your life!

Reflect today on all the beautiful wonders you have around you, my dear!

Happy birthday to you!
You are making a bigger mark on this world than you realise, my dear!

I wish you many more years of doing what you do so wonderfully, continuing to bless everyone with your remarkable ways and genuine kindness!

A very happy birthday to you today!
Happy birthday to you today,
my dear best friend!

I thought long and hard about
what I wanted to give you as a
gift this year, but I kept coming
back to the same conclusion
that no gift is as great as a loyal
and forever friend like me!

There are some gifts in life that
even money can’t buy!
Many happy returns!

Remember, nothing is unachievable if you put your mind to it, my dear.

I hope you carry this sentiment with you on your birthday today and beyond!
I always pray for only the best in life to come your way, but I’m praying for just that little bit extra on your special day today. Happy birthday, husband.
Few friends are as in tune
As me and you, they 
Don’t know each other
Half as well as we do. 
I’m so blessed to have 
A dear best friend in you
And I’m so very grateful
For everything you do.

Happy birthday to you,
Bestie, and thank you
For your true, genuine
Friendship now and always.
Wishing you a blessed birthday, my dear. May the Lord’s light guide you in all your endeavours throughout this glorious year ahead.
Focus more on making extraordinary memories and less on counting the years, my dear! Wishing you the very best birthday today!
Many happy returns of the day to a
visionary leader!

Your guidance and direction are truly
inspirational and such a blessing to
each and every employee here!

Thank you for all that you do and I’m
wishing you a wonderful year ahead
of continued success!
I wasn’t sure how to wish you a
belated happy birthday, but I thought it
would probably be best to start off by
apologising for missing the actual day!

Sorry for the late wishes, I hope you
can forgive me! Happy belated birthday!
You are our spiritual shepard,
showing us the way and leading
us towards righteousness.

Happiest of birthdays to you, and
thank you for everything that you do!
Happy birthday, my love! Only the most special girlfriends deserve their birthday wishes in advance!
Happy birthday for today! I hope you have a day filled with happiness and that all of the wishes you make today come true before your next birthday!
Sending sweet wishes your way today on your very special 70th birthday, aunty. 
On your very prestigious 18th birthday, my dear daughter, I’m sending you extra special wishes with all my love. Happy birthday from dad.

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