20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

Happy birthday, my love!

As you become older, my
dear girlfriend, you just get
more and more beautiful!

And I’m not just saying that
because I have to!
Happy 13th, my dear!

This very special coming of age birthday
sees you wave goodbye to childhood and
embark on your journey into adulthood!

I’m wishing you every happiness and all
the success in the world as you welcome
this new adventure!
Happy birthday to somebody who I have a strong desire for: my lover!

Wishing you a glorious birthday this year!
Happy birthday, mam! We are so blessed to have a principal like you who provides so much inspiration each and every day!
Your birthday is a day to be thankful for being your grandchild. I’m so blessed for having you in my life, sharing your love and learning so many wonderful things from you.

Words will never suffice or fully express the love, tenderness and admiration I hold for you.

May God bless you with many more wonderful, healthy years.

I wish you a great birthday, dear granny!
Happy birthday to the most fabulous friend a girl could wish for: my long-lost sister! You’ll always have a very special place in my heart, girl!
Today is my birthday, which means I’m a whole year more incredible!
You may be our daughter-in-law, but in our eyes, you are like our own child. We love you greatly! Happy birthday, dear daughter!
Happy 8th birthday to the best son
in the world! You are my pride and
joy and the apple of my eye, my boy!
Happy birthday to my dear girlfriend!

How is it that you’re yet another year
older, but you look younger than ever!

You are blessed with a youthful
appearance, and I suppose I’m
blessed because of that too!

I hope you have a fabulous birthday,
my love!
My precious princess, today you turn
one year older and more magnificent
than ever. Happy birthday to you!

I couldn’t ask for a more wonderful
or more perfect girl than you; you
truly are everything a father could
wish for in a daughter.
It’s completely understandable that you might be feeling as though I forgot your birthday this year, but that’s simply not what happened! I just couldn’t remember the exact day!

I knew it was around this time, so I at least deserve partial credit for that, right?

Happy birthday to you, anyway!
It truly is a blessing not only to have
you as my brother, but also as my
best friend. Wishing you a very
happy birthday from your sister.
Today my dear friend
You gain one more year
So we must celebrate
With lots of good cheer!

Destined for greatness
You are on your way
I wish you but success
On your special day!

Happy birthday, dear friend!
I’m hoping that this message
Finds you safe and well
Containing the simple wish that 
Your special day is swell!

Happy birthday to you!

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