20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

I have loved, cared, and guided you
under my wing for 18 heart-touching
and memorable years, but today it’s
time to let you spread your own wings
and fly on your own. May there be no
limit to the possibilities of success and
happiness in your life, daughter.

Wishing you a very happy 18th
birthday from mom.
Happy birthday to you, my dear!
Remember that you’re not 60, you
are 18 with 42 years of experience!

All those decades of knowledge have
contributed to making you the funny,
fabulous, and simply great person
that you are today!
Happy birthday to a remarkable man
I’m proud to call my father.

Since the day I was born you have
dedicated your life to protecting me,
teaching me countless lessons, and
making sure I’m always happy.

For those reasons and more, you’ll
always be my hero, dad.
Happy birthday to my wonderful son
who’s turning 19 today!

As you enter this phase of your life, my
dear, remember to always follow your
dreams. You have so much ahead of
you and already I can see what an
amazing man you’re becoming.
Happy birthday to you today, mom.

If I am a good man then it’s all because of you. You raised me well and I’ll always be thankful for the lessons you taught me.

I owe everything to you, mom.
Happy 18th birthday, my dear!

It’s still hard to believe that I’m the aunt to an adult niece! In my eyes, you’ll always be that sweet girl I saw grow up so beautifully.

I’m wishing you nothing but the best for the years ahead, sweetie.
You are my twin and my twin soul! I love you with all my heart! I wish an amazing birthday for the both of us!
Happy sweet sixteenth, my dear!

I can’t believe you’re almost a grown
up! You should be so very proud of
yourself for all that you’ve achieved
in your short life so far!

You are maturing so wonderfully and
it’s truly a joy to watch! It’s as though
you’ve gone from a sweet girl to a
beautiful woman overnight!

I wish you a very happy and
memorable 16th birthday bash!
18 years old, yet it still feels like
only yesterday that you were a baby
and I was cradling you in my arms.

The love I had for you then was
enormous, but each year since
that feeling of love and adoration
has only grown.

You will always be my sweet little
girl, my darling daughter.

Happy 18th birthday to you.
Today is one full of happiness,
celebration, and joy, as it’s
the anniversary of the day
somebody truly incredible
entered this world: you!

Happy birthday, my dear!
Happy birthday, bestie.

It is such a blessing to have a friend so loyal and true who is so completely genuine and trustworthy, too. I found my very best friend in you and I’m truly grateful for that.

I’ll always be thankful that the stars aligned and our paths crossed, starting a friendship that would blossom into something so much more. You’re like a true sister to me, girl.

I hope you enjoy your special day this year and look forward to many more to come.
Sure, you’re getting older, but you’ll always be my annoying little sis! And to be totally honest, I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to you, my beautiful one.

More than anything in the world, I wish we could be together to celebrate your special day in person.

Just know that every moment we’re apart, you’re in my thoughts and in my heart.
17 years ago today someone very special
was born: you!

When you came into the world it changed
for the better, for you are such a special
and uniquely wonderful human being!

Wishing you the very best birthday this
year, my friend!
On the day that you were born, my life changed forever. I received the greatest blessing of my life, and each year on your birthday is simply another reminder of that.

I’m sending all my love to you on your special day today, my baby girl!

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