20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

The place where I lay my head
The place I feel most content
If home is where the heart is
Then you will always be home
For you are the one who puts
A big smile upon my face
You will always be
My happy place.

Happy birthday, my love.
Happy birthday to my handsome
husband who still isn’t showing
his age, or acting it either!

I guess really I’m lucky my hubby
hasn’t changed and that he’s still
the same great man I met and fell
in love with all those years ago!
I watched you learn to walk
And I helped you learn to talk.
No matter how old you get,
I’ll have those memories
To cherish forevermore.

Happy birthday, my dear son.
Happy birthday to a person who's
always happy, positive, helpful,
and simply a joy to be around!

I admire you so much for the
phenomenal person that you are!
May another year full of love, excitement, and adventure await you as you celebrate your special day today! Happy birthday to you, sweetie!
You are a truly special little boy and if there are only seven wonders in the world you must be one of them, my dear! Happy birthday to you!
Happy 14th birthday, my dear!

I still can’t believe you’re a teen already. It feels like only yesterday that you were just a kid, and the image of you becoming a teenager felt like a million years away!
Happy birthday to my sweet mother in heaven, who will forever be my guardian angel. May you continue to sleep well amongst the angels.
Happy birthday, my dear.

Not everyone is as lucky as I am to end up with a wonderful neighbor like you. You are a truly rare and unique blessing.
How incredibly lucky I am
To have a girlfriend like you
For all of the magnificent and
Wonderful things that you do.
The happiness you create
Is clear for everyone to see
And I’ve got the best view
Since I'm as happy as can be.

Happy birthday, my love.
Happy birthday, sister! You might be getting older but some things never change. I’ll always be your shoulder to lean on, no matter what.
As your 11th birthday comes around,
I just want to wish you the very best
in life, my dear granddaughter.

I love you more than anything in the
world, and you continue to be the
most precious person to me.

Happy birthday, my sweet girl.
Happy birthday to a sassy seven-year-old!

I hope that your party today is as full of life as you are, and fills you with all the happiness that your heart deserves, my dear! May you have the sweetest 7th birthday today!
Have the happiest birthday, grandpa!
Inside your selfless loving heart,
You always put me first
No matter what.

I love you more than words can say,
I love you more than I can express.
No words could ever convey
This love I carry in my chest.

I can’t even start to imagine
How hard life would be
If by some ungodly chance
I wouldn’t have you here with me.

Enjoy this very special day,
Enjoy all the years to come,
One last thing I must say
Like you there is none!
Each year as time
passes, you’re
becoming more
and more beautiful.

May this birthday
bring you joy and
fulfill each and every
one of your dreams.

Be happy,
my dear friend!

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