20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

On your very special day this year, I want you to know exactly how much I love you and how I hold you so dear. You are my rock and my guiding light, and I would be lost without you, my love.

May you have the incredible birthday that you so deserve, my handsome husband.
My beautiful daughter, my heart couldn’t be more full of love for you on your special day today. With each year that you grow, my adoration for you grows too. You truly are my biggest blessing and greatest joy.

Happy birthday with lots of love from mom.
I only have one birthday wish for you
twin sisters this year, so you’re going
to have to share it like everything else!

My wish is that you’re able to find
absolute happiness in every single
thing that you do!

Enjoy your special day this year, girls!
Wishing the most darling baby girl her sweetest birthday yet!

You haven’t had many birthdays, little one, but I am hoping that each one just keeps getting better and better!

All my love to you and to your wonderful parents on this happy day!
I might not look forward to school
each day, but I definitely look
forward to seeing my school friend!

Happy birthday, bestie! 
The pain of losing you 
Is still so raw
Like nothing I’ve ever 
Experienced before. 

The fact remains 
That to me you are 
The most important person 
And always will be, by far.

Happy birthday, mom.

I’m sending all my love to you
Up there in heaven today.
Happy birthday to you today!

I couldn’t be happier that my mom picked you to be my stepdad! She obviously has good taste and knows a good man when she sees one!

I hope your special day brings as much happiness to you as you bring to us each and every day!
Sometimes I wish you were my sister
But then I worry we might fight
So to have you as a cousin
Seems to be just right!

Happy birthday to you!
Someone as spectacular and extraordinary
as you deserves to be celebrated more
than just once a year!

You’re kind, caring, sweet, and a joy to be
around. You’re a person I truly hold dear.

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to the most intelligent
person in our class.

Your dedication to your schoolwork is
so inspirational and I sincerely hope
that you achieve everything you are
striving for this year, as you deserve
it more than anyone I know.
Happy birthday to a wonderful male nurse!

You pull off a role that is so complex and
demanding with such amazing grace.
You are supernatural, surely!
When we were growing up together
we were always inseparable, and I
don’t know what I would do without
you, cousin!

You are my best friend and have
always been more like a brother
to me than a cousin.

Have a smashing birthday, and I
wish you all the happiness in the
world on your special day!
You may be two separate individuals, but you are like two peas in a pod. You read each other’s minds and you finish each other’s sentences. If you were any closer, you would be conjoined twins.

Happy birthday to the closest twins ever!
Happy birthday to the second
most beautiful person in the
world after me, of course!
Happy birthday to my partner in crime and the person I know I’ll spend the rest of my life with!

Lots of love to you on your special day!

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