20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

Happy birthday to a sister who is a master of disguise! On the outside, you appear adorable and cute, but inside there hides a naughty little monster!
Happy birthday to a very special
granddaughter, who is the light and
life of this family!

Your bright personality and
positiveness never fail to light up
any room, and family gatherings
are always better when you’re around!

Thank you for providing us with yet
another glorious year of happiness!

Wishing you the very best birthday, dear!

All our love,
Gramms & Gramps
Happy birthday to my beautiful wife!

We are the best team, a partnership
like no other with the strongest alliance.
You are always there for me,
and I'm always there for you.

The best part of my day is waking
up beside you each morning.
You are my everything and I just
want you to know how much I
appreciate and value you, for
everything that you do for us.

Have a wonderful day, my love!
Happy birthday to an incredibly
cute baby girl!

You are a pleasure to be around
as you hardly ever throw tantrums
and you’re always smiling!

That’s very rare to find in a child
of your age! Never stop being as
adorable as you are now! 

Wishing you a very happy birthday
today and a lifetime filled with
happiness, sweet girl!
May your path in life always lead you to true love, true happiness, and wonderful accomplishments. Happy birthday to you today, my friend!
Happy birthday to my little sis who is blossoming into a beautiful young woman!

I’m so proud of the person you’re becoming, my dear!
Happy birthday to you today!

Another year older means another new wrinkle to welcome! Just remember that being a grumpy old man about it and frowning all the time will only make it worse and create more!

I hope you enjoy your special day!
Happy birthday to the sweetest, most genuinely caring and compassionate person in the whole world: my dear granddaughter!

Whenever I talk to people about you, my face lights up and my heart fills with love. You make me so incredibly proud to tell people that you’re my granddaughter.

I hope this year is kind to you, at least as kind as you are to everyone else. Have a fabulous birthday, sweetie!
Happy birthday to you today, mom.

There’s no other bond out there that’s
quite as special and unique as that
shared between a son and his mom,
and I’ll treasure ours forever. 

Thank you for being the best mother
a kid could wish for.
Happy birthday to somebody who has been a big part of my past, a special part of my present, and a bright part of my future.

There’s nobody I’d rather always have around in my journey through life.

I'm wishing you a truly wonderful birthday, my dear!
Happy birthday to the most
handsome man around!

I’m sending you a kiss for
each year of your life today!
What an exciting time in your life!
You’re a teenager now!

You’re growing up, heading towards
adulthood, but remember you don’t
have to grow up too quickly for you
still have many teenage years to enjoy!

Take it slow and enjoy your youthful years!

Many congratulations and a very happy
birthday to you! I hope you have an
amazing and very memorable day!
Today is a very special day indeed for
it’s your birthday, my dear!

It’s the day you’ve been waiting all year
to arrive, and it finally has!

Happy birthday to you! I hope that it’s as
special as you had hoped it would be!
Wishing a friend like no other the
very best birthday today!

You are a superior friend, my dear.
I would go as far as to say that you
fall more into the sister category.

You are such an important person
to me that you feel much more like
family than merely just a friend!

All my love to you on your special
day, bestie!
A friendship as beautiful as ours truly is one of the most wonderful and precious gifts any girl could hope for. I’m so lucky that I found my soul sister in you.

Love you, girl! Happy birthday to you!

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