20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

To a friend so dear
To a friend so true
On this very special day
I wish a happy birthday to you!

Enjoy your day surrounded
By those you love most
And have the very best time
You could possibly have!
Sometimes I feel like shouting to the world how much I love you and how lucky I am to have beside me the most wonderful boyfriend.

Thank you for being so amazing, and for loving me! I’m glad that today we can celebrate yet another year of your life. We have everything we need and lots of dreams to chase together. I can’t wait for every single experience we still have to live.

Happy birthday, hun!
To someone who is so much
more than just a dear friend,
today I am wishing a wonderful
birthday to my very special sister!

We might not be related by blood,
but we are completely connected
by the heart!

Happy birthday to you today, girl!
Happy birthday, my grown-up son!

Seeing you grow from a little boy into a great man has been one of my greatest joys in life!
Happy 5th birthday to a brave and charming little prince!

I hope your special day takes you on some really exciting adventures!
Often crazy but always great fun to be around, you’re my cousin brother and I wouldn’t have you any other way! Happy birthday to you!
A separation of parents can be hard on any kid, but you made it so much easier with your incredibly tender-hearted and caring nature.

Thank you for stepping in and being a mother to me. Wishing you pure happiness today on your birthday!
We have been friends for as long as I can remember and somewhere along the way you kind of just merged into my daily life!

You are my best friend and I can’t imagine a world without you in it, my dear!

Thank you for your genuine friendship and loyalty over all these years!

Wishing you a truly magnificent birthday!
Happy 27th birthday to you, my friend!

I hope that with this new age comes lots of new and exciting experiences, lots of happiness and that you gain some truly wonderful and lasting memories!

Wishing you the very best today!
There are lots of things that I’m
grateful for, but my proudest claim
in life will always be that I’m able
to say I have you as a father.

You are the greatest role model
and that will always be something
I am incredibly thankful for.

I’m wishing you the very
happiest birthday, dad.
Happy birthday, mam. Don’t view another birthday as simply becoming another year older, see it as one more year that has been added to your wisdom.
I wish you nothing but the very best of luck this semester. May all your dreams come true on your birthday!
Happy Birthday to my brother from another mother! You’re a wonderful addition to this family and your presence livens up any party or occasion!
Happy birthday, twinnie! Today is our
special day and yet again I’m glad to
be sharing it with you.

You mean the world to me and I simply
couldn’t wish for a better brother than
you, let alone wish for a better twin! 
There is nothing purer and more
endearing than the laughter and
happiness of a child and so today,
on your very special day, I am
hoping that you get to experience
lots of both!

May you have the most magnificent
birthday today, kiddo!

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