20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

How did I get so lucky to end up with a
fab roomie like you! Sometimes I have
to pinch myself to make sure it’s real!

Happy birthday to you, and here’s to
many more fun years of living together.
Happy 12th birthday to you! Just one more year now until you’re a teenager! I hope you enjoy your final year of being a kid!
I can still remember when we were
both fresh-faced and new to our
school. Neither of us knew anyone
and everything seemed quite daunting.

But then we started talking, and I
quickly realised I had found my new
best friend! 

You made everything seem less
intimidating and you were always there
to support me through anything, and
you still are in fact.

I’m so lucky that my oldest school friend
is still my very best friend, and always
will be! 

Wishing you all the happiness on your
special day! Happy birthday!
My dear big sister, how is it that with
each birthday you get another year
older, yet you never seem to age a
day! I hope that trait runs in our genes!

I’m wishing you an amazing and
beautiful birthday today, sis!
As you turn fifteen today, I just wanted to send you a little message to say that you are blossoming so beautifully, and ageing so perfectly.

I wish you nothing but happiness and great adventures ahead, my dear!

A very happy 15th birthday to you today!
My dear girl, the apple of my eye, I want to wish you the very best birthday today!

You have always been the definition of the perfect daughter, and I want to thank you for always making my job as your mom so incredibly easy and blissful!

I hope you enjoy many more wonderful birthdays yet to come! Sending you all the motherly love in the world today!
Happy birthday to my little ray of sunshine, my dear granddaughter!

Wishing you all the happiness in the world on your special day!
Don’t look so glum, chum!
It’s only another year!

At this point, one more really
doesn’t make much difference
anyway! Happy birthday, buddy!
Happy birthday, special one!

You are incredibly precious to me and so very dear to my heart! I hope you have a good one today!
Happy birthday, cousin!

We’ve shared so many funny moments and good times together over the years, far too many for me to quote!
Happy birthday to my dear mother, who now peacefully and graciously watches over us from the heavens above.

When you were still here on earth you loved me unconditionally, and you can be sure that I, your loving daughter, will always love you back just the same.

Miss you always, ma.
Happy birthday to you today, my main
man! You always have, and always will
be, a very special friend of mine.
I’m a little ahead of the game, but your birthday is so special that even the days before are important!

Let the celebrations commence!
Many congratulations to you as you
celebrate your big 6-0 today!

May this very special milestone birthday
bring lots of joy to your heart and many
wonderful memories for you to cherish
for all the years to come!

Happy birthday!
You hold the key to my heart and the secret to my happiness. I am so blessed to have a wonderful and beautiful wife like you. Happy birthday, my love ❤️

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