20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

Happy birthday, bro!

Year after year, I see it becoming
more evident that as you grow up
you’re becoming more and more
like our father!

You’re making everyone so proud
of the wonderful man that you’re
growing up to be!
Happy birthday, sweetie!

I always thought that as you age you’re supposed to look older as well but like most other things, you appear to be stubborn with that too!

Just that this time around it’s actually something you’re stubborn about that I can get on board with!
Happy birthday to the world’s most
wonderful dad! I couldn’t feel more
blessed to be your daughter. 
13 today! Look at you all grown up, my dear! Wishing you the happiest birthday and an incredible start to being a teenager!
You have a big heart
Full of warmth and care
With so much to give
And so much to share!

Happy birthday to you!
Simply being related to me would be enough of a gift in itself, but you lucked out with the double bonus of being my twin brother! Happy birthday to us!
Happy 7th birthday to you, my gorgeous granddaughter! You are my whole entire heart and I couldn’t possibly love you any more than I already do!

May your birthday today bring you the same level of happiness that you bring to me each day!
Here’s to the person we’re all here to celebrate today: the birthday beauty!

Wishing you greatness, always, and may your life forever shine brightly like the beautiful star that you are, my dear!

A very happy birthday to you! Cheers!
Happy birthday to a super special friend of mine! Each year you shine brighter than ever before!
On your special day, little princess, I want you to know how lucky we feel for having you in our lives.

You may drive us a little crazy sometimes… crazy with love for you. You have brought so much love into our lives that the least we could do is love you back. I hope you always know how loved you are.

Have a love-filled birthday, baby girl!
Wishing a very happy birthday to my
gorgeous girlfriend!

I know that I tell you this all the time,
but you are the most beautiful person
in the world to me. Waking up next to
you and seeing your beautiful smile is
the very best start to my day and the
highlight of my day.

I will do whatever I can to make sure
that you feel as loved as you possibly
could today on your special day, my
dear! You mean everything to me!

Lots of love and big kisses to you, my
darling girlfriend!
Happy birthday, my friend! I hope this day brings you nothing but joy and much love from those closest to you.

You were always a good friend to me and never turned your back on me, and for that reason alone you can count on me to support you through thick and thin, forever and ever.

I care about you dearly and wish you only the best. Smile, thrive, today, tomorrow and always!
Today is a very significant day indeed, as we get to celebrate how wonderful you are and give thanks for everything you do!

I am so lucky to have such an incredible, beautiful, caring wife to spend each day with. Being able to experience all the great things in life with my best friend by my side truly is a blessing.

If I could achieve just one aim in life, it would be to make you as happy as you make me, each and every single day.

Happy birthday, my dear wife! I hope your day is as spectacular as you are!
Happy birthday to someone
who is more than just a mate!

You are my soulmate, which
means we have an even
deeper connection than
anyone else in our lives.

We are, and always have been,
destined for each other! We
are a perfect match and we
work so well together!

I love you with all my heart,
my dear soulmate!
Having a cousin like you growing up meant that I had the best childhood possible.

To me, I’ll always see you not only as my cousin but also as a best friend and sister.

Happy birthday to you, and thank you for all the happy memories, my dear.

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