20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

Many happy returns, reverend father.

For the great holy man you are
And for all the good you do
I’m wishing you a happy birthday
May God continue blessing you.
Happy birthday to you! You’ve really come
into your own since becoming a teenager,
and it truly is a joy to see that bubbly
personality of yours shining through!

You’re larger than life, always cracking
jokes and making people laugh. This
phase of your life seems to be suiting
you very well!

Continue to enjoy your teenage years,
and we’ll continue to enjoy watching
you blossom!
Many congratulations to you
On decade number eight
May the years that follow
Be absolutely first-rate!

Happy 80th birthday!
For the most selfless priest I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing, today is a day that’s all about you, to celebrate you and all of the good that you do. May you have a blessed birthday this year, father.
Happy birthday, boyfriend!

Guys like you with a sweet soul and a kind heart don’t come along often, which is why I consider myself to be very lucky to have a wonderful guy like you in my life. You truly are my happiness.
For a truly wonderful person, 
May this special day of yours 
Be just the beginning of another 
Spectacular and wonderful year!

Happy birthday to you!
For a special girl
On your special day
My only wish for you
Is that all of your hopes 
And dreams come true.

May you have the most
Remarkable birthday today, 
And here’s to a wonderful 
Year ahead for you.
Happy birthday to my all-time favourite
godson! To me, you will always be like
one of my own.

I hope you know that you can count on
me for anything you might need. Lots of
love from your ever-adoring guardian!
Happy birthday to my new favorite 14-year-old! May your second year of being a teenager be even better than the first!
Happy birthday to you today
My pride and joy, my son.

However old you become
However big you grow
My heart will always belong to you
That I want you to always know.

I’m sending you all the love a
Father could have, my boy.
Happy birthday to a sister who is a master of disguise! On the outside, you appear adorable and cute, but inside there hides a naughty little monster!
Happy birthday to my beautiful wife!

We are the best team, a partnership
like no other with the strongest alliance.
You are always there for me,
and I'm always there for you.

The best part of my day is waking
up beside you each morning.
You are my everything and I just
want you to know how much I
appreciate and value you, for
everything that you do for us.

Have a wonderful day, my love!
Daughter of mine,
I remember the day
you were born as
clearly as yesterday;
it was the happiest
of my life.

Today we celebrate
it yet again, for you
have cast your
beautiful light upon
our lives for yet
another year.

Happy birthday, love!
As it’s your birthday today, I wanted to take
the opportunity to tell you something that
has been on my mind for a while now…
I may have just the tiniest crush on you! 

It’s no big deal and I’ve totally got it under
control, though! I’m keeping it super cool!

I hope you have a great birthday, you
beautiful person!
Today is a very special day,
as a cheeky little girl who we
all adore is turning the very
impressive age of four!

I’m sending all my love to you
today, and I’m wishing you tons
of happiness forevermore!

Happy birthday, little one!

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