20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

There aren’t many little brothers
Who are quite as lucky as you
That have an elder sister like me
As in the world, there are few!

Happy birthday!
I wish you nothing but the very best of luck this semester. May all your dreams come true on your birthday!
Happy Birthday to my brother from another mother! You’re a wonderful addition to this family and your presence livens up any party or occasion!
Son, not only are you another year older, but today you also reach a very special milestone in your life.

I have to tell you, I am so incredibly proud of all your achievements so far, and I am so very proud to be your father. You have become a truly great man over the past 18 years.

May your adult years ahead bring you all that you deserve, son. Wishing you a very happy 18th birthday from dad.
Happy birthday, twinnie! Today is our
special day and yet again I’m glad to
be sharing it with you.

You mean the world to me and I simply
couldn’t wish for a better brother than
you, let alone wish for a better twin! 
There is nothing purer and more
endearing than the laughter and
happiness of a child and so today,
on your very special day, I am
hoping that you get to experience
lots of both!

May you have the most magnificent
birthday today, kiddo!
I couldn’t ask for a more phenomenal, more supportive stepmother than you! I am so grateful for you and I hope you know that!

My wish for your birthday this year is that all of your hopes and dreams come true for you! Happy birthday!
You are the light of my life, the person who
warms my soul. You’re the one who makes
me smile, and makes me feel whole.

There isn’t any other person on this planet
who is more special to me than you. You
truly are my everything.

I’m wishing the happiest birthday possible
to you today with all my love, my dear.
How did I get so lucky to end up with a
fab roomie like you! Sometimes I have
to pinch myself to make sure it’s real!

Happy birthday to you, and here’s to
many more fun years of living together.
Praise the Lord for blessing us with a pastor like you!

My love and prayers are with you and your family on this joyous occasion! Happy birthday to you!
Happy 12th birthday to you! Just one more year now until you’re a teenager! I hope you enjoy your final year of being a kid!
I can still remember when we were
both fresh-faced and new to our
school. Neither of us knew anyone
and everything seemed quite daunting.

But then we started talking, and I
quickly realised I had found my new
best friend! 

You made everything seem less
intimidating and you were always there
to support me through anything, and
you still are in fact.

I’m so lucky that my oldest school friend
is still my very best friend, and always
will be! 

Wishing you all the happiness on your
special day! Happy birthday!
Sure, I have great memories of us
growing up together, but I also have
many wonderful memories which
are much more recent, too!

I feel very blessed to have shared this
journey so far with a girl as great as you.

Happy birthday to you and thanks for
always sticking around!
Happy birthday, my sweetheart. Marrying you was the smartest decision I’ve ever made as since then, you’ve truly brightened each and every day for me.
As you turn fifteen today, I just wanted to send you a little message to say that you are blossoming so beautifully, and ageing so perfectly.

I wish you nothing but happiness and great adventures ahead, my dear!

A very happy 15th birthday to you today!

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