20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

Happy birthday to you, my true brother
at heart!

I’m thrilled to have a brother-in-law in
you but even if you hadn’t become my
sister’s husband, we would still be
close friends and you would still mean
just as much to me as you do now.

I hope you know how important you
are to me and to this family.
Happy birthday to my handsome man!

I hope you know I’ll still love you when
you’re old and gray, which going by this
birthday probably isn’t too far away!

I’m sending you lots of love and kisses
today, birthday boy!
Wherever it is that you are in the world, today or any other day in the future, you will always be on my mind and in my heart.

I’m wishing you the happiest birthday possible from afar, my dear one!
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I hope you know always
How much I love you!

Happy birthday, sweetie!
Brothers and sisters share a bond that is deep and true, and I feel truly blessed to have that special sibling connection with you. We’re very lucky to have each other, and I hope you know that I will always be there for you. 

Happy birthday from your favourite person in the whole wide world: your dear sister. 
You’re the sweetest sister
Through and through
You’re everything and more
A sister could be and do.

A bond filled with trust
Is what we share
Whenever I need you
You are always there
A sisterhood so pure
No other can compare
A unique connection
One that’s so rare.

Know that I’ll always
Be there for you too, sis. 

May you have the happiest
And most touching birthday
Possible, my dear sister. 
Happy birthday to you today, my sweetheart.

On your special day this year, I just want you to know that you are the most important woman in my life and the person who brings genuine, endless happiness to my heart. Love you always. 
Having a dear sister such as yourself
gives me all the strength I need in life.

You are my inspiration and knowing
that I always have your full support
gives me the confidence to go for
gold in every endeavor!

I’m wishing you the best birthday
possible today!
This toast is to you, my dear friend!

May your days always be jolly, spent
in the good company of great friends!

Happy birthday to you!
You are more than just a boss; you are a kind woman and an incredible mentor!

All the very best to you on your birthday this year!
Happy birthday, bro! 

Like lots of little brothers you were
naughty, mischievous, cheeky, and
sometimes annoying growing up,
and I’m so glad to see that nothing
has changed since then!

May you never change, my dear
younger brother!
Today’s a wonderful and very important day as it’s our birthday, my dear sister!

Some twins grow apart as they get older, but I am so thankful that we only seem to become closer, sis. I’ll always cherish the very special bond that we’ve been gifted with.
Another year brings another 
birthday to celebrate a brother 
who is simply unlike any other. 
You are a godsend of a sibling 
and I’ll forever be grateful to be 
your sister. 

Happy birthday, dear brother. 
May your special day bring the 
same warmth and happiness to 
your heart as you bring to mine. 
Happy birthday, doc! For someone who
is always looking out for everyone else,
I’m prescribing you a huge dose of
happiness and a day filled with joy!

I hope your special day this year is a
truly unforgettable one!
Happy birthday to the most special man in my life: my dear boyfriend. Anyone would be lucky to have someone as special as you in their lives. I know I am.

Here’s to you today on your special day, and to many more long years of enjoying each other’s company and making memories together. Wishing you happiness every day, my love.

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