20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

Happy 70th birthday! They say age is only a number, it just so happens that in your case that number is a pretty big one!
Happy birthday to the
smartest teenager I know!

You are certainly wise
beyond your years!
Today, I have the pleasure of wishing you a very happy birthday, my super amazing, lovely and generous uncle!

I hope that when you’re deciding what gift to get me on my next birthday, you bear in mind what a nice birthday message I sent you on yours!
Happy seventeenth birthday, my dear friend! I hope that this brand new year of your life brings you many great adventures and wonderful experiences to enjoy!

You’re a fantastic friend and a really lovely human being who deserves but the best life has to offer!
Happy birthday!

You might think that your best years are already behind you, but actually they’re only just beginning!

Now you can finally slow down, relax, and enjoy life!
It’s rare to find two people
Who are as amazing as you
And as beautiful as me
There’s only one explanation
Twin sisters, we must be!

Happy birthday to us!
I’m wishing you the happiest birthday possible today my dear, sweet girl.

The amount of love and happiness that you have brought into my life since you became my stepdaughter is more than I could ever have imagined possible.

You truly have given me the best gift, and I just hope that I can bring as much joy to you as you’ve given me.
My little man is getting older as it is his birthday today!

May there be no limit to your happiness and always remember that no matter how old you get, you’ll always be my little boy and I’ll always be your adoring mom.
Happy birthday to a very special godmother indeed! 

You have brought so much happiness into my life and ensured that there has never been a shortage of love surrounding me. You’re a very unique and important person to me! 

I hope you enjoy your special day today!
Happy 70th birthday to you, my dear! There’s no gift greater than that of what you already have, as you have the fabulous secret to staying young!
Happy birthday, honey.

I couldn’t be any happier in life
than I am with you in it. ❤️️
I don’t know what I did to deserve it,
but it truly is a blessing to have such an
incredible person right on my doorstep.

Happy birthday to you today.
Today is a momentous occasion and a truly wonderful turning point in your life which sees you become a woman but know that no matter how old you get, you will always be my sweet little girl.

Happy 18th birthday to you, my dear.
Happy birthday to you, my dear.

Seeing how happy you make my
son is all any parent could ever
wish for. I’m so happy that the
two of you found each other.

I hope your special day this year
is everything you deserve.
Today, my dear, you turn just 4-years-old, but anyone meeting you for the very first time would think you are so much older!

You are already so grown up and you are so smart, you are definitely beyond your years already, little one!

I’m wishing you all the happiness possible for a bright future and a wonderful 4th birthday today!

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