20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

I’m so lucky to have a friend as outrageous and as funny as you as you are truly unique; there’s simply nobody else like you! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to you today!

For me, there are few other people in
our class as intelligent and dedicated
to their studies as you are. You truly
are an inspiration.

I’m wishing you every success and I
hope you continue on this great path.
The only difference between you and an ordinary brother is the title. You’re a true sibling to me in every sense of the word.

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to someone I admire and
respect with all my heart: my dear father!

You truly are my idol, dad!
Today’s the 12th birthday
Of someone seriously cool
So for this awesome person
I’m wishing the best day of all!
Happy birthday to a one of a kind mom!

I want you to know that you have one grateful daughter, mom!
Today, on this momentous day of yours, I am sending a birthday message full of love from my heart to yours, my sweetheart! Happy birthday to you!
For all that you are
And all that you do
Nobody deserves a bigger
Slice of cake than you!

Happy birthday to you.
For someone who enriches my life to no end, I am wishing the most lavish birthday possible! You are such a genuinely wonderful person and to have you in my life is one of the biggest blessings.

There isn’t a single day that goes past where I would take you for granted; I appreciate you and everything that you do.

Happy birthday and I'm sending all my love to you today!
Happy birthday to a kind and caring friend who always has time to listen and support me in times of need! You’re a great guy and an even better friend!
With you I’ve shared some of the most wonderful memories, and most of them we shall not talk about out loud.

But seriously, thanks for being such a good friend to me, and please, be happy! Especially today, the day to end all days, your birthday.

Wishing you joy and all the good stuff you so rightfully deserve!
Happy birthday to someone I still really respect: my dear ex-boyfriend!

We’re no longer an item, but I’m just as thrilled to have you as a good friend! We will always have a special connection, that I am sure of!
Happy birthday from one wise
elder sister to her younger and
more beautiful baby sister!

I was trying to think of something
funny or witty for your birthday
message this year, but all I could
think of was silly jokes and cliche
anecdotes. I guess you got the
gift of being both the younger
one and the funny one, sis!
I wish so many good things for you today
on your special day, for you are someone
who is special in every single way. May
each moment meet you with tenderness,
filling your heart with endless happiness.

Happy birthday, my dear.

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