20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

Happy birthday, son!

To simply say that you are loved would be the biggest understatement in history! You’re my whole heart and I’d do absolutely anything for you.
Happy birthday to my favorite girl and a super sweet lover like no other! You never fail to put a great big smile upon my face!
Happy birthday, my dear cousin!

I just wanted you to know, on your special
day this year, that I always want to keep
you close to me.

Partly because you’re like a brother to me,
but mainly because you know so many of
my secrets!
Happy birthday to you!

Someone with a heart as big as yours
deserves to be celebrated more than
just once a year. I’m grateful for you
each and every day.
I’ll still love you when you’re old and
wrinkly, and I’ll even love you when
your looks start to go.

If your hair becomes grey or you start
to bald, I’ll still love you just the same.

Which is lucky for you, because judging
by this birthday all of that isn’t too far off!

Happy birthday, my handsome boyfriend!
I’ll always remember the first time that we met! I knew right there and then that I had found my best friend and sister for life.

Happy birthday, my lovely!
Happy birthday to my dear elder
brother who is always there - always
there to annoy me!

I can always count on you to wind
me up and irritate me to no end, so
thanks for that.

In truth, though, I wouldn’t have it
any other way. I couldn’t be without
you, bro!

I hope you have a great day and I’ll
do everything I can to antagonize
you in return!
Wishing a very
happy birthday
to my cousin
who’s like no other,
I truly see you
more as a brother!
Wishing you a very happy birthday today!

I know we don’t have an employee of the month award, but if we did, it goes without saying that you would win it every month!

All the very best, and I hope you have a smashing birthday!
It is a pleasure to know such a sweet, kind, and well-mannered child like you, my dear!

You truly are a credit to your parents who I know are so proud of you!

I’m wishing you a spectacular birthday today and the most wonderful party!
Growing up we might have fought
We’d annoy each other non-stop
We got on each other’s nerves
For any other sibling I’d swap.

But I’ve grown to learn I’m very lucky
As baby sisters like you there are few
And deep down the truth is that 
I’d never trade a sister like you!

Happy birthday, my dear sister!
Star-crossed lovers from the start, we were never meant to be romantically. I’m still grateful to have a guy like you in my life as a friend though! Happy birthday!
Birthdays are special as they only come
once a year, but your friendship is even
more special as a unique bond like ours
comes around but once in a lifetime.

Happy birthday to you, bestie.
Wishing you a very happy birthday,
my dear friend and beloved ex!

I must’ve been crazy to have ever
let you go, but I am so glad that I
had the opportunity to experience
so many great moments with you.

I’m genuinely happy that you have
found happiness and I am glad that
we still keep in touch.

All the very best to you
on your special day!
It’s natural for people to want to care for
the elderly, so don’t be surprised if they
start offering you help when crossing the
street! Happy birthday, old lady!

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