20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

My darling girl turns 10-years-old today!

You’re growing up and blossoming into such a kind, gentle and caring young lady!

I couldn’t be any happier or prouder of how you are turning out, my dear!

I hope you have an amazing day as you deserve and the absolute best birthday party this year, seeing as it is your very special 10th birthday!
Happy birthday to you today, my
handsome love.

You always mean everything to me
and so much more than words alone
can say, whether you’re here close to
me or even from a distance, far away.

So for someone so truly outstanding
in my life, I hope you have the most
wonderful day possible. Enjoy your
special day, my love.
I wish for happiness to bless your life each and every day, but I’m hoping that it does just that little bit more so on your special day today!

You are such a sweet child, so may you have a truly joyous birthday today!
Happy birthday to my adventure-loving buddy and co-explorer!

My dear doggo, it’s simply a fact that journeys and hikes wouldn’t be nearly as much fun without you by my side!

I am looking forward to many more years to come of fun exploring together!
If I told you that you’re the second most beautiful person in the world I’m sure you would agree, because as we both know the first and foremost is obviously me!

Happy birthday to you today, my handsome man!
My love, I can’t imagine a world where you are not my husband. If such a world would exist, I would be but forever melancholic and infinitely sad.

I would have been so lost in life without all of your love and support throughout the years. Thank you for being my very own cheerleader, my rock and my friend.

You are everything that is right and good in my life. To everyone else in this world, you may be just a man, but to me, you are the world.

Happy birthday to my dear husband, the man who deserves but the best and to whom I wish nothing but endless joy and happiness!
Dear cousin, on your birthday I
want to take the opportunity to tell
you what you mean to me.

You’re my best friend and the
closest that a relative can be.
You are my brother.

Our brotherhood is something that
I am so grateful for. It’s a friendship
like no other, an alliance for life
so strong it’s unbreakable.

So for someone I hold such
high regard for, I wish you endless
joy and nothing but happy moments
in life not just today on your birthday,
but every day.

Have a great one, buddy!
Happy birthday to someone so very special to me who will always be my best bud!

Enjoy your wonderful day today!
Happy birthday to you today, my dear! On your special day this year, I just wanted to thank you for being the wonder and bright light in my life that you are!

You are one of my nearest and dearest, the glue that holds everything together. You are the one person I can count on to make everything better!
Happy birthday, my friend.

On a year that is certainly going to be demanding and bring its share of challenges for you, I hope you still find time to laugh and enjoy yourself.

I’m wishing you all the best, as always.
Happy birthday, weirdo!

When we’re together it is pure
and utter craziness, my friend!

We’re definitely the weirdest
people I know!

I hope you enjoy an awesome
birthday and a year ahead
that’s filled with even more
crazy stuff, bestie! 
Wishing a happy and blessed birthday to my favourite teacher of all time! I’m very fortunate to have found such a wonderful mentor in you!
A very happy 21st birthday to you!

I hope that your day is filled with
celebrations, and that on this very
special day you’re surrounded by
those who you love most in the world!

Have a drink for me! Cheers!
Every day should be special
for a fabulous girlfriend like
you, but I’m wishing that today,
on your birthday, it’s just that
little bit extra special.

Happy birthday, my love.
Happy birthday, girl! You are the most trustworthy of all my friends. I love spending time with you; we always have so much fun. I hope we stay friends for all of our lives.

I wish you but the very best on your special day!

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